The Go-Giver is a 127-page book with some of the most powerful thoughts you will ever come across.You will get a book summary and review soon.But for this Microblog Monday post, I couldn’t help writing about this book.
It’s after reading this book and trying to imbibe them in my life that amazing things have happened.
I believe in good and bad “karma” so this book reinforced everything I believed and taught me some more.
The authors call them “The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success”.
I especially like the word stratospheric.????
The best thing about studying the works of successful people is that their teachings can often help you avoid many pitfalls.
#”Givers like to Give, that’s why they are attractive”.

Whether in business or life only if we learn from others mistake can we avoid making a few mistakes.
Life is too short to make all mistakes, yourself and then learn.
#”The Most Valuable gift you have to offer is yourself”

Be it family, profession or the social media, everywhere we are offering ourselves.You can call it service or selling.But it’s always you.
This is called the “Law of Authenticity.”
#”The Key to Effective Giving Is to Stay Open to Receiving”

The secret to getting is actually giving.If every person in this world thought about helping another person.Each of us would be helped.
When every person is thinking about another person, there’s always someone somewhere looking out for you.
Such a powerful thought in such a little book.
#”Your Influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first”

But how often do you place other people’s interest first?
It’s difficult.
“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them”

In school, our Carmelite Sisters would teach us the golden lessons of serving those who need us.Didn’t understand that success in life comes from helping others.
From this book , if you don’t remember anything remember this.
That’s why online entrepreneurship is so attractive.There’s no limit to how many people you can help.Have you read this book?
Write your favorite book quote in the comments below.
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