Itโs the chicken and egg quandary.
Does the egg come first or the chicken?
Should all authors blog?
Should all bloggers write books?
I am partial to bloggers and adore blogging.
Itโs blogging behind all my book-writing journey. Have you read my book on Blogging, SEO, and keywords? It has been selected for Prime reading multiple times and is easily one of my top-selling ebooks on Kindle. The best part is itโs free on Kindle Unlimited.
Read 22 Free (Almost) Blogging Tools Resources for 2021 Which Help
But saying that, I do have some input about life on the other side
I started blogging in 2014. Before that October, I only read blogs and never imagined I could write one. Let alone write books.But God and the universe have a fantastic way of setting you up for the adventures you seek in your subconscious.Thatโs the power of a healthy mind.
My favorite blogs included smart passive income by Pat Flynn, which still has some of the best working and earning online content. The best part is Pat is honest. At least as real as anyone online is.He is trying a lot of things. Finding what sticks and then rooting for it and building a business around it.You will learn, but whether it will work for your niche, is a journey you have to take.
I share my experience as a person who was a bookworm since age eight. I always wanted to be a doctor and still love primary vocation. But writing is the surprised friend I made when I changed cities with a new job and a new baby.
Having no friends to share my stories with, I took to blogging like a life raft.Later I read that unlikely writers write in moments of loneliness.I psychoanalyze myself so much that I am more inside my head than anywhere else. Busy job and bringing up a kid with an even busier husband didnโt leave for the loneliness of the physical kind, but the keep-my-mind-healthy-chit-chat kind.
The writing was and is still a way to declutter the mind. Itโs my pensieve. Only that which makes sense seems to flow out of my hands from all the busy brain clutter. I worry about usefulness, helpfulness, research, SEO, but I write for women like my daughter and me.
Itโs a way of keeping all my learnings in one place so that even if I am no more, I can help her.
Blogging now since 2014, I have written more than 1000 blog posts. Are they all perfect? Most likely Not, But did I write to help? Always. Thatโs why when I go back to add more data to my existing post, it takes time. Itโs always more challenging to redo than do it fresh.
Now, how blogging helps you write?
Itโs a habit. Writing and making sense with words. When it comes to the blogging game, it is habit-forming in the public domain.
When itโs a blog post, it has an objective. But the scope of the blog post doesnโt always encourage a deep dive into a topic. Especially if you are playing the game of blogging every day.Seth Godin blogs every day. So I am still collecting data about what happens when I blog every day and not. If you are a writer for a very long time, have always been writing, since the time you can remember, this answer may not be what you seek, This is true especially if you are a fiction author .Wait for the next part of this series where I talk about writers blogging.
This is part of my My Friend Alexa series with Blogchatter.