Thankful Thursdays have made life more disciplined and fulfilling. When you know you have a long list of blessings, life just becomes more peaceful.The small irritations like AC not working in the car , loses its power to spoil the day.Today on Thankful Thursday, we are celebrating the ”people gifts” that God gives us.Friends !
I believe people treasures, are the true measure of who you are and what you are.If I am the total of the five people I spend the most time with, then I am in excellent company.The best part is, family we are born, with friends we choose.
When I was a child I had a habit of blurting out the most outrageous truths. I stayed friends with people who could handle that. Honest, hard working, fun humans, who can give back as good as they get. When people don’t know you they judge you by the friends you have.So choose carefully ,because friends can help you win or make failing inevitable.
I tend to gravitate toward 3 types of friends
1)People who are good and make me feel happy.
2)People who are fun.
3)People who are interesting.
When I was in school my best friend, R was an adorable mix of all three.Probably thatโs why we are still in touch, separated by 5 seas and 3 continents.It has taken me a long time, but I have come to find the people, who make me feel good, are fun, interesting and from whom I can learn.Every person can teach us something.Through their good behavior or bad traits.It’s a personal choice that I would rather associate with good.
I married such a friend and found the first type of adorable friends online. Together we just published our E -books and it’s a wonderful feeling.
Good friends help you be better.
I have made my fair share of mistakes and hung out with the wrong sorts because they were fun and interesting.Then I was not reading philosophy and human nature.I thought
If I am good, nobody can tarnish me.
I was wrong .Evil does have great power if you let it enter.
[bctt tweet=”Behavior, character and your soul has an invisible light and perfume. #drAwrites #ThankfulThursdays #HWB” username=”misra_amrita”]
When you are good and happy, your soul shines with a golden light and people smile when you enter a room.When you spend time with the wrong type of people, those with whom you don’t agree, whose morals make you cringe, that golden light in your soul dies.Your perfume becomes like the smell of a closed room.Heavy and claustrophobic.You are doing something and your brain is sending you distress signs!
That’s not a good situation.Successful people make friends carefully and you should too.
[bctt tweet=”Successful people make friends carefully and you should too. #drAwrites #HWB #ThankfulThursdays” username=”misra_amrita”]
Read below, what Aristotle says about friendship
Each type of friendship, to be an actual friendship, has the following attributes:
โTo be friends, therefore, men must (1) feel goodwill for each other, that is, wish each otherโs good, and (2) be aware of each otherโs goodwill, and (3) the cause of their goodwill must be one of the lovable qualities like utility ,friendship and good.
Aristotle observes, โThe perfect form of friendship is that between the good and those who resemble each other in virtue.
Write on the prompt and Link Up. You can also link up other posts.Just comment on this post and my co-hosts post and any two of the posts in the link up.
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs. Grab the badge
Monday MommyMoments is in week 21.We have come a long way together.In June we have something fantastic planned for you.But right now today I have something to share.Blogchatter is going to have the ebook carnival up soon.I will have my book, Picky Eaters: Guaranteed Hacks to make you Happyup there.
I also self-published my book Fruits for Life: Nutrition secrets your doctor won’t tell on KDP select.If you have signed up for my newsletter, then wait for the behind the scenes email, just for my VIP members.
I love experimenting and learning new things.Probably that’s why being a mom is so much fun.It’s the biggest adventure and has the best surprises in it.But is it easy?Anything .but that!
After I became a mom, I once declared to my hubby
PG entrance was easier!
How can you help new moms?Easy ask her to make a Baby Gift guide and share it with friends and relatives with a polite.This sounds weird, but can actually help, cut down on duplicate gifts, waste of money and 10litre of baby oilI am still trying to use up those baby lotions I keep getting.
When we thought about this week’s prompt, we realized new moms have a trying time getting useful gifts.
Sometimes a little imagination can go a long way.That’s why we invite you to find the most useful ideas for a Baby Gift guide.
This week’s prompt:
#MMM week 3 #Contest question”:
Top 10 Gift Ideas for New Moms
NEW MOM GIFT GUIDE: MondaymommyMoments
[bctt tweet=”#MMM contest! New Mom Gift guide.Make it fun .Write ,link up & enter @Deepagandhi1″ username=”misra_amrita”]
We have simple rules.
Comment on this post and cohosts post
You can write a post prompt or link up your new post in the linky.
We share and visit each blogger who links up.
This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey.
Thatโs a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love.
Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love?
We share your entries on twitter and other social media platforms generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
Enter the contest through the raffle copter giveaway and submit a post using the blue button below.Multiple entries allowed.
MMM is all about supporting other moms and this mother’s day we are planning some activities to support all the mom bloggers.
