I really am very bad with secrets.If you are a reader of my blog ,you already know many of these.
But here goes :
1)I love reading a lot. I can read anywhere. If I am not reading my brain starts chattering. That’s bad.I am afraid I am a readaholic.Is that even a word?But you get the picture.
2)I and my hubby are college sweethearts.He was brave enough to marry me .We had different political allegiance. But what can you say.It was love.
3)I love ginger chai and ginger green tea.But I can’t do without my cup of coffee too.Especially when the days pack a punch.
4)I am a dark chocolate lover.That’s one food habit that’s difficult to get rid of.It’s healthy in small proportions.Not when it’s a food group.
5)I used to love reading Mills and Boon.But stopped when I got married.Real life is better.
6)I am a crazy fan of murder mysteries in English or Bengali. I also love reading business books.Yeah I know it’s very weird.
7)I absolutely love gardening. Plan to have one wall of my new home a green wall.Really want to explore hydroponics to grow my own crops.But my hubby needs to be convinced .Wish me luck
8)I had a Tarot reading done and I loved it.
It helped me clear up a lot of issues. I was apprehensive. But it’s like a soul cleanup.Definitely helpful.But look for an experienced Tarot reader.
9) I love travelling .Want to go everywhere and then repeat.But don’t want to rough it.I really like the little luxuries of life.
10)I have A negative blood group.That’s less than 10% of world’s population.
So I am statistically significantly weird.
Bonus fact
I am a mosquito magnet.If I am in a room with 1000 people and 1 mosquito, guess who it will bite ?
Tell me a shocking secret.Promise I won’t tell.
This post is inspired by Novemberschild
10-day blog challenge.
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Its very interesting to read this post ,specially A-ve blood group isan mosquito magnet blood group.
I read somewhere that mosquitoes bite attractive people.
That makes mosquito-magnets like you attractive! 🙂
That was fun reading. 🙂
interesting thought sharing
Amrita I share a negative blood group to.. loved your secrets
Really that’s very interesting ????
I didn’t know you were a negative blood group!
This is so sweet ; I used to love reading Mills and Boon .But stopped when I got married.Real life is better.
I loved this post, Amrita! Looking forward to the next ones 🙂
So you liked my secrets????