This was a topic discussed by Dr.Abhijit Misra at Siliguri December 2024 :43rd West Bengal State Pedicon Uttorcon 2.0
Health solutions
Is Universal Free Healthcare a Mirage ?
When its Healthcare,we need quantity,quality ,care ,time,equality all carefully gift wrapped and available round the clock.
But everything is governed by the purse string .High quality care,at minimal cost for everyone on demand, is utopic and is what many Government try to give.
Since health is personal,food choices,genetics,environment is personal,addiction choices are personalย -uniform healthcare which is universalย is looking illogical and opposite of practical.But that’s the unicorn all countries are chasing.
But saying that its important for the economically backwards to have free healthcare,to prevent the debt burden.
What happens if you try to give this benefit to everyone ?What happens when this population continues to chew tobacco,smoke and drink country liquor?Lets see what happened all around the world before we do anything else?
NHS that is the National Health Service in UK came into effect in 1948.It is a long running healthcare model.It serves a country with a population of a fraction of India.It has a population way less than India.But they are struggling with their coffers because healthcare workers must be paid .If the system doesn’t earn money ,how do people get paid?How do medicines,infrastructure get funds.NHS is partly being privatized .That’s the 2025 News.Karl Steimer has unveiled this plan to help serve more than 6 million people waiting for at least that many procedures!
Budget for the NHS for 2024/25 was ยฃ176.9 billion.They plan to reduce elective surgery waiting time for 65% people to 18 weeks .Waiting time for nonurgent consultant led treatment is upto 18weeks.
Its also people’s choice or autonomy.They have the choice to wait,choose subsidized healthcare and get subsidized care in the long run or pay money upfront to visit a doctor quicker.
Economics of Healthcare cannot be ignored.Tobacco,alcohol,unhealthy lifestyle,ultra processed HFSS food,poor sleep,poor environment are factors which can be changed by the individual .
In India we actually have State ,Central Government hospitals where free treatment for almost everything is possible.We have a Government free health insurance scheme called Sasthya Sathi in West Bengal , Ayushman Bharat rest of India which is taking it’s toll on the state and centre’sexchequer but is definitely helpful for many. We also have private insurances and doctors at private clinics and hospitals available with direct payment.The outpatient care is affordable to most extent .Surgical cost depend on the city,type of care,facilities and surgeon.
With absolutely free Government Healthcare I have often failed to understand the long term logic of insurance companies, being the middle- -man in Government health schemes.With my limited understanding its probably to give care through public-private partnership for situations not covered at Government hospitals.But that is a burden which must be assessed in the background of easily available cheap tobacco,indigenous local liquor,employment in tobacco factories causing havoc to those most at risk.
Tamara’s blog post on the Ultimate blog challenge made me realize how the different Healthcare design across the world shape the health and choices of people there .A lot to learn.
Here’s the blog post I am talking about
In Switzerland people are expected to be responsible for their own health and Healthcare insurance.That’s the reason may be people are more likely to have less health issues there.Give Tamara’s post a read and let me know about the healthcare model in your country.
I think access to qualitycare should be available for all ,with tiered payment system according to income ,insurance and a good health score that helps those who build good habits and avoid addictions.Tobacco and alcohol cause a huge healthcare burden and the decision to curb access to them may go a long way in saving our youth.But I am just a small cog in a giant wheel .Things do become clearer as we grow older and some problems maybe are meant to persist .
These are all questions that need a conplac planning,maybe a scoring system like video games where good behavior and good health should be rewarded?
Is free quality healthcare sustainable?What do you think is a good middle path?
Looking for a Pediatric Dentist?This is what you should know!
Are you looking for a Pediatric Dentist near you?Word of mouth from a patient is probably your best chance of getting a great Pediatric dentist .
Who Is A Pediatric Dentist?
A pediatric dentist specializes in the treatment of children from infancy through early adulthood and special needs patients.
After receiving their dental degree, they spend an extra 3 years in a training program specifically designed to train them on how to manage children and those with special needs.
Children are not just small adults! Their teeth, brains, physiology, and temperament are very different from adults and pediatric dentists are trained to manage all of those differences.
Why Are Baby Teeth So Important?
Primary, or โbaby,โ teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt. When do the Primary Teeth Develop & Erupt?