If you are writing an E-book, we are going to promote it through our blogs.Just send us a blurb, your author bio, and a profile pic.
We also have a May#supermom contestYou can write on the prompts every week as they come or even later and link up in the most recent linky .
Share with us your thoughts on the topic-
week 1:
The most beautiful part of being a mom / Salute to motherhood or 10 Best mothers day gift ideas.
week 2 5Best resorts in and around your city!
Mothers Day Contest 2017 with 3MondayMommyMoments
Submit as personal experiences, short stories, or poems.
Having a blog is not mandatory.If you don’t have a blog, e-mail us your entries to or deepagandhi1 and we will post on our blogs with your authorship.
All entries must be within 350-500 words.
All poetry entries should be more than three stanzas.
Subscribe to both our blogs like & follow the Facebook pages too.
Your work should be original. Don’t get bitten by too much inspiration that your work fails the plagiarism checker.We know you can do it.
All entries should be sent on or before 31st M May 2017.So HURRY!
The decision of the judges will be final.
Share your entries on social medias and tag 3 friends.
Winners will be chosen by a special judge on the following basis
1. Follow all rules
2. Content
3. Tag 3 friends
The first winner gets Rs 750 Amazon gift voucher, the Second winner gets Rs 500 gift voucher and 2 third prize winners each gets 250 Rs gift voucher each. Also #MMM super mom winner certificates.Don’t wait.Write and link up NOW!
Best gifts on Mother’s day for a gardening mommy is what I want my daughter to read one day. She is five now, but later when she does read my blog, she will know what to gift me on any occasion. If it’s not books,it’s garden stuff for my balconyย
Moms want to make their home happy and healthy.What better than making a green home.Plants make my home smile.They not only purify indoor air and make it look good, they also promote creativity.I started writing after I started gardening.Coincidence?I prefer to think it’s the influence of my green friends, who are the most selfless living beings.
Moms want to make their home happy and healthy.What better than making a green home.Plants make my home smile.They not only purify indoor air and make it look good, they also promote creativity.I started writing after I started gardening.Coincidence?I prefer to think it’s the influence of my green friends, who are the most selfless living beings.
My top picks for Mothers day gift for a Gardener mommy
Plants obviously
Just because you love gardening, don’t go overboard if you have a small balcony like me.Quality is always more important than quantity.When we grow with care, plants bloom.When you think it’s another chore, that’s something they feel too.
I believe a few plants improve indoor air quality as well as make unique home decor.I buy indoor plants from amazon, and also some other online nurseries.I like nursery live and chhajed garden too.
Pick your plants carefully, depending on your home space, light and watering needs of the plant. Having a few plants is like having another family member totally dependent on you.
[bctt tweet=”I am a balcony gardener #HWB #MondayMommyMoments #contest” username=”misra_amrita”]
Self-watering planters are a big help, if you have no one to plant sit when you are traveling. It’s also your best option ,when you are very busy and can’t water every day.I plan to have a light and water controlled green wall ,in my new home.Yes, that’s a plan.I heard they have set up something like that at Ecopark Kolkata.I am going visiting soon to check it out.For now, I am making do with these planters.
This small kitchen garden on the balcony rails looks so pretty.Doesn’t need much space.What you need is good planning and persistence.
Gardening gloves are a must.You must use good quality rubber gloves.Nothing fancy, just sturdy is needed.Also, a good pair of Shears Kraft Seeds Garden Shears Pruners Scissor Gardening Cut Tools is a must.You definitely want to avoid hacking away with your kitchen scissors.
Potting mix, mixed with a little soil helps to make the Planters light.It’s also best if you get organic liquid fertilizers .Planters make adding plant food difficult if it’s not in liquid form.
Grow light is something you may consider buying if you have little direct sunlight.Indoor or outdoor,plants will need light for photosynthesis.But their needs vary .
Garden decor
Now comes the fun part.I think even small balcony gardens can be dressed up.
You can try artificial green grass.Personally, I would love the real kind.Buy a few pretty plant stands or repurpose old tables, Amazon .wrought iron stands to make vertical plant stands.Have a small table hung from the railing.
Get a few folding chairs which you can use to make a small dining nook.Wind chimes can make delightful music and you can hang them from the rails too.Interested in garden ornaments?Get squirrels, monkeys ,mushrooms ,fairies whatever your heart desires.
If you want the bird friends to feel happy in your balcony garden, you can hang a cute little bird bath.It will not only look good you will be blessed by the bird friends.Have you ever bought gifts for a gardening mom?Which one is your favorite?
Oh, those visits were my favorite, for the pedicures and hot oil massages.
