I don’t have a brother. I do have cousins. That’s why Rakhi while growing up was not something I thought a great deal about. But my sister who is six years younger wanted to celebrate all festivals. She insisted that since we looked out for each other we should tie Rakhi to each other Raksha Bandhan is just that. Right?
Easy Fun Rakhi Lettering for card
Protecting, looking out, and helping each other out. Isn’t that what the spirit of Rakhi all about?
My little girl celebrates Rakhi at school, with loads of fun and little idea about Raksha Bandhan .i did try to explain to her today morning when she got ready for school. She was more interested in learning how to tie it, than why and whom of it.
She has 3 cousin brothers who are not close. So if I do make a point about Raksha Bandhan she will not really understand. I am in two minds.
In the epic Mahabharat, Draupadi tied a Rakhi on Krishna. That’s why taking His name Draupadi always got protection.
Whether to make Rai feel her cousins are the brothers, or she would be better off, tying it to Krishnaand make God her protector.Any tips on this?
Comment below to let me know. Writing this for #MondayMommyMoments.
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In all the drama about Jammu and Kashmir, everyone forgot the new baby. Ladakh is our baby UT. Beautiful Ladakh never wanted to be ignored. Their development, their developmental, political aspirations were stamped under lack of political will.
Beautiful people, a cold dessert, but the language was not recognized, the identity was confusing. An unforgettable land where people wanted the same things as you and me. They wanted to feel like they belonged, wanted to build a better future. But they lacked so many things which you and I took for granted. A good school Good colleges Good University Good hospitals. Work opportunity and a better life seemed to be on the other side, just beyond their reach.No one talked about them, it was always the happening next-door neighbor. The neighbor controlled everything. The purse-string and the fruitation of their aspirations.
BJP MP from Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal speaks in Parliament on Article 370
Article 370meant only people of J and K could work in J and K.Even in central jobs only people of J and K could be posted.
I was surprised that the beautiful roads in Leh were empty. The shops were basic. Talking to people we realized the terrain made for a low population, but jobs and entrepreneurship help was even lesser.
370 had to go. Doing the same things for seventy years, yielded roughly the same result. It’s time to make a change .Adapting to change and embracing the new today is a good idea, just like Ladakh did. I sincerely hope all the politicians who are busy causing chaos over J and K, realize this. Their children were educated outside Kashmir. If they cared about J and K ‘S people, they would have focussed on building schools,colleges, and hospitals and stopped the stone-throwing business long back. A few people with vested interest tried destroying the youth for their petty gains. Terrorism helped make a few rich in J and K. If you trace their trajectory and their wealth, you will find the answer to why J and K had so much trouble.
Many wrongs doesn’t make a right!
In Ladakh, we stayed at the Grand Dragon. A stunning hotel whose staff helped us get settled down. Our trip was of very short duration and acclimatization needs time. I was already under the weather and on the way I wrote this post. Those cold stark mountains. The views of the snow-capped mountains looked close by. But was far away. Ladakh is far away. So is Jammu and Kashmir, but now is the time to help the people in whichever way we can.
I hear you. You want to help. Now you can. Keep your eyes open that when you can you can. Help open educational and healthcare institutions.
Article 370 and Ladakh
Social justice prosperity and peace takes a long time. But a start is needed. We started finally after so many years of Independence Ladakh will finally have a voice. As Marie Forleo famously says
Everything is Figureoutable!
Marie Forleo
, It’s important to have the political will and the inner strength, that only optimism brings. There will always be naysayers, you need to focus on the big picture of a united India! Faiths and religions are not above humanity. Human aspirations everywhere are the same! I wonder why no one is talking about what the people of Ladakh want? Is their voice not important too?
We want peace, harmony and our children to be happy, healthy and well-fed and have wisdom. That needs some work and now we can say India remembers and just time doesnโt make wrongs right! Neither does multiple wrongs make right. Finally, India stopped paying the price for past mistakes. Its time to make some changes.For the better!