Primary teeth begin developing between the 6th and 8th week of fetal development. The permanent teeth have begun to form by the 20th week of fetal development. The first primary teeth to erupt are usually the lower central incisors around 6 months of age. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a childโs first dental visit be within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth or by 1 year of age. All 20 baby teeth usually erupt by 3 years of age. Exact sequence of eruption varies slightly depending on the child. All 20 baby teeth will be replaced by a permanent successor.
The permanent teeth begin to erupt around 6 years of age. The first teeth to erupt are usually the 6 year molars (1st molars) and the lower central incisors. The full permanent dentition is 32 teeth, which includes the wisdom teeth (3rd molars).
How Can I Help My Child in a Dental Emergency?
First, rinse the mouth or affected area with warm salt water. If the face is swollen place a cold compress on the area and call your pediatric dentist immediately. Give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for pain and see a dentist as soon as possible.
Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek:
Quickly apply ice to the affected area to help with swelling. Try to control bleeding by applying firm pressure to the affected area. If simple pressure does not control bleeding, it is important to see a doctor or visit the hospital emergency room.
Knocked Out Permanent Tooth:
Quickly try and find the tooth. Rinse the tooth with water and try to handle the crown, not the root, of the tooth. DO NOT clean off any tissue that may be still attached to the root. If the tooth does not appear to be fractured and the child is cooperative, try and reinsert the tooth into the socket. Have the child bite on a washcloth or gauze to hold it in place. The tooth can also be transported in โSave a Toothโ solution, childโs own saliva, or milk. Time is critical. The child must see a dentist very quickly for the most favorable outcome.
Knocked Out Baby Tooth:
This is usually not an immediate emergency and examination can be delayed until normal business hours. Usually, no treatment is necessary.
Broken, Chipped or Fractured Permanent Tooth:
Contact your pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Early treatment can prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Sometimes the fractured tooth can be reattached. If possible, save the fractured piece and bring it in to the dentist.
Chipped or Fractured Primary Tooth:
This is usually not an immediate emergency. Contact your pediatric dentist to schedule an evaluation of the affected area.
Severe Head Injury and/or Possible Broken or Fractured Jaw:
Keep the jaw stable and visit the nearest emergency room immediately.
What is Pulp Therapy / Nerve Treatment?
The pulp (nerve) is the most center part of the tooth. It contains blood vessels, nerves and reparative cells. When the cavity of a tooth is into the nerve or, sometimes even when it is close to the nerve, a โpulpotomyโ (nerve treatment) must be completed to maintain the vitality of the tooth. Sometimes, a โpulpectomyโ is performed and this is just a more extensive version of the pulpotomy. Either treatment is an effort to maintain the tooth as long as possible.
Once the affected nerve tissue is removed, an antibacterial agent is placed to prevent bacterial growth and calm the nerve tissue. The nerve treatment is followed by a permanent restoration, which is usually a stainless steel crown.
What is the Best Time for Orthodontic Treatment?
Pediatric dentists are trained to recognize possible issues with the developing dentition. Early treatment can prevent more extensive dental problems in the future. Some dental malocclusions (bad bites) can be recognized as early as 2-3 years old.
Children have 3 different phases of tooth development. The first phase is all primary (baby) teeth from 2-6 years old. During this time in a childโs life we are concerned with underdeveloped dental arches, premature loss of primary teeth, and harmful habits such as finger or thumb sucking. Treatment initiated during this phase can have great results and may in some cases prevent need for future orthodontic treatment.
The second phase is called โmixed dentitionโ and this happens from around 6-12 years of age. This phase has both permanent and primary teeth and begins when the 6 year molars and lower central incisors begin to erupt. Treatment concerns and goals during this time of a childโs life are directed at correcting jaw relationships by redirecting growth and aligning teeth that are excessively out of place. When indicated, treatment during this phase is very successful because the hard and soft tissues are very responsive to orthodontic movement.
The last phase of a childโs dentition is when all adult teeth are present and this is when we make the final decision as to whether or not the child would benefit from orthodontic treatment.
Author :Dr.Amrita Pal
About Dr. Amrita Pal (BDS,MDS-Pediatric Dentistry)
I am a Pediatric as well as General dental surgeon by profession, previously attached to Medical College.
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Autism Care and Screentime #WorldAutismDay
Screentime is an addiction.Lets accept that. On World Autism Day I will share my experience at the Sishumangal Child Development Centre and Research Institute Raigunj where they had an interesting panel discussion on the screen usage it’s effect on kids and what is a safe zone.
