Bridge course for Ayush Doctors available! Would you like to get treated? Do you think death and diseases differentiate between rich and poor? Do you think the rural poor deserve worse healthcare?
Do you think the middle class deserves to be treated by quacks? Do you feel healthcare should be accessible and quality for everyone?
Do you feel you deserve to know what will happen to you if you visit any tier 2,3 cities towns and villages? As a Medical teacher in a small town in India, should I stop living here and treating poor patients? Should they be destined to be treated by Ayush doctors with a crash course in medicines and given a license to treat patients? In case a complication arises due to such treatment, will the Government take full responsibility for medical negligence?
Read National Medical Council Bill
If the decision rests with the State Government, will the state Government pay damages for disability, death, and negligence? I have spent nineteen years studying and still study, this will be taught in six months? As a doctor, I know this is serious. If there is a reason for the stringent eligibility tests for pre-medical and post-grad medical seats, why such a fish-eyed view about the health care of the masses?
Three things you should know as a rare Indian
1)If you are reading this post, that means you are an educated Indian and have above average IQ and income.
2)You already have access to quality health care and you have never been treated by a Quack.
3)If you don’t stand up to this health care crisis, a day will come when politicians will ensure only they get treated by Doctors with Medical degrees and all others by bridge course doctors. Not a Doomsday theory just simple logic.
Why is the Government doing this?
- There is a real Crisis of Doctors.
- A high attrition rate of Doctors.
- Challenging health care infrastructure, manpower, and bursting population.
- Inability to think straight due to air, water, sound, and food pollution.
- Brain suffering from Low oxygen saturation in capital city Delhi?
- The Government think tanks are being misled by people with a vested interest?
- The Government really wants to solve the healthcare crisis.

The answer is for them to know and you to guess.
If you believe in karma then you will know all those who are poor will not always stay poor. The tables may turn one day. As a doctor, I know whom to visit when I want treatment. [bctt tweet=”The question is, will you know? If Ayush Doctors are so qualified, why not set up Ayush Hospitals, emergency facilities and promote Ayush? #BlogtoPM” username=”misra_amrita”]
Why endanger poor people?
[bctt tweet=”Who will be the watchdog guarding the gates of Cities against the bridge course Ayush Doctors? #BlogtoPM” username=”misra_amrita”]
These bridge course doctors will be placed in Midlevel care providers in sub-health centers. This means people who are poor will be denied quality healthcare, have poorer health, spend more money on controversial health advice and suffer eventually. Those who need help most will suffer most. Sigh!
Mainstreaming Ayush? This step is unlikely to help. It will only increase distrust and cause this ancient system to lose goodwill. Because Ayush has a role in Holistic wellness which makes it unique.
If mainstreaming Ayush is the intention, why not setup Ayush subcentres and let people visit those of their own free will and get treated. Why not open Ayush Hospitals with Ayush nurses, physicians, and surgeons. Whatever it is, gambling with the health of the nation needs someone to take responsibility. The Centre has very smartly passed the ball to the State Government, now who will roll the dice?
Food for thought this #ThankfulThursday for growing up in India, where I was taught that Quality Healthcare is your right.Rich or poor.
The ball is in your court. Share this post and help spread the word, before it’s too late.
Cabinet removes Bridge course for Ayush Practitioners.
Instead, the responsibility of promoting and meeting the need for healthcare in the States has been delegated to the State Government. So if the question now is can Ayush doctors practice allopathy? The answer is still no for most parts of India. But in a few states, the State Government for some strange reason allowed this.
Can Homeopathy Practice Allopathy?
The answer is No.
Can BAMS practice allopathy or allopathic medicine?
Answer: NO.
Can Ayush practice allopathy or allopathic medicine?
Answer: No.
The corners cut today, the standards compromised now, will have an effect for years to come. So be aware and know your rights.
Read more: Bridge Course Ayush Doctors or Ayush Doctors? (Part 2) #NMCBill
World’s largest Health Care programme
Disclaimer: The post is meant to spread awareness and is in no way responsible for your decision to visit or not visit Bridge course doctors.
Read full disclaimer here.