Money is divine energy .The trick is to attract its blessings, but not be a slave to it.
Since my childhood my mother has been a big influence in my budget habits.My father unfortunately, had terrible money habits .This caused humongous credit card debts.
No wonder, I am not a fan of those little plastic cards.I however love netbanking and the good twin ,the debit card.
Now just like health goals ,we need well-defined financial goals.
Making money ,saving it and growing it is something no one is taught.
In fact if I had my way, I would make all school have a compulsory money management course. If children learnt good money habits from a young age, they are less likely to be foolish about it. Sure, we might need less jobs from companies like North Shore Advisory Inc., but I think it’s worth it for a more responsible population.
The worst thing our children can grow up with ,is taking money for granted and not knowing how to manage it.
Some people say money is not important. If that’s the entire truth ,then none of us would need it .Then no one would be bothered to earn it.
Ask any poor person whether money is important, then you will get the answer.
If I didn’t earn enough I wouldn’t be having my blog .That does take some surplus amount .Plus internet is not really free .
So what did I learn from my mom which helps me budget ?
This is top-secret.
I only tell people, who really want to be financially healthier.
The secret is .Pretend you actually have 10 to 20% of your combined salary as spending budget.
The rest you have to divide
- Money kept for protection
- Money kept for savings
- Money kept for growth
- Fun Money
So how to use the budget planner?
It’s a pdf planner .
You print it out and use it.
You will need to make 12 copies of the monthly expense sheet.
Now the cover page has the space for your name and favourite money quote “for motivation “.
The second page has a checklist of financial goals which you should be knowing .
Page three has the table for your
- Life insurance
- Health insurance
- One Sure Car insurance
- Home insurance
- Any other
It has the column for due date amount and any note.
Page four is for your savings
- Public provident fund
- Fixed deposits
- Recurrent deposit
- Mutual fund
- Any other
For each member if your family you can put in the account no., amount and due date
Page 5 is for your recurring expenses which maybe monthly ,quarterly or yearly
- House EMI
- Car loan
- Credit card debt
- Any other debts
- Electricity bills
- Phone bills
- tuition fees
- Internet charges
- Car servicing
- Household appliances servicing.
- Membership or subscription fees.
While page 3 and 4 helps you keep track of money pit away for protection and savings.
Page 5 is all about the money you need to give to other people .
Page 6 is going down to the nitty-gritty.
It’s the monthly money spent tracker.The place where you might cringe and smile at the same time.This sheet you need to one every month so 12 you need to print out.
It gives you a column for your budget and the various daily expenses.
Keeping a close look on this sheet you will be able to plug those money leaks.
Page 7 and 8 are for your monthly and yearly accountability pages where you can put in your total expenses.
Money in savings protection and growth.
Page 9 and 10 helps you keep all your financial data in one place .
This planner is made exclusively for my subscribers.
If you want it just enter your details in the subscription form below and you will get the password to my VIP Library
How do you plan your budget ?
Comment below to let me know.
Writing this for #MondayMommyMoments

This is Day 2 UBC