The mountains here ,talk about the battles that were waged.
But the trees whispered about what men did to men.What more they are planning.
The lake shed silent tears.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 3
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 15
Holi is a festival which blurs the division between old and young, rich and poor.It’s an equalizer because we all look the same with those colors on our face.While it’s important to be safe at all festivals the spirit of it should be celebrated.
My childhood memory of Holi was of getting wet, getting dry under the sun, gulping down sweets, savories and various drinks that the neighborhood aunties served while the children played, shouted and sprayed water.
I don’t remember being scared as we knew everyone and my mom taught well.Strangers, relatives, good touch and bad touch.Once you teach a child something they do remember.
This natural sense of self-preservation had stopped me from playing Holi when I joined Safdarjung Hospital as an MS student.First-year PG trainees have duties on every holiday Diwali, Holi everything in between.I had no intention of playing Holi with people I knew slightly.It was a co-ed hostel and though I had several friends, I really didn’t feel comfortable about getting dunked while on duty.
With such serious thoughts in my mind and carefully apologetic words, I told my friends to excuse me from playing as I was on serious hospital duty.
They looked convinced that this was indeed a serious matter and I felt happy that no weird stranger will be putting unknown colors on my face.Because we all know that does happen and its a pain getting off.The pretty Holi colors in movies, translate into blacks and purple colored faces post Holi in real life.
But guess what happened?
A senior in a different department had a plan for all those who were on duty.
When I returned to the hostel at lunchtime, an entire bucket of pink colored water was emptied over me.
Greeting of Holi, best wishes, loads of love all mixed together.
Since I was coming back and would obviously be taking a bath this was not a problem right?
That’s what my friends said chuckling.Now once you get dunked, the only thing you can do to feel better is dunk water over a few more people.
One of the most carefree and fun Holi’s I remember as an adult.I also remember the delicious homemade Gujiya’s my friends treated me with.
But the canteen was closed and Holi is a typical day for everything to be shut.
So food at night was going to be a problem I didn’t know Delhi restaurants especially the small ones shut down on Holi.My friend Ritu who was training to be an Anaesthesist and a wonderful cook helped me.She invited me to dinner and fed me the most delicious kadi -chawal I have ever tasted.
I have rarely tasted a better kadi anywhere else.
It takes a lot of skill to make the everyday meals delicious.
It’s even more delicious when it has kindness in it.On this Holi, I remember my friends in Delhi fondly.
Hope you all have a happy Holi dear friends.
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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 15
When my baby girl Rai was 6 months old we started her on all sorts of mashed food.From 6 months to 1 year it was a constant battle of experimental baby food. From 1 year to 2 years some more experiments and finally we have a balance.
Once while travelling my daughter refused to have anything ,except plain white rice and milk.Then I realized ,children have a difficult time adjusting to new food.Because….its NEW!
Imagine giving a vegetarian, a nice stir fried octopus for dinner.
Not a good idea right.
Baby’s growing up on milk have essentially a bland diet.
Veggies lack taste and texture when given boiled.
Fish chicken eggs can be smelly.
Their tender taste buds can’t handle spices.
They are fighting a battle too.
The only way to win is to persevere.
They need to learn to stop being afraid of food .To enjoy their food.Make the right choices.Making positive food choices early in life,helps them cope even away from home .
Picky eaters have strong food preferences. They have a persistent unwillingness to try new food.
Can it cause problems with nutritional status?
Yes it will cause nutritional deficiencies
50% of 19 to 24 month old children are picky eaters.Because of this , they will be avoiding micronutrient rich foods like fruits and veggies This will affect the growth of your child.
1)Failure to thrive .With physical and mental.development not upto the mark according to age .
2)If children develop unhealthy eating habits .This may lead to adult eating problem and health issues.
*If your child is less than 1 year:Height weight and developmental milestones need to be checked monthly.Because your baby grows ,even while you watch.The first year of life is very important.You worry, if there’s no significant positive change in the monthly assessment.
*If your child is more than 1-year-old :
Height needs to be checked every 6 months.
If child is not growing in height then that’s a cause for concern.Its a sign of chronic protein energy malnutrition.
Weight needs to be checked every 3 months .
