This week has been amazing.I am sorry to have missed writing my thank you note last week and felt bad the entire week.
So here goes.
What I am thankful for this week on #ThankfulThursday51
It was my birthday on the twenty-second.My daughter with my hubby’s help baked me the most delicious choco lava cake.It was perfect.Her excitement at planning surprises for me made me feel the universe’s blessing in every moment.
I have rarely felt as excited for my birthday before.
Another interesting event that happened was Saraswati pujo.
Vasant Panchami is when Goddess Saraswati is worshipped.She is the Goddess of learning.I was born on one such Vasant Panchami several moons ago.And this year when again my birthday coincided I felt extremely happy and blessed.
But I had more surprises awaiting me.
My hubby got me 4storybooks. A new Bengali Detective book with a female truth seeker and 3 other Detective storybook.
I also got a brand new tripod for my Nikon!I love it to bits.It’s making my pic taking so much easier.No bad posture and no more backache.
I won the third runner-up Indiblogger contest with Asian Paints #Royale atmos: Clean Air beautiful Homes. I felt happy for the appreciation.You can check out my post here.
A very good birthday gift indeed.
Health goals
I am sleeping better.Thanks to the new Duroflex ad featuring Milind Soman.After drinking water, sleep is the easiest health tool for all to adapt to.
My book reading challenge for 2018 is on track.
I read The Way of the Cat: Surviving Metastasized Cancer and reviewed it too.
The best part I got gifted a new subscription of Kindle unlimited.Just perfect.
Thankful for Reading
A few thoughts from the books Tools of Titans which I have been batch reading since the first of this month (though bought long ago ).
3 Things the Titans said. which made a lot of sense
- Listen
- Say less
- Breathe.
All simple yet difficult.
Favourite quotes from the book this month.I am doing it in parts because of its 650 plus pages.Each page is a peek into a person who has made it big in their own way.No skipping the pages here.Also while reading nonfiction I make plenty of notes so it takes a little bit of time.Fiction I can swallow quickly.That’s why at any one time I am reading one nonfiction or two with at least 2 other fiction.
Honor those who seek the truth-Beware of those who have found it – Voltaire
No one can have all the answers, Must remember this.
[bctt tweet=”You and I are all seekers. What you find will depend on what you look for.” username=”misra_amrita”]
[bctt tweet=”Whenever you are on the side of majority its time to pause and reflect. -Mark Twain” username=”misra_amrita”]
Last week while writing for the #Chatter prompt I wrote my advice to Newbies.While writing it I realized the truths afresh.
You write because you love to write .You write because you have a story to tell.You write because your story may help someone.You write because it’s a gift and a blessing.While writing for all this reason if the side effect is making money then there’s nothing like it.
One has to remember that money is divine energy.Until you feel good about making money you will have a hard time making a good relation with it.This book explains it beautifully but I understood with my life.
Loads of love and best wishes in all that you do #Thankful Thursdays invites you to write about why you are thankful this week and link up using the blue button below.
The tweet that made me thankful this week.
Who's your favorite Blogger who helped?Say thank you by tagging them.Tell us how they helped you too.Let's make a circle of thankfulness. #ThankfulThursdays
— Dr.Amrita Basu ( Misra) (@misra_amrita) January 23, 2018
Linking up with #Gratitude circle by Vidya Sury