Update Amazon’s Alexa rank disappeared and so did my friend Alexa blogging challenge .So right now theres no Alexa rank .On May 1, 2022, Amazon shut down Alexa Internet and subsequently discontinued Alexa Rank.
It’s time for MyfriendAlexa again. Oh if you don’t know what am I talking about, I will go back to when it all started. Back in 2016, I was pretty clueless. I read a lot of blogs and books but was living under a rock, when it came to the Indian Blogging scene. Then one day by Gods grace I had stumbled upon something called Half marathon by Blogchatter and also signed up for something called the MyFriendALexa!But this challenge has nothing to do with the Amazon Alexa devices. But it does have something to do with the Alexa rank of a blog.
Can you cheat the Alexa rank?
Content creators are forever trying to drive traffic to their blogs. Alexa claims to account for all controversial practices of skewering the rank. The better you get at fudging data, the better are their AI.
Why I participate in My Friend Alexa
It pushes me, inspires me and gets my writing inertia all pumped up. In all the years, I have participated in this challenge I have always learned something new. I have even written a book about blogging challenges including My friend Alexa.
3 Reasons I participate every year.
Number one
It’s serious fun. Serious because it’s not for the faint-hearted and definitely not for anyone who is blogging to relax. MFA is not going to help you relax! Know this beforehand so that you can avoid stressing later /Its very important to know what you want from your blogging journey. Personal satisfaction by writing and sharing has nothing to do with numbers but if you want to help people through your words then numbers help you know whether you are going in the right direction.
Number 2
Its great discipline to read and write regularly. You find a new readership for your blog. Blogchatter actively promotes the hashtag and your blog posts get a fresh set of eyes. The Blogchatter team is exceptional in its community-building effort and is easily one of the best around.
Number 3
The resources they share inside the FB group often has high profile experts giving super tips which are hard to get.
Number 4
Your Alexa rank becomes better and is a great boost to morale. The best part is when someone wants to work with and checking your Alexa its a good way of knowing what kind of traffic numbers you have. It’s also a great way of knowing a little about the blog you are reading.

For this, you do need the Alexa toolbar installed on your browser though. If you writing good content, optimizing them and promoting your blogs posts your Alexa will already bye good. But we all have scope for improvement, right? Its always good to have different stats for comparison.
5 Things to do Rock My Friend Alexa season 4.0
- Plan your posts. It can be around a theme or not. That’s up to you
- Write now rough drafts at-least
- Schedule
- Make creatives
- Create optins if you have plans to grow your email list
Sign up here for MyFriedAlexa 4.0 if you haven’t done so yet!
After one month of the MyfriendAlexa campaign, this was my Global Alexa rank on October first, 2019.

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