Ninety days of waiting….
90 days of #RGKarProtest from Malda to Kolkata.Protests on roads,in medical colleges by Doctors, teachers,students and citizens. We didn’t stop .We won’t stop and we won’t forget.
09/09/2024 -09/11/2024 :90 Days of asking for accountability, trying to clear up the system .This is possible because everyone with sense of self preservation understands what’s at stake.
Thanks to Arijit Singh for giving us an iconic song.
#tilottoma #rgkarmedicalcollege #justiceforabhaya
But those in power ,the politicians,the administrative people who pull the strings are safe in their anonymity.No one knows their exact role in the planning,implementation and execution of the gruesome crime.They are cloaked in an blanket sheet of protection.But most readers of thrillers know…there’s no perfect murder.
The person(s) who covered it up was good.They knew they couldn’t cover up the crime.So they did the next best thing … make a mess of it.
A giant knot of puzzles,clues ,false herrings, coverups which look like cover-up and are meant to throw you off the trail.
The entire protest machinery to be slowed down.
What’s at rest will remain at rest …inertia will work on people’s mind and the people of West Bengal will go back to their daily grind.
While the state machinery start putting the fear in the hearts of doctors(curtail their earning),students(academic punishment)in various ways.
What remains to be seen is whether the people of West Bengal are successful in getting their rights of quality education, and quality healthcare from those who want us to stay struggling for our roti/kapda/makan.
ওরা যত বেশি পড়ে
তত বেশি জানে
তত কম মানে।
The more they read,
the more they know,
and the less they bow.
The less you read,less you know, the less you know how bad your situation is ,the less quality and employability you have and you are more dependant on welfare and handouts and way more easier to control.When there are divided ranks the people are easier to control.Divide and rule is how the invaders controlled India .Don’t let them divide your strength.Rich or poor ,educated in the conventional way or not everyone(except rich politicians who fly to USA,UK ,Dubai for medical care and education)is at risk if you have dirty water,dirty air,horrible hospitals and schools run by those who never studied .It’s no one’s problem until it’s everyone’s problem.No one can change thus until all of us raise our voices so loud that those in power realize the current crop of trouble makers need to go.
Whether a clean system will replace a dirty one or will it be the same system dressed in new clothes…only time will tell.
For now,uproot the weeds.It’s time to clean up the garden other wise in springtime the flowers won’t bloom again.
Read this interesting post to know why you must be made to say ” Heerak er raja bhagoban”.
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