You know how you start picturing stuff in your minds ,then you writeโthat’s what this book teaches.It’s powerful.
Writing with all your senses is the secret ingredient, to make readers feel your story,like your characters and live with them.
But that’s not easy.In a world where fake social media stories are the norm, authentic stories have a special place
Living Colours: Painting writing and the bones of seeing by Natalie Goldman is a book that will change your creative life.
The book has a simple premise. Something I believe in,that the creative art forms are fluid. You can help your writing by dabbling in other art forms too. It depends on you. It depends on your ability to reach the state of flow.
That’s why the bones of seeing are essential. Do you see the colours around you or see only the black and whites, or is it more grey?
Whatever it is, painting, drawing and writing share a relationship.
A close one.
Writers who draw or drew include
Satyajit Ray, Upendra Kishore Ray, Sukumar Ray, Shibram Gangopadhyaya, Lewis Carroll, Natalie Goldmann, J.RR.Tolkien, Henry Miller, EE.Cummings, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, H.G Wells among others .They drew,doodled painted and keeps enchanting generations.
It’s not about how perfect your drawing is. It’s about getting into the meditative state of focus that your favourite art form helps you reach.It’s about the story you are telling
Writing is sometimes too critical for your brain. The inner critique prevents you from doing your best.
But what you can do is just follow your heart when it comes to creating art.
When we are critical, we give our left brain a push forward, making our artistic right side cower and becoming self-conscious.
This doesn’t mean that we stop editing, correcting or learning to better ourselves. It merely means we create first. Then correct.
In the book, the author shares her paintings which are a delight to see even in the ebook version. She also gives simple art exercises to practice impromptu art for you ownself.No wonder I took to Tangi with such energy.
Now, what are the pros of the book?
It’s for those who are confused about what to pursue: Writing or art stuff?
Quick tip You can choose both.
Writing is like meditation,you know when you get in that zone where you cant hear anyone ,right?
If you liked drawing as a child you will love this and it will help you.If you have never drawn or not artistically inclined that way ,then just try the exercises the author recommends.You will be pleasantly surprised.I am not sure what my drawing activities will lead to .But I have fun doing them.The book gives you that nudge to find the artist in you .
If you need to just accept your own work,start with your art.
he book has easy exercises you can do.It’s a liberating book.It will set your heart free to doodle,draw,paint, sculpt or just try a little bit of everything.
Remember you are the creator.Own the Art.
It won’t really teach you to draw.That permission you need to give yourself.But sometimes you need someone to tell you that.I did.
I wish there were more of the art work .But these are not really cons.If you are a writer who doodles,this book is for you.
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What happened after I read the book
I decided to share my list of art supplies ,that are light on the pocket but give good results.
If you have been following my updates, you know I am trying my hand at hand lettering and various Art stuff.
This was something I fell into in 2020 during lockdown.While work at home had tripled,opportunities for travel and socialization had dwindled.
Enter Living Color and Tangi a short video platform totally unlike any other. It’s a positive uplifting place for creatives.The Universe gives you all that you seek.
I started creating artwork for Tangi challenges and then blog posts.I loved attending the workshops by Tangi creators.
That’s when things shifted.The COVID fatigue is real and every bit of positive mood promoting activity helps.
In this busy season, I was worried about how this would eventually help me. Then one day I stopped worrying and started enjoying myself.
I create content about Creative wellness on Tangi.Be it the art I try,the recipes I share ,the health solutions or my balcony garden.
What’s important is I share them. It’s my way of creating a blueprint for my own wellness. If I forget the way, I can check out my Tangi videos. I know what makes me happy and thats where my content on Tangi fits the mould.
I even created a Swag bag for my Tangi friends. If you are on my blog, you are a friend. Then this is something I want you to have too! Its totally free for you to download and colour. If you like it, don’t forget to share it with someone who loves colouring. You have permission to create.