I wrote all I learned about blogging in my book Starting a Successful Blog. It’s helpful not because I say so but because Amazon made it a part of the Prime reader program multiple times.I enjoy sharing what I know. Do you follow me on Twitter? Then you will love the newsletter I send through Revue. Don’t forget to sign up now.
Overwhelm and the dreadful imposter syndrome is never far away. But try to put a lid on it and share. In the first quarter of 2022, I lacked energy. Plus exam season puts everyone on tenterhooks.
Now with April and A2Z season here, how can I not share what I know. Blogging is not new. It’s very old. The technical headaches of blogging were there even before . But now we have access to more Training including that from Yoast. If you haven’t taken Yoast’s free training, go check it out now.
But why is Blogging or keeping a Web log so powerful?
It’s your gift to the world of words, sound, and moving pictures in your own way. This assumes that my online diary will be maintained on the server even after I have traveled to other world adventures. Whatever happens, have fun living and writing.

At the end of the day, we strive to be relevant and do things that help us.
Blogging lets you overcome the fear of writing down your thoughts. You learn to organize your thoughts, especially as a non-writer, this was very helpful for me. I had no aspirations about my writing talent or wild dreams of writing as a profession(except prescription) or as a side hobby. I simply didn’t think that was for me. The biggest surprise was how much I enjoyed writing and how happy that made me feel. Even now blogging in the professional sense requires keyword research and an eye for on-page SEO stuff. But the storytelling which forms the crux of blogging needs your authenticity. It can’t happen without you letting go of the tight leash of emotions that can cause trouble.
Here’s a sneak peek at the Starting a Successful Blog course preview. It’s free.
But remember these are the bare bones. What you do with it is what will count. You can get my book here.
Blogging Secret:
As a blogger, your biggest power and talent is your voice. Don’t let go of that. Experiment, try new things, learn every day and implement what you learn. You will learn from everything and everyone. But choose with care because certain things you don’t want in your head. Now I sound like a typical mom (which I am), but information that “enters your brain ” is as crucial as the food which enters your body. So have filters and virus scans applied to your creative brain.
I am participating in Ultimate Blog Challenge and #BlogchatterA2Z
Blogging Resources : Pin this post

22 Blogging resources which helped me
Make Money Blogging with Blogchatter
Does Blogging(Really)Help wanna-be- Authors?
Eternal Question :Blogging or Vlogging?
Books on Blogging :Blogging in India series
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I atarted my blog in December 2014 mainly for my product reviews. 8 years later I never thought it would turn into something I enjoy so much. Now with Lia stealing the show it’s even more exciting.
It’s definitely a fun and adventurous journey. Keep inspiring us .Your team is amazing.
I love this. I am restarting my own blog during this challenge and resonate with what you’re saying. Blogging can be an extremely powerful way to let your voice be heard! 🙂 I’ve always let myself get hung up on not knowing what to write or worrying it wouldn’t be good enough. I’m trying to let go of that and just have fun with it. Great post! Thanks for sharing!
True.Its our chance to be our own Sun .