Are you Multitasking?
The hectic pace of modern living would have made ancient men tired?You take our multitasking so seriously, that not doing a million things before breakfast, makes you feel guilty. I am a multi thinker.Multitasking is a natural progression.All women, especially mothers have to try multitasking, to be able to manage it all.
But how healthy is this Habit?
Is Multitasking good for you? Not ย Really! As we increasingly multitask our ability to truly concentrate dwindles.The moreย technology dependant youย are the biggerย is it a challenge to concentrate.ย I am a doctor, mother, wife of a child specialist, teacher in a medical college and a blogger.I really love all that I am blessed to be doing.
But the regular grind of household chores is a real job.Keeping the house clutter free, managing my home and workload keeps me, breathless…literally. For the last few months, I was having shortness of breath, palpitations and had started to worry about a multitude of things. On top of that, we experienced the aftershocks of the ย Earthquake that leftย Nepal with thousands dead and injured.
The Nepal Earthquake was devastating..mindfulness meditation helped me calm down
Alone at home with my 3-year-old, I did what any mommy would do.Grabbed the water bottle, and rushed out in the open grounds with the baby in my lap. We suffered 2 more vibrations over the next 3 days but none was as bad. The news about Nepal kept coming. The total devastation there as made me take stock. Gratitude for the life we have here now is uppermost. Before the earthquake hit Nepal, I had read a bookย ย Love the home you haveย by Melissa of The Inspired Room.
The overall tone of the book has a lot to do with living in the present and being thankful for all the blessings you have now. Tomorrow is a dream, the past has gone, but today well lived will make our life here on this earth worth it.
A lot of my friends, relatives, and patients complained of a feeling of panic and light-headedness in the days after the quake. ย Since I too was suffering from similar complaints related to Post-traumatic stress disorder, a ย solution was ย urgently needed.
I tried the many relaxation and mindfulness techniques for calming an anxious mind. ย Some worked well and others not so much.
Then ย I discovered mindfulness!
So what exactly is mindfulness?
The word literally means being aware of one’s own mind.
The formal definition of mindfulness:
Intentional acceptance and non-judgemental focus of one’s attention on emotions, thoughts, sensations occurring in the present.This can be achieved by training in meditation practices. Mindfulness is a concept having its root deep in Hinduism. The Sanskrit term Smriti and Buddhist term sati mean to remember….not the past but a conscious remembrance of the present.That’s where mindfulness comes from.
Mindfulness signifies the presence of mind and being attentive to the present.The mind which does not fritter between thoughts, but concentrates on one thought at a time! A clear, conscious, focused mind is what mindfulness aims to make. Seriously this was easier to write, than do.
As with most things in life which are worth doing, the going for this too was definitely not easy. Whenever I ย started to concentrate on this post, 10 ย different things that needed doing, rush throughย ย my mind.
All of us mothers have to manage so many stuff that we forget,to really focus! Life rushes by. I ย have tried to give you some ideas about the methods which worked.As I get more mindful I will be adding them here to really become mindfully yours. So here goes.
5 Best ways to be ย mindful for your inner wellness(absolutely essential ย for ย sanity)
1) Stop and breathe slowly every morning: 5 minutes to 25 minutes (according to time you have) close your eyes and focus on your breathing.While doing this initially you will find your mind wandering.Just catch hold of the wandering thought and refocus. Just imagine your brain is a naughty child always in search of new stuff, but you have to be strict ! Close your eyes and visualize a black dot in front of you and concentrate.
2)ย Stop multitasking.Easier said than done. It takes at least 15 minutes for us to concentrate deeply.Multitasking often decreases your capacity to really give your best to a job. Refocus scattered thoughts.So the Pomodoro technique of working in blocks of 20 minutes work.
- Do one thing at a time
- Do it deliberately, concentrating on it ย and complete it
Read this article If you want to know who is likely to try multitask
3)Take time out. When doing any job, if you find your mind wandering too many times..take a break and try.Often it’s some other chore nagging you from your subconscious brain. You can either do that chore first ย then get on with the new job with full attention. The other way is to ย write down whatever that needs to be done so that you are not distracted by trying to keep remembering. Have a daily ritualย ย for
- Housework…mindfully, Love the ย home you have (Thanks Melissa
- Cook..mindfully.Will definitely taste better
- Exercise
- What you ย do when ย you ย get ย up ย in ย the ย morning
- What ย you do ย just ย before going ย to ย bed
- What ย you ย do just ย before/after ย exercising
- Being ย grateful
- Be happy
The art of mindful living.Image @Healthwealthbridge
4) Eat well mindfully. Up to 75 % ย of overeating is emotional eating. Mind-body disconnect ย during eating causes excessive eating and binges. Savoring each morsel of food helps in decreasing cravings and improve satiety.Mindful eating is great for your mind and awesome for your Body! We see and ย smell ย the ย appetising food, taste the ย true flavorsย , eating is ย a ย truly sensory experience.
5) When interactingย with others be mindful. You become the good company ย and ย a ย better judge of character. While researching this mindfulness practice I came upon this article where videos help you become more conscious of your inner self. Often in the race of life, you forget to breathe deeply. Health benefits of mindfulness are many most significant is its effect on stress hormones.
Mindfulness-based meditation therapy has been ย found to decrease stress hormones[3].
Chronic stress is responsibleย for many ofย ย your health problems and mindfulnessย can help you. But if you are reading this post you must have already realized that you are blessed to have this life.Living in the present and really appreciating every moment is mindful living.
Mindfulness has been described as โpaying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally.โ(2)
Traditional cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) ย targets dysfunctional ย thoughts. Mindfulness-based CBT ย helps individuals learn, ย to become aware of their own ย thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations ย in the present.Awareness and acceptance ย are more important than taking ย action.1 ย I know it’s easier to say than do.Believe me I struggle with this every moment of every day. When I cuddle my baby I wish I could bottle up these golden moments.But forever is only in our minds.So I cherish every moment I spend with loved ones …always.
That’s a start to walking the mindful path. Are you Mindful? Have you ever participated in a mindfulness session? Write to me and tell me about your mindfulness efforts. Live well mindfully.
1)Biologic effects of mindfulness meditation: growing insights into neurobiological aspects of the prevention of depression.J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2011 Mar; 36(2): 75โ77.
2)Kabat-Zinn J.ย Wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation in everyday life.ย New York (NY): Hyperion; 1994.
3)Matousek RH, Dobkin PL, Pruessner J.ย Cortisol as a marker for improvement in mindfulness-based stress reduction.Complement Ther Clin Pract.ย 2010;16:13โ9.[PubMed]ย [Ref list]
4) ย Chronic stress:32 Relaxationย Techniques ย Dr. Amrita Basuย Healthwealthbridge
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Mindfulness is a habit I need to form, and I am going to following your well written and well researched post to start.
Great post, Amrita. I always appreciate how you add your personal experiences to your posts, makes it more real.
Some great tips shared! I believe that most of the women are multitasking as compared to men and they knows very well how to make balance between their work and life!
You are absolutely right.Women are expected to do so much more than men in all societies .We get more done too????
I’m definitely mindful! Your advice they are gonna be good …the one that I like the mosy isthe one about the 5 minutes pause to take ๐
That’s very useful and difficult at the same time.Thanks for reading.I
Everyone says to stop multi-tasking, but some of us just can’t. If we didn’t, we’d never get everything done!
Ypu are absolutely right about that But I try to batch similar tasks together to keep myself sane.
But guys I feel are intrinsically more focused even when multitasking!
Multitasking kills my productivity. If I focus on one task at a time, I get so much more done!
That’s true for me too.