Md. Mansoor Khan is in the news after economic offenders like Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi and the Kingfisher man. This Karnataka Ponzi scheme has made Interpol announce a blue corner notice against the founder Md.Mansoor Khan.
The hard-working middle class wants to have a safe investment option. Government options are not as lucrative. Private options are confusing. In this muddle comes third party shady deals and Ponzi schemes. If you think only the poor and uneducated fall for Ponzi schemes, think again. The current headline-grabbing IMA Ponzi scheme had a significant percentage of upper-middle-class investors. The last dividend was allegedly paid in April and then the man ran but faking his own suicide.
Ponzi scheme and Md.Mansoor Khan
I decided to write about this because I saw my father running after such schemes and losing money all the time. It never fails to surprise me that people still do this all the time. Thousands of people in Karnataka have filed FIRs.Here two questions need to be asked.
1)Why does the Government not have a Ponzi scheme alert in place.
2)Why is the public still falling for theses,that too in a place like Karnataka!
What’s IMA!
I Monetary Advisory group of companies was started by Md.Mansoor Khan. It’s behind the Ponzi scheme which duped people out of their hard earned money. Karnataka Government allegedly ignored a 2015,RBIs warning about this shady business and ED has also filed a case of money laundering against the company.
Who is Md Mansoor Khan?
Md. Mansoor Khan is the man behind the shocking Ponzi scheme in Bengaluru. He has left the country last week to the middle east probably Dubai. To evade suspicion he sent his family beforehand. Many top Karnataka politicians allegedly cheated him. He even sent a fake audio clip to Police before running. He started an Islam banking and halal investment scheme. The investments avoided halal industries like tobacco, alcohol, etc. It raised 2000crores from the market.IMA has a diverse portfolio including education, healthcare, jewelry, and publishing industries.
What’s a Ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme like the MLM scheme and pyramid schemes pay old investors by new investor money. They hook people by promising a high rate of interest, with little or no risk(not true in the real world) and is classically dubious in nature. Made famous by Charles Ponzi nature.
With so many Ponzi schemes everywhere in this country, it would seem we have a lot of money to give to scamsters. It’s a big surprise that economic offenders have such a wide reach. The story of Halal and Haram investment is big news today. Guess why? In this case, a lot of the religious leaders had supported the company and the owner. One wonders, what they will say now.
How to recognize a Ponzi scheme?
They target people with limited knowledge about how investments make money.
They guarantee the moon and back.
They talk about very high returns on investment which is at odds with market results. They depend on the lack of knowledge of the target investor.
The marketing and sales people involved have very high commissions and will invite you to join as an associate in many cases.
Their business model is vague.
The scheme sounds very lucrative and much better than anything you have heard.
Its always promoted as risk free or minimal risk.
If you see anywone offer you any such schemes,pretend to have some urgent work and run.Fast.
#Savethedoctor is a sad situation. A social sickness is becoming a social evil. Beating up anyone is not recommended for your health. Beating up doctors is even worse for your health. If you hit us anywhere, you are at risk because, we need all our body parts, our brain and mental peace to work.
What kind of message does the higher authority want to give? Poor infrastructure and shiny toy syndrome seem to be a favorite, with buildings and medical colleges cropping up everywhere. But with no attention to quality.
It remains our duty as doctors, to tell people the truth.
Why you need to Save the Doctor
I had to tell a relative of a child that there was a lack of PICU(pediatric ICU), at a Government hospital. The poor man looked shocked. He said, what are you saying, doctor? But all authorities proclaim everything is available? I had to tell him the truth while taking informed consent for a procedure, and thatโs where the problem often starts.
Another funny(horror movie funny) incident, was when I examined a patient with a mutton bolus, stuck in his through. The person was in an alcohol-induced stupor. After reviewing the inebriated patient, in the operation theatre, I transferred him to the surgical ward, for necessary investigation, until surgery could be done.
Suddenly after some time, there was a mob of around thirty people creating a rampage in the ward, claiming no doctor had examined him. One of them started banging the table and threatening me. On asking what the problem was, they shouted,
Why did a senior doctor, not see the patient.
