Yohei Sasakawa and the Sasakawa foundation have shown the positive psychological impact of social support.
Their work with the children of patients, affected by leprosy is a beacon of inspiration.
Hope and Optimism with Sasakawa
Leprosy is curable with timely diagnosis and treatment. But even now there is a problem of inclusion. Thatโs where Sasakawa is trying to help the children of patients affected by leprosy to live normally.
The joy they feel on finding opportunities for studying, working and living like every other person makes the impact of Sasakawa even more important.
The social isolation in relation to Hansenโs disease makes the psychosocial effect of Leprosy extremely distressing. Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation is common. With the right kind of social support, these can be combatted. When children from this background are accepted, the impact is immense.
We can help them more by creating awareness regarding the right facts about leprosy. That leprosy is curable with multidrug therapy. It is not a genetic disease. With early treatment, the disfigurement can be prevented. Social acceptance and a helping hand and preventing stigma is a big help to make these children become a part of the mainstream.
Sasakawa is helping with the education of these children
They are helping them become financially independent and find ways of livelihood with dignity in many ways like:
Nursing training
The Sasakawa-Indian Leprosy Foundationโs nursing scholarship is helping 75 girls this year from leprosy-affected families for pursuing a Degree/ Diploma in Nursing. These scholarships will help them become economically independent and help make their future bright.
H.H Dalai lama & Sasakawa scholarship fund
This financial help is given to children of people affected by leprosy from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal for pursuing professional courses for higher Professional Education- Masters courses and Professional Bachelors courses. The youth of people affected by leprosy in particular states can apply, for professional courses by recognized institutes that lead to employment.
Skill development of youth- Supported by National Skill Development Corporation
This program helps create sustainable livelihoods for drop-out and unemployed youths through skill development training.
The Sasakawa Foundation has written to the Prime Minister on 22nd January, to commemorate the Anti-Leprosy Day on the 30th of January and bring forth amendment in the discriminatory laws against the people affected by leprosy. That will go a long way in ensuring a reduction in the stigma and discrimination faced by those affected by leprosy.
It will also create social awareness that leprosy is not to be feared and those affected, and their families are not to be stigmatized. Ending this stigma will help the people affected by leprosy, to regain their dignity and self-esteem.
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Sasakawaโs work to remove fears and misinformation and open roads is unparalleled.
A few stats which will make you smile
Under Education Program Sasakawa -India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF) has reached nearly more than 3000 youth/children in 15 states.
HH Dalai Lama Scholarship: 99 enrolled out of 12 placed and 7 drop out. 1 has gone for higher studies.
After School Learning Centre: 348
Digital Literacy Program: 60
Non-Formal Education Centre: 50
Skill Development Program: 833 out of which 795 were placed with a monthly salary range of Rs 6000-Rs 20,000.
Mr.Yohei Sasakawaโs book: No Matter Where the Journey takes me
Mr.Yohei Sasakawaโs book No Matter Where the Journey takes me is a guide for us. It is also a poignant look at what started this journey to remove the stigma of Hansenโs diseases. Mr. Sasakawa describes how his father (Ryoichi Sasakawa) compassion for those with leprosy begun, when a beautiful young girl he liked, vanished. That she was affected by leprosy, was later understood and that left a lasting impact on Ryoichi Sasakawa.
Mr. Yohei Sasakawa is a Japanese philanthropist. He has been a key activist in the global efforts against leprosy, both as head of a private foundation and as the World Health Organization’s ‘Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination’. He has received the โGandhi Peace Prize 2018โ by Honโble President and Honโble Prime Minister of India for his work in the field of leprosy.
30th January, was Kushth Nivaran Divas. Sasakawa Foundation is doing its part. You can share this post and help create awareness. Help someone today.
What you need to know about Leprosy
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Thank you for the stats and education that your post provided. I did not know all of those things about leprosy. I’ve bookmarked for future reference. Adrienne from Gluten Free Preppers and a member of the Blogger’s Pit Stop Crew
Thank you
Indeed the organisation is doing good noble work to support the people. Thanks for sharing
Good to know about this from your post. They deserve all the awards and appreciations.
Itโs a pleasure knowing about sasakawa dear they are doing a phenomenal job.
The organization is doing a really great and noble job. They deserve all appreciations and awards .
The foundation is doing great on their part to build up the future of youth. Thanks for informing us about them.
There is still a lot of stigma related to leprosy. Great to see the Sasakawa foundation take so many initiatives to benefit and support them.
This organization is doing excellent job for the leprosy patients and families.
Oh wow. We are also part of an organization that helps educate underprivileged children. But your association is one step ahead with treating leprosy patients. Way to go!
I really loved the cause this organisation is taking care of and it’s important to share their good work !!
The organisation is doing a great job! Leprosy patients really need love and support with medication. Congratulations!! for the award.
your posts are always so informative. good to know the kind of work Sasakawa organization is doing. and so good of you to spread a word around about this great deed.
Leprosy is still a stigma in society and the organization Sasakawa is doing an awesome job. They do deserve an applause and recognition for the cause.
Yes, leprocy needs attention, compassion from others rather than treated differently. Sasakawa Foundation will make a difference with many lives with this initiative.
Sasakawa foundation is doing great work for leprosy patients and their families. Good to know about this through your post.
This organization is doing a very noble deed. They deserve all the acclodes and awards they have received and more.
How beautiful post!