Blogchatter prompts and Pandora’s box!A failure that changed me?
This is a loaded question.I strictly believe all experiences good or bad are stepping stones to success.
That’s why the failure that changed my life is a blessing in disguise.But believe me, it didn’t feel that way then!
The sob story
I wanted to work in Kolkata.So after doing my postgraduate in Delhi, I convinced my hubby to shift back to Kolkata.I proclaimed there were hospitals and Government jobs waiting to fall into our laps!
Reality check!
While it’s easier for a man to get a job, an equally qualified woman faces so many hurdles, which absolutely no one talks about.
The horrible thing came to a standstill when I faced strange questions about my family planning plans at not one but several of my job interviews.
This gave me a shock like nothing ever did.I was a married woman agreed.But I was a fully qualified doctor willing to work.People were already counting the hours they would have to pay me for while I had a baby.
From a business standpoint, it makes a twisted, shortsighted kind of sense. But as a woman growing up in modern India, this was a twist to the fairytale which didn’t seem to have a knight in a shining armor.
My hubby was a strong, silent supporter through this.He wiped my tears.Reminded me to keep optimistic and study harder, keep teaching.
I freelanced, taught and made a pretty good turnover, even though none of it was definitive.I still wanted the job but I also wanted more.
In the meantime, I had a baby joined work after 2 weeks of delivering.No paid maternity leave at all.All leaves were unpaid.
This was my biggest failure as a fully qualified professional.No control over my career, financial independence, and little choice.I felt and that’s when I knew I will do whatever it takes to be a mompreneur.Online or offline I will always be a doctor, but I will build my own online empire.Maybe it will be one pixel at a time.But one day I wish to show another way for all those fully qualified women who are ignored, passed over because they decide to be moms!
That’s my journey to find how to make money online.
I am learning and doing it.
But it’s not a business yet, it’s a baby bird just learning to fly.But I will one day fly high.That’s a promise I made to myself .
Written as a part of #ChatterPrompts’