I was surprised, and with shaking heart, went to the patient’s bedside. There were thirty goons surrounding me. On seeing the same patient, I asked him,
Sir, didnโt you meet me at the operation theatre with a meat bolus?
The man gave a smile said, oh yes. I just didnโt think it was a lady doctor who was a senior doctor! I was speechless. Suddenly I realized the goons were missing. I heaved a sigh of relief and decided to inform my superiors, about this shocking incident.
Incidentally, the patients elder brother came. He apologized saying few neighborhood youths had done this behavior voluntarily, with none of their relatives participating. That incident was a big part of my decision to resign from Government service. We as doctors never wanted this situation, and I have a few things to share.
If you are sure about negligence in treatment:
1)Complain to hospital authorities and change doctor. (Recommended)
2)Kindly go to a doctor relative or take care of own treatment(not recommended).
3)Complain to Healthcare administrative authorities.
4)Go to court.
You have rights. We have too. The definition of health includes social health too. For that everyone is responsible.
— Dr.Amrita Basu ( Misra) (@misra_amrita) June 11, 2019
#Savethedoctors Q:Why do journalists call criminals attacking ,doctors & health care staff, relatives of patient?https://t.co/M1bT1PPd0U you have 200 people waiting for your go ahead ,to attack & try kill? This mob which attacked #NRSMCH did @abpnewstv @CNNnews18@smritiirani
— Dr.Amrita Basu ( Misra) (@misra_amrita) June 13, 2019
Can you hit people on the head and insist they do your work?
Try doing that with anyone. We are tired of repeated mortal attacks on doctors. The people who are doing this are social criminals. They are taking away your right to healthcare. Will you serve people who abuse you and try to crack open your skull? Did God give a guarantee that we will all become immortal?
Q.Do you have 200 people waiting for your go ahead, to attack & try kill?
This mob which attacked did
Q: Why do journalists call criminals attacking, doctors & health care staff, relatives of the patient?
Because: 1) They are looking for cheap TRP boosts. 2)They are controlled by goons. 3)They have no say in the content they share. 4)They are not really journalists. 5)They think its okay if the same happens with them ‘6)They are poorly informed.
Doctors of Kolkata Protest and you Need to do it too! Wait this is not a movie trailer and you will not find placard holding film stars and artists ofย Bengali-Hindi movie industries protesting. Guess why?
What kind of society has Doctor-beaters roaming around? The kind where child rapists, terrorists, and murderers roam around too and get second chances.
When doctors feel a lack of security, itโs a sad situation. We as doctors have empathy, for all persons who are suffering. Anyone who is a medical student or is a doctor is doing so because they want to serve. But to serve you need mental wellness and environment compatible with this.
How can things like this happen with no repercussions?
The event
Death of an eighty-year-old patient, followed by a two hundred strong mob beating up doctors and putting a young doctor in ICU with a depressed skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage. The young doctor’s treatmentย is strangely enough being done at a private neurosurgical institute.
I rarely write posts, which show the negative side of healthcare services. But today’s unfortunate event made me so sad,I had to share with my readers. This is an unfortunate day for everyone. My dear readers, bookmark this in your memory. If you think, this is an isolated event and will not affect you, think again. Doctors are part of social pillars, just like journalists, and everyone else. Once you break down pillars, you can repair them, but the crack will always show.
Will making bridge course doctors solve problems like this? Will increasing lateral entry doctors at the periphery and making stricter referral rules help?No way. It will just precipitate the impending doomsday. This is a social problem of disbalance, between expectation and reality. Doctor’s can help, but can we start talking about the maladies that affect ?
Doctors of Kolkata Protest and you Need to do it too!
Are all deaths because of negligence? Do people only die because of negligence?
The post mortem report of the alleged neglected patientย failed to reveal negligence. But the young doctor has already been beaten up and is now fighting for his life. This is an immediate problem and he needs all our prayers. But the bigger problem is, when this lack of trust, starts affecting the doctor-patient relationship.Health and healing is part of a bigger picture. It cannot and will not happen in isolation. It needs help from individual, administration, doctors and the general public.
