My fondest wish is one day, someone will discover my superpowers.
Like Dumbledore found Harry.
Someone will tell me ย I have magical powers, I just needed to train.
That it’s suppressed magic, waiting to unfurl.
There is a long list of things I would do.
One post is too short.
But I have to start somewhere.
This weekend,a list of 10 things I would do if I were a Superwoman.
#1 If I were a superwoman I would expect people,to stop polluting the air water and soil.
Tell them to stop noise pollution
Who makes a mess of their own home?
Mother earth is our home.
ย Don’t make it dirty.
#2 If I were a superwoman I would teach everyone to fly. It’s important to learn basic flying . You can fly at different levels and there’s less traffic.
#3 If I were a superwoman I would put an invisible shield around India, to protect us from terrorist attack.A shield that will work as a boomerang.
#4 If I were a Superwoman I will make all mothers the choice of working from home or from the office.
#5 If I ย were a superwoman I would make ย ย Child abusers and rapists have exemplary punishments . The type of punishment will never allow them or others to repeat the crime.
#6 If I were a superwoman I would tell our PM that we need a ban on, the lack of family planning and population explosion.
If you have 10 kids there’s no way you or the government can help you.
We just don’t have enough cloth to go around.
If I were a superwoman I would zip zap zoom population explosion. Because unmanageable numbers make, poverty, illiteracy, and poor health impossible to tackle.
#7 If I were a superwoman I would want all women, to see through the nonsense and lies people tell. That way they can protect themselves from marrying the riff-raffs and all the heartbreaks that go with it.
#8 If I were a Superwoman I would tell people, that having faith and hope can help you have superpowers too. So never stop believing in yourself and the almighty.
#9 If I were a Superwoman I would tell you the secret to staying young and beautiful forever.
The only way is to keep your heart kind and loving, your soul innocent and your mind forever learning. To read and learn. Always, forever.
#10 If I were a Superwoman I would make chocolates that have zero calories and zero side effects.
It would be jam-packed with deliciousness, vitamins, and probiotics and taste even better.
If I were a superwoman I will tell you the truth, without having a thought about political correctness.
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