Autism spectral disorder represents a range of neurodevelopmental condition presenting with challenges in social skills language delays and presents in various degrees of severity.A genetic component is there, but environment has a role to play to especially those on the borderline of the spectrum .Early childhood parental interaction ,avoiding screentime ,and early diagnosis of speech or language delay will go a long way in fighting the battle.
Most research is from TV watching data.
Research for tablets, smartphones is still limited.Based on survey results:
Over 40% of children regularly watched TV, DVDs, videos by 3 months.
By 24 months, this rose to 90%.
Children 0-24 months watch approximately 2 hours of TV/day in the US.
In 2017, the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto presented research regarding the relationship between screen time and language development .
Around 900-1,000 children, ages 6-24 months folowed between 2011-2015.By their 18-month check-ups, 20 percent of the children had daily average handheld device use of 28 minutes, according to their parents.
Used the ITC- Infant Toddler Checklist.
RESULT: Infants with more handheld screen time have an increased risk of an expressive speech delay.Every 30-minute increase in handheld screen time was linked to a 49% increased risk of โexpressive speech delayโ (i.e. score below the 10th percentile in the symbolic, social or the total score of the ITC).
Guidelines for Screentime by AAP
- Birth-18 months = no screen time; facetiming
- 18-24 months = high-quality programming- CO-VIEW
- Blueโs Clues, Sesame Street, Barney
- 2-5 years = 1 hour daily of high-quality programming- CO-VIEW
- 6+ = make sure it isnโt replacing sleep, physical activity, etc.
- Be consistent with how long kids can watch media
- Designate media-free times: dinner, driving, one hour before bed
- Watch WITH your children: โmindful useโ
American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016
Screen exposure increases the sensori overload that can cause even more difficulty I communication in kids who haven’t yet developed speech.
Speech and language development delay occurs if children exposed to screen less than 18 months of age.
Data shows that :
Less than 3 months screen exposure 40%
By 2years 90%
By 10 years personal phone!
There’s a problem right there.
Happinetz or similar device is a good solution right,out of the gate for young kids developing screen addiction.Remember the tantrums now are better than what happens later.
But in this scenario I will tell you a problem we adults are facing too.In this rapidly changing world of bricks and cements we are stick indoors with no physical activity.The smart phone is a whole world right from your palm and when you take out that phone to scroll and refresh instagram/Facebook/X for random number of times we are not walking the talk.I am guilty of that too.But I am also a digital creator for health and educational content.The solution lies in choosing where and how to spend our time .It’s not going to be easy .But nobody said it would be !
Sishumangal Child Development Centre and Research Institute is doing their best to spread awareness and help the kids and parents requiring special help,training and support .
Know about managing Internet Access for kids
This is part of Blogchatter A2Z challenge C post and the Ultimate Blog Challenge .
Stretch Marks & Weight Loss: How Are The Two Related
Stretch Marks & Weight Loss: How Are The Two Related? Those distinctive purple or red stretch marks on your skin have been a common concern among many, particularly those who have experienced substantial weight loss. These thin, elongated scars that emerge on the skin can be a reason for self-consciousness and can have an impact on your self-esteem. Find out whether stretch marks and weight loss are related and whether stretch marks due to weight loss will go away.
Understanding Stretch Marks & Weight Loss:
Before we dive into the relationship between stretch marks and weight loss, let’s understand what stretch marks are. Stretch marks or striae are red, purple, pink, blue or brown streaks on the skin. Stretch marks are formed when the skin is stretched beyond its capacity, causing a tear in the dermal layer. This tear causes the breakage in elastin and collagen fibers, thus resulting in the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Red or pink stretch marks are the new ones in their initial stage. White or silver-colored stretch marks are the older ones and are more stubborn.
Weight loss refers to reducing the total body mass using fluid loss and loss in body fat. Consuming a balanced diet and checking your carbohydrate and protein intake can help considerably lose weight. Rapid weight loss can result in the appearance of stretch marks.
Stretch Marks & Weight Loss: How Are The Two Related?
Now that you have a basic understanding of stretch marks and weight loss, let’s delve into how stretch marks and weight loss are related. Stretch marks are not exclusive to weight loss or weight gain. Stretch marks can occur in various situations where the skin is subjected to stretching, such as pregnancy, growth spurt in puberty, rapid increase in muscle mass due to bodybuilding, and medical conditions such as Cushing’s or Marfan Syndrome.