Throughout my pregnancy, my beauty parlor people took great care of my hair, skin, and feet.I could hardly see my feet, so foot spas were a must.
What happened when the baby was born?
It was 6 months, her rice eating ceremony, before I stepped into my favorite parlor again.
Even then I was no longer a free bird.Quick visits to the parlor with baby sleeping, made it a stressful a fair.
Fast forward to the 11-month baby. I shifted to a small town.With no help, home, job, and baby, there simply was no time for parlor visits.
But I wouldn’t give up.I decided to do it at home when the baby was sleeping.
I put on a mudpack while baby was sleeping.
Rai wakes up spots me with the face covered in gunk.Lets of a scream. Didn’t stop crying till I got it off!I oiled my hair.She declares I am not looking like momma.Starts saying it repeatedly, with a sad face.Guess what happens?
Mommy rushes to the bathroom to get it all off.
Luckily since she became four, things are a little better.With her interest in dressing up getting higher, so is my chances of beauty care at home.
The parlor, unfortunately, happens once every blue moon.
So what do I use?
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post.If you do click on these, at no extra cost to you , I will receive a small commission. I only recommend products I use and love.Nothing is more important than telling you the truth about what I use.
From top to toe my favorite products which make look great when I need to step out in style.
My mommy used to insist on warmed coconut oil and I still use it.
I also use the defabulous range of sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.
I also use an Air straightener if I have plans of going out .
For my skin
I use a face mask by Shahnaz Hussain.It’s a Neem rejuvenating skin balm and works great to make my skin look radiant in ten minutes.NMF moistutizer is my favourite. It’s something I use for Rai and for me too.Since its nongreasy and easily absorbed I use it throughout the year.
When I go out, my L’Orรฉal BB cream is my favourite.The perfect pick me up for my face,without spending hours in front of the mirror.
For my eyes
I love kajal,eyeliners and mascara.I mostly use a kajal for regular use and the other too ,when I need to glam it up!
Lakme and L’oreal are my faves when it comes to eye wear.
Keeping my interest for learning new things alive ,keeps my eyes shining too.
My lips
Red Lipstick is something I love.Recently I have gifted a lip crayon by Sugar cosmetics and the shade is perfect.
I believe a dash of lipstick can make you look glam in a second .
I never,absolutely never go out without lipstick. It’s my armour against the world.
Lipstick is my favourite makeup product!
My feet
I bought this handheld gadget, for heel care.Even home pedicure takes time.A mommy hack is a scrub at bath time.But even then it’s not enough specially in winters .This product gets rid of dead skin and buffs the skin to make it smooth.
It’s really good and helps keep my heels looking strappy shoe ready!
But don’t forget to put a heavy foot cream, before going to bed.That’s very important to stop cracking and dry skin.I would also love to have a foot massager.Maybe someone will gift it to me!
May has come bearing gifts.MondayMommyMoments is going to party throughout May.April saw moms writing, wonderfully busy.Reading, commenting was on the to-do list.Folding clothes and dusting took a back seat.All the hard work of April, should NOT go to waste.
When you write regularly, google loves you.When you write useful content, inspiring stories, google loves you even more.What happens when google, loves you?More people find your blog and realize they have found a ย piece of digital gold.
Isn’t that just amazing?Reading is emotional therapy, then writing is soul therapy.
[bctt tweet=”Reading is emotional therapy, then writing is soul therapy. #MMM write with us ย #Supermom ย #contest #MothersDay2017″ username=”misra_amrita”]
When you write , you touch a piece of your soul.It’s like a mirror into your mind.Your readers get a peep into you.Isn’t that magical?
On #MondayMommyMoments we share prompts .to inspire you to write, to keep your mind pumped to do more.Just like stagnant water ย is a breeding ground for diseases.A stagnant mind creates all ย sorts of problems.This week we have an amazing prompt.Facing a writer’s block?The best thing to do ?Just write.Anything and everything that comes to mind.Try our prompts now!
Try our prompts now!This week we have an amazing prompt.
#MondayMommyMoments week 19 Prompt
You can write on anyone or both or write even more.We don’t want you to stop!
One thing you like about being a mom
10 Best mothers day gift ideasย
[bctt tweet=”One thing you like about being a mom #MMM #MothersDay2017 #contest .Blog or no blog Enter@Deepagandhi1″ username=”misra_amrita”]
[bctt tweet=”10 Best mothers day gift ideas prompt no.2 #MMM #Mothersday2017 #contest ” username=”misra_amrita”]
One thing you like about being a mom #MondayMommyMoments Prompt
#MondayMommyMoments April Blogging challenge ย winnersย
One very busy mommy who was traveling throughout April managed to write on our prompts and link up without fail, every week.Plus she reads and follows rules.What’s not to love and adore?We love you Dipika for making us want to help more.Congratulations on winning the #April contest.