If your child doesn’t gain weight or gains too much.Both is cause for concern.
No weight gain is due to lack of adequate dietary protein energy .
Excessive weight gain, gives rise to malnutrition of obesity.Where there is excess calories in the diet.But it lack important macro and micronutrient .
Neophobia is the tendency of children to initially reject new or novel food.
You will have to give new food 10 to 16 times before they accept them.
My baby girl started her animal protein journey with fish. She refused chicken for the longest time.But mutton she liked from a pretty young age( around one and a half years)
I didn’t touch chicken throughout my pregnancy. Did you know mothers diet in pregnancy determines a child’s food habit?
She loves her eggs too.Boiled fried or poached.
I have noticed for all animal proteins she likes crunchy which will then melt in the mouth (She loves a crunchy Ilish fry).Not chewy or oily.
Since she liked the crunchy texture and I burn stuff while cooking I went and bought an air fryer.I wrote about it here.
The airfryer keeps the taste intact and the food doesn’t lose its colour ,with a fraction of the calories.
Want Super tips to deal with fussy eaters?
Read my Ultimate guide to feeding your preschooler
If baby is a picky eater blame yourself:Healthy eating habits in children (part 1)
Childhood obesity :The control is in your hand(part 3)
Childhood obesity : Healthy eating habits & You (part 5)
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 4
I prefer featuring mompreneurs and female entrepreneurs. But today’s guest is neither a female nor a mom.
He is a soon to be married young poet and MBA who also loves blogging.
He is a #MyFriendAlexa friend. and he has authored a book.A beautiful book of poetry .Read the interview . Follow the clues .Get a chance to win one of the 5 copies of the e-book .He is giving them, away exclusively for my readers.
Yay!Isn’t that sweet of him.
The main reason I roped in Ashwini to give me an interview , was to get hacks from him .
How solopreneurs can publish their books without headache.
You may wonder why write a book?
You already have a blog right!
Now books are a sign of authority .That you know enough, about a topic to make it into a book.
Books are also part of the biz models of bloggers, including Seth Godin, Pat Flynn , Melissa Michael’s, Sarah Titus.
In fact Sarah Titus a mompreneur has written books forever, to monetize her blog.
Let’s learn from Ashwini the tips and tricks to getting your first book published.
What made u want to write a poetry book?
I had written poems since the age of 17. It is now almost close to 7 years that I have been into words and verses.
When I found some great feedback and praises, I felt like compiling them as a collection and get published in the form of a book.
What research did you do, before choosing your publisher?
There are traditional publishers and then there are publishers with a different business model of no inventory and print on demand. I discussed it with a few of my friends and came across my publisher with who I took this forward. They went through the script, we made multiple edits, layouts and covers and now you can see the final product. 🙂
Would you be recommending them for newbie authors?
Well, yes. Inkhorn Publishing is like a boon for debut authors, they give them a chance after going through their work and believe in everyone who has written for a long time and believe in themselves. You can contact them at ganesh@inkhornpublishingindia.com
Who is your audience?
People who love poetry.
Why would they love these poems?
My book is a collection of 40 poems. It has real expression, emotions and experiences. You will see yourself in those words and journey.
Art is special in its own. These set of words and verses have come directly from the heart and resonate across a mass audience. I am sure, avid readers can finish it one go and feel home.
What inspires you to write?
Life is my biggest inspiration. It’s all about my own experiences and experiment with writing poetry.
Your favorite quote
“The right time always comes with a lot of time spent being patient.” ― Ashwini Dodani
Do not ever compare to other successful people in your field, they have their own struggles
Always believe in your venture, you are doing great, baby steps are important
There’s no right or wrong way to anything. It’s just learning all the way
Life is too short to just think about what you should have done. Regrets are too bitter to taste. Be in your own element and be in the present. Never fear failure. It makes you stronger. Go ahead, win the world.
What’s your vision for this venture?
Vision is very clear. To keep writing. Maybe ten other books, 100 other blog posts or 500 other creative posts? I want to be in the zone to never stop expressing my emotions.