Weight loss undeniably plays a crucial role in the appearance or worsening of stretch marks. Let’s understand why!
- Impact On Skin’s Elasticity
Rapid weight loss can have a significant impact on the elasticity of the skin. The skin becomes loose as it has insufficient time to adjust to the body contours. Stretch marks due to weight loss usually appear on the area of fat accumulation in the body, such as thighs, abdomen, back, hips, breasts and buttocks. - Decreased Body Fat
When you lose weight, there is a decrease in the body fat or adipose tissue, the fat layer beneath the skin. This fat loss can make your skin loose, resulting in prominent stretch marks. - Decrease In Muscle Mass
Rapid weight loss can decrease muscle mass and body composition, resulting in loose skin, thus contributing to the appearance of stretch marks.
Above mentioned are the possible causes of stretch marks after weight loss. During weight gain, your skin undergoes excessive stretching, but stretch marks are not noticeable at this stage. But after losing a considerable amount of weight, stretch marks after weight loss become more prominent.
How To Fade Stretch Marks Caused By Weight Loss
While it is impossible to eliminate stretch marks caused by weight loss completely, there are ways to fade or reduce their appearance. There may be a difference in the appearance of stretch marks before and after weight loss. Let’s look at some ways to fade stretch marks caused by weight loss.
1. Application Of Special Topical Creams/Moisturizers formulation for best result
Not all OTC stretch mark creams are effective. For effective stretch mark reduction, check the ingredient list and look for skin-friendly ingredients in your product. Striover is the latest skincare ingredient that has taken the skincare industry by storm. Striover is a skincare active that combines the goodness of 2 plants: Astragalus membranaceus and Codonopsis pilosula. Both plants are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to boost the vital energy flow. Striover is the primary ingredient in ThriveCo Stretch Mark Expert. It effectively reduces the appearance of new and old stretch marks in 28 days. The groundbreaking Striover, the highlight of this product, stimulates collagen production and reactivates collagen and elastin fibers, restructuring the skin and fading stretch marks after weight loss. Regularly applying Stretch Mark Expert serum cream twice a day helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
2. Stay Hydrated
Keep your body hydrated, as itchy stretch marks are common due to excessively dry skin. Increase your fluid intake as it helps to replenish and hydrate your skin, thus improving the appearance of your skin.
3. Moisturize Regularly
Include skin-hydrating ingredients such as squalene (another key ingredient of ThriveCo Stretch Mark Expert), hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and niacinamide which moisturize your skin, improve its barrier function, and boost the elasticity of the skin.
4. Maintain Steady Weight
Rapid weight fluctuation can cause skin trauma, putting additional stress on the skin and potentially worsening the appearance of stretch marks. Focus on slow and steady weight loss.
5.Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage
Sun damage can make your stretch marks more noticeable. In the daytime, protect your skin from the harmful effects of sun rays by applying sunscreen with SPF 30 or above, avoid going out in the direct sun between 12 noon and 4 pm, and carry an umbrella.
The remedies for treating stretch marks before and after weight loss remain the same. Treating your stretch marks while they are in their initial stage can yield fruitful results. Older stretch marks are more stubborn and very difficult to get rid of. Stretch marks are a testament to your body’s resilience and the changes it goes through. While there are ways to minimize their appearance, you should learn to embrace your stretch marks. Weight loss plays a crucial role in the appearance of stretch marks, but that’s not the only cause. It would be best to understand the factors that influence your stretch mark and take adequate measures to treat it effectively. This helps you be more confident and comfortable in your skin.
Frequently Answered Questions
Stretch marks due to weight loss are permanent scars on the skin, but with proper skincare treatment, you can minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
Regular application of ThriveCo Stretch Mark Expert serum cream while losing weight can help with the appearance of stretch marks due to weight loss
Applying topical creams such as ThriveCo Stretch Mark Expert serum cream and bio-oils such as rosehip oil from the very beginning can help reduce its appearance by plumping up the skin, improving the elasticity, and boosting collagen production, and thus improving the texture of the skin.
You can also effectively get rid of stretch marks from the below-mentioned skincare treatments:
Laser Therapy
Chemical Peel
Healthwealthbridgeย Disclaimer health information provided on this blog is for general awareness and doesnโt in any way replace a doctorโs professional medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor in case of any decision regarding your health, and diet.
Disclosure: This is a post written in association with a brand, but that in no way will affect the quality of information shared on the blog post.
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023