[bctt tweet=”Health and healing is part of a bigger picture. It cannot and will not happen in isolation. It needs help from the individual, administration, doctors and the general public.” username=”misra_amrita”]
Is free healthcare a measure of quality?
People who are always judging doctors, need to start sitting for NEET and get enrolled in medical courses. Serve in Government hospitals and see first hand, the kind of effort and empathy this needs. Doctors are endangered species and your health care needs will be unmet in the future, even with all sorts of free health schemes. Guess why?
Because doctors will no longer treat.AI will treat and personal medical attention will be affordable only to the elite and well-connected people. Just like home visits by doctors are rare nowadays, meeting a doctor in person may be a thing of the past.
Are you ready? Do you think beating up people is a sign of a civilized, healthy society?
Environment and Environmental pollution awareness are my pet projects. But there’s a problem. Each one of us needs to be aware and take part in keeping this earth clean and green.
Why do people cut trees and put plastic bottles in the river, sea and by the road? Do they even know that it’s going to end up inside their body? The people who create plastic products because it’s still great business are they aware of Karma? What about people who pollute the air , water every day?
About Air pollution
Be it a humble farmer or a zillionaire, pollution is real and you can’t run. You can have plants where you live indoor and outdoor. You can have an indoor air purifiers, you can have a car air purifier. But do you want to be in this cage? What kind of world will this world be with no plants and air like in Delhi, Kolkata or Bangalore? Living beings need clean air, water and nature connect for health and wellness. Considering fresh water fit for drinking is scarce, can we stop polluting water?
Environment and pollution
If urban development and green cover needed together make vertical gardens, roof gardens, balcony gardens, community gardens mandatory.The strict control of the use of water bodies for immersion and religious activities. Prevention of groundwater pollution by industry waste needs to be handled strictly. Polluting vehicles, firecrackers, burning biomass, tobacco, and factories need a heavy hand. Time for polite nudge, goodwill, and understanding is long past. Nature and mother Earth is our mother and when it comes to your mother you better take a stand. It’s about survival and no longer a choice.
About Water pollution
Will the Government take a stand and listen to the green tribunal? Will they protect our water bodies? Can we all help clean up the river banks and prevent illegal construction and sand mining? Illegal construction in Kerala was behind, much of the troubles during the Kerala floods and thats a problem everywhere.
About Noise pollution
If you don’t know yet, I am an ENT and Head-Neck surgeon. Hearing loss suddenly or slowly over years can always be traumatic. But preventable hearing loss needs your commitment and community coming forward.No amount of rules and regulations will help if you are not aware.
When I first moved to a small town in West Bengal almost 6 years back, I thought I would get a greener life. Unfortunately, the small towns and big cities are all competing for their polluted avatars coming first The dusty roads, piles of garbage, plastic everywhere, severe noise pollution and heavy air is a daily affair. In Kolkata, I grew up in a shady bylane next to the green Rabindra Sarovar lake. Our home was nestled away from the main road and I remember my childhood being relatively free of the horn tooting that seems to distress me so much now.
I sometimes wonder about the people who create this cacophony. In normal conditions, only people with significant hearing loss will be able to tolerate the blaring loudspeakers and excessive car noises. The sad part is it’s often too late when they do understand. The sensitive auditory nerve has already suffered a blow.
A story I must tell you about this will make you think. A retired factory worker once came to me complaining of ringing sound in the ear. On clinical testing, he had hearing loss. After doing Pure tone audiometry, I found both his ears had significant sensorineural hearing loss. After talking with him I realized he had suffered from acoustic trauma or noise-induced hearing loss andย lack of ear protection while working in a high sound environment.
Several wellness indicators over the year show that people with nature disconnect, have more physical and mental health issues. Environmental health affects you, me, children and those yet unborn. If you are reading this, you are among a handful of those in this world who understands the precipice we are standing near. Share this. if you are as worried as I am and tell me in the comments below, what we can do to reverse this horror.