Short bio:
An MBA by qualification, Social Media and Branding guy by profession and an optimist with a liking for words. When I’m not creating awesome content for the internet, I am usually reading non-fiction books, learning guitar, exploring newer music artists or penning down my thoughts. For brand associations, sharing feedback or generally making connections, drop me an e-mail to ashwini.dodani@gmail.com or Tweet to me at @AshwiniDodani.”
Ashwini’s book
Savoir Faire (First Edition, 2015)
So what should you do now?
Comment below, to let me know whether you are signing up for the chance to win the poetry book.
Sign up for my newsletter to get a chance to get more such news, before others.
Image credit Aswini Dodani
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 5
Live as if you are to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are going to live foreverMohandas Karamchand Gandhi
How was your September? Let me know below.
I am taking part in the #ubc #blogboost Ultimate blogging challenge with Blogchatter #DailyChatter
UBC day 2
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 3
She is a Punjabi married to a Telugu.Chats a lot reads a lot and writes even more.Blogging since 2004(her first post is dated May 2004).A time when I hadn’t even heard of the word blogging (I lived under my own mountain of books)!Mayuri was a blogger.Her parents refused to feature her as a baby in a Pears campaign.
A Gemini and loves all things word.Her blog, sirimiri is as gentle as she is.I met her during Blogchatter’s #MyfriendAlexa campaign.
She doesn’t like giving directions. She likes following them even less.
That’s why while doing a Google analytics set up for her blog, she was the one with whom I spent the most time.
But I forgot to tell her not to change her theme(totally my mistake).
Guess what?The code was nowhere to be found next day. Mayuri was panicking.I was surprised.
I opened her blog to check. Voila, it had changed.
GA code in theme header disappears with a change in the parent theme.Forgot to tell her!This problem could be handled with a child theme or a plugin.
Now Mayuri is revamping her blog.
I haven’t stopped bugging her about Google analytics though.I think she is waiting for me to lose patience.
It’s going to be tough.She has written for 12 years.Her patience and persistence is award-winning.
Can I make her do it?Time will tell.Now the woman behind the blog.
Tell us Mayuri what made you start blogging?
I used to jot down my thoughts in varied forms, like quotes, verses, poetry and small notes. And as I did so I realized that I loved writing.In 2004 I discovered a digital diary called a Blog and signed up to get one of my own. I have been writing ever since, though not everything I write is shared online.
Besides Sirimiri, I also have a food blog and a Travel Blog, which I’ve sadly neglected.
Anyone who loves to read!
What makes your day?
Feedback from my readers makes my day! And when someone tells me that reading a certain post make some difference I am truly elated!
What inspires you?
The will to write, the love for it and the ability to evolve with it over time. And yes, I consider Stephen King my Guru. He is the best. Period.
Give us your favorite quote
” I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.”
Give us a few tips for struggling Bloggers
(I’m a struggling blogger myself!:)
But I’m learning new things every day and here are some to share.
1)In the blogging world, I follow only 1 rule: Do unto others as you would have others to do unto you.
2)Make a blogging schedule.Maybe something like posting 2 posts a week. Then stick to it.
3)Please check your post for typos and other errors, before you post it.
4)Explore different forms of writing.
5)Join a Blogging community that could encourage you.
6)Visit other blogs, read them and always leave a comment on a post you enjoyed reading. P:S: Nice post, is not a comment.
7)Read a lot. The more you read, the better you write.
What’s your vision for this venture?
I just want to write. And to be read. I used to be a regular columnist for various magazines, writing a Humor Column for one and Monthly Tarot Predictions for the others. I would like to get back to writing columns and features, professionally. And like most others, writing a book is part of the plan.
Mayuri bio:
I am a professional Tarot Card Reader for the last 12 years and conduct Tarot Readings. Both personal, and Online.
A writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present.
My blog: http://sirimiri.in/
Fb page:
Do visit Mayuri’s blog.
Vishakha Talreja says "Amrita has immense knowledge of health-related content. Her writing style is reader-friendly and I have seen her blog posts go viral for the sheer fact that they are informative and helpful.
As a doctor too her knowledge is noteworthy and she always gives the right consultation that is in beat interests of those consulting her. She is also hands-on on the issues faced by her own community. Having worked with her I can definitely vouch for her professionalism and punctuality."
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