[bctt tweet=”Click to read winning post #MMM @dipika82” username=”misra_amrita”]
AtoZchallenge was tough for moms.But this mom Geethica did it with two kids and a busy schedule.Congratulations on completing it.You won our mommy bloggingย #ATozChallenge with on #MondayMommyMoments.
Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visitingย your blogs.
Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love?
We share your entries on twitter and other social media platforms generously. ย Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
Mothers Day Contest
MMM is all about supporting other moms and this mother’s day we are planning some activities to support all the mom bloggers.
If you are writing an E-book, we are going to promote it through our blogs.Just send us a blurb ,your author bio and a profile pic.
We also have a May#supermom contest
Share with us your thoughts on the topic-
The most beautiful part of being a mom / Salute to mother hood
or 10 Best mothers day gift ideas .
You can write on anyone or both or write even more.We don’t want you to stop.!
Submit as personal experiences, short stories, or poems.
Having a blog is not mandatory.If you don’t have a blog mail us your entries or deepagandhi1 and we will post on our blogs with your authorship
All entries must be within 350-500 words.
All poetry entries should be more than three stanzas.
Subscribe to both our blogs like & follow the facebook pages too.
Your work should be original. Don’t get bitten by too much inspiration that your work fails the plagiarism checker.We know you can do it .
All entries should be sent on or before ย 31stย M May 2017.So HURRY !
The decision of the judges will be final.
Share your entries on social medias and tag 3 friends.
Mothers Day Contest 2017 with 3MondayMommyMoments
Winners will be chosen by a special judge on the following basis-ย
1. Follow all rules
2. Content
3. Tag 3 ย friends
[bctt tweet=”#Mothersday2017 #contest 3 things to win.Write ,link up & follow rules.4 prizes! #MMM” username=”misra_amrita”]
Don’t worry if you are not a blogger or do not have a blog, just share your entry with us at orย and we will share it on our blogs.ย
The first winner gets Rs 750 Amazon gift voucher, the Second winner gets Rs 500 gift voucher and 2 third prize winners each gets 250 Rs gift voucher each. Also #MMM super mom winner certificates.
A to Z challenge Reflection post, is supposed to be about looking back with quiet pride right?But me, I am ecstatic.I am still alive after an entire month of mayhem when nothing seemed to get ironed and buttons didn’t get sewn.I wasย writing you see.Also reading, sharingย and researching like a woman possessed.I take this opportunity ,for saying a heartfelt thank you ,to the 6200 readers who visited my blog during this month.
What did I do in April?I jumped ship.ย When I did my theme revealย ,I wanted to write about my journey as a mom blogger.But somehow as the launch day drew near, my brain started whispering, sometimes screeching
Healthy living, healthy living!
This is your chance to spread the message you want.
Since it’s a challenge people, will at least speed read?After thinking for entire March, I changed directions a few days before April 1st.But I never ignore gut feeling.!
Fruits are an important part of healthy diet.But few people know how much to have and the good things about these miracles which are nature’s multivitamins.Enter the perfect opportunity.I not only wanted to write about fruit good Ness but also about any fun quirks they have.Like watermelon and nature’s viagra .Who knew?
The enormous amount of research was exhausting.But my speed reading brain is forever ready to snack on interesting reads.Health and nutrition are great topics for an e-book.At leastย according to stats its is, and according to my hopes, it better be!
I woke up talking about lycopene in watermelon and tomatoes,cranberriesfor UTI, Indianย Gooseberry and Vitamin C.I ran a contest based on my fruit posts.Thanks to all my readers who participated.
The winner is Neha Tambe!She blogs at nehatambe.comย .Congratulations
Health topics cannot be written on the fly without reference. So long hours of reading writing and researching.But it was worth it.I finally got something on my miles long toย do list done.That feels good.
After all, the A to ย Z challenge is going to have a cherry on the cake.The ebook brain is spinning faster than a spinning top.Can I do it?Finish edits, proofread, cover, marketing, etcย ,etc?
(Disclaimer: There’s are affiliate links in the following part of the post.This means I will earn a small commission if you buy any product through the link.That in no way affects the prize you buy the book at.I only recommend products I personally use and love.)
Will it Fly? : An interesting ย handbook to help you check whether your book idea will work.
Make a Killing on Kindle: Marketing Tips and tricks of kindle book formatting .
Zen of ebook marketting :The different places you can promote your book.
When the going gets tough, we write even more!โฆ
Comment below to let me know if you have written an ebook.If yes share your tips.If no , do you have plans?