Equality rights & why you must grow stronger, what Draupadi would be saying came in my dreams!
It sounds cheesy but you must read this to know a few secrets!
If the good, honest and beautiful always had it happy, then history would be something different. What history and mythology teach us, is interesting. Even the best have to go through many trials and errors.
The Universe gives you the challenges you can overcome and the battles you can win.
It’s no wonder, that as women you face challenges at every turn of your life. While writing on International Women’s Day in 2018, we are still talking about equality and rights.It’s sad but I am hopeful and thankful.
As a modern Indian woman, I enjoy many privileges.I have a voice that many are denied all over the world. This is what Draupadi told me (in my dream).
What Draupadi said:
Glass ceilings will always be there. It’s your job to break them or ignore them. Do what it takes.
Choose the men and women in your life carefully, if they don’t respect you they don’t deserve to be in your life.
Be aware of social-political-economic climate. This is your time, where ever you are whatever you are doing, make it count.
Grow where you’re planted.
Stop being around people who pull you down that’s poison for your soul.
Stop blaming others for whatโs happening to you.You are stronger than that.
Remember what happened to me? Then you must also remember that I didn’t sit in a corner. I didn’t let others shame me. I didn’t let them destroy me. Believe me, they tried.Do you remember who saved me?Remember my faith?Only you and your self-belief together with faith can make this journey possible.
[bctt tweet=”Have faith, be strong, choose wisely, avoid negativity and marry men who support you and complement your soul.” username=”misra_amrita”]
Always be financially independent.Thatโs the only way to match the brief God sent you to earth with!
What do you think about these golden nuggets of wisdom?
Comment below to let me know.
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mam u r great
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