Aatmanirbhar -self-sufficient and independent.A strong message on this 74th Independence day by Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi.
Thats what I wanted to be, from the time I understood the meaning of the word. I have my mom to thank for this.
She drilled into me pretty early that financial independence is the stepping stone to personal independence in many ways. There are going to be haters and people who diss money. But ask any person who grew up with money trouble,
Do you appreciate having savings to fall back on these times,?
The answer will tell you what you need to know.
Enjoying the pleasures of life while not being attached to them. Being good and doing the hard work, for the peace of mind it affords you. When you are dependent on another person for your wellbeing, are you genuinely independent? Can you really be your best self?
What shines a new light through the Prime Ministers speech
India should export less raw material and import less finished products. Until we become producers at all levels, we can never become independent. If you are only a consumer and not a creator, the story changes when someone like China holds the strings.
Its like Yoga being born in India ,you learn it from childhood.Then you pay a foreign company to teach you yoga online!Its like validation happens only with the “foreign” tag.Made in India and Make in India for me .
In October 2020, we will complete two years of being self-employed as a couple. The first thing we did when we cashed in our ELs was, we prepaid our home loan. In 2020 being loan-free is something we sincerely appreciate. Thats always going to be my number one priority. Also, SBIMaxigain was the most hassle-free home loan experience ever. Pre-payment was a breeze.
Worrying about earning is one thing and the loan repayment is another cup of tea. Dal chawal(rice and dal) chalega , but I will be Aatmanirbhar monetarily. Does that make sense?
When I started my website, I didn’t know it will be one day an excellent way to offer preliminary health education and telehealth consultation too. That’s why the husband started his website (drabhijitmisra.com) in February. Validation, foresight, Blessings from the almighty? Whatever it is, we are thankful.
Having green plants around you makes your mental health more in your control than a few other things. I am so glad I started my balcony gardens long back so that even in lockdown I didn’t suffer from nature withdrawal
this independent day once again, I realized how dependent on nature and social connections we are when it comes to the feeling of wellbeing.
Digital Health Id for every Indian: This will be interesting and helpful for all Indians, to have. A digital record of your health in one place can help in preventive health care too.
Digital India :
In 1000 days, every village in this country will be connected by optical fiber. When this happens, it will be a game-changer. I am working and living in a small town in India for the last eight years. I can earn offline locally.But online from all over the world, because of digital access. Taking classes and courses is also easy. Imagine what can happen when access is given to the curious?
It will be a whole new world. I am in fact writing a series called Online education since January 2020 with the #Causechatter with Bogchatter.
Aatmanirbhar Bharat needs to find its lost treasures of education and wisdom. Its only functional knowledge and application that can help you be truly free. But you also need to love what you do, to live with freedom in your heart. That requires awareness, mindset shift, and understanding of the world around you. What do you think will make you more Aatmanirbhar?
Let’s all strive to be Aatmanirbhar in the real sene.
Read my post about India Independence Day:11 Reason to Thank my India in 2019
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I also learned from my mother. Growing up we didn’t have much money but my sisters and I were never without. I followed her advice and still am now. We don’t purchase items unless we have the money to pay for them. We have been debt free for over 30 years. How wonderful that.younwill be connected to fiber optic soon.