Womens Web said good bye on 2nd July and stopped publishing activities “saying the platform will be available until August 30th”.
I checked whether the site was still available and it can still be seen online.They stopped after 14 years of work and said they will be exploring other avenues.With more than 20,000 posts and being a multi author website ,it had a militant Feminist tone to the post which made me uncomfortable. It didn’t have balanced view points and many articles lacked depth.That happens when its a training ground for bloggers and is unavoidable.That’s my opinion .
But how it affected quality is what made me discontinue the internship with them.
The two articles I wrote for Women’s Web-
Yes they also offered internship(unpaid) opportunities where the coordinator was often clue less and checked back and forth for decision making.
Aparna Vedapuri Sing was the founder of Women’s Web and her vision of empowering women through an online platform, work and recognition sounded just right.But if few seemed to make money from writing on these online platforms
But interesting point they have written a post about how to earn money blogging.Then their website went kapu!
Money is crucialf or sustainable work or even charity. Someone pays for it.My aim with blogging in first two year was continuous writing. Then came my focus on earning from the blog to sustain the hosting,domain and my time .
Those who want to try writing and not sure whether they can sustain the habit,try wordpress free sites.Try them for a period of 3 months. Sign up to a platform like Blogchatter.
Write on their prompts or the WordPress prompts while building up your writing muscle and habit.It takes time ,patience,interest ,driving force and God’s blessings for the journey to happen and make sense.But if it’s your site you have nothing to lose but everything to gain while building up a legacy .
Digital legacy -that’s a blog.
If it’s a free site there are some good things and some problems,which I have written about here.
But the biggest con for free sites and publishing on others site is just what Women’s Web and Momspresso proved.They will mint money while you write for the love of writing or peanuts or bargain posts .When the site goes caput ,you lose all the way.
But if you had your own site ,you can still republish those posts ,if relevant on your site.If you don’t have a blog ,you can start one any day.Just plan,chalk out a budget and start.Just don’t fall for the “I am sitting at home in pyajamas and earning 7 figures blogging drama.”
That’s not a one day,one month or one year plan.It takes time especially if you are ethical and don’t want to work with “Gutkha”,gaming, Casino and other harmful brands.
It’s a long haul,a message to the world ,that you were here and you stood your ground for the right things.
<a href=”http://www.womensweb.in/2017/12/winners-finalists-orange-flower-digital-summit-awards-2017/”><img src=”http://www.womensweb.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/OF-finalist-badge.png”></a>
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