Adulting? Is that a way of living? Is there a course on it? What about a book? Well my search around the book world, failed to guide me.I am still coping with adulting on a weekly basis .But thats a good place from the daily struggle I used to have in my twenties.
It’s better now and I hope one day my daughter will read this and be prepared while still having fun as a child. That is, the best part about the Internet. I can make provisions so that my blog survives beyond my mortal life.Because I realized …wait for it the first crucial bit…. my plan to be immortal may not work out.
10 Adulting Hacks That Will Make You Healthy and Wealthy
You are what you believe
Direct from Swami Vivekananda quote, this is not a onetime thing. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, a much-discussed book distills down to that. But there’s a corollary . You can’t just think and do nothing . The thoughts and self-belief must accompany your actions. Then and then only will you get what you believe you deserve.
Always Health first
There’s no downside to being healthy, staying healthy, and feeling healthy. The best part is you save your money by not missing paid work, buying medicines, getting tests done, and visiting hospitals and doctors. That loop is a drain for everyone and that’s something I know a little about .23 years in the Healthcare field and I know all about budget healthcare, state aid, private insurance, and personal wealth. The best decision will be to practice healthy habits and invest in them and your health. Because good health is the harbinger of true wealth.
Habits will make or break you
I have no idea how to write this without sounding like an absolutist. I am not sure absolutist is even a real word. But we will discuss that later. For now, I will try explaining this thing. A little goes a long way. A little money saved becomes the rainy day fund. A little weight gain adds up to cause a serious health risk ten years down the line. Could be sooner depending on how little is little. For parents of little kids, this means you have to walk the talk otherwise no amount of lecturing will work. So to raise a reader, you have to be a reader. Fake it or do it for real because kids are master mimics and that could be tricky for us parents.
Start earning and saving early
Start by doing chores, tuition, running a small business, writing books, start a blog (be careful of your privacy and privacy laws before sharing too much online though if it’s a personal blog). Invest in your PPF or NPS and have a plan for the money you earn.
All my blogging resources are here.I wrote the book “How to Start a Successful Blog in India” (self-promo) , but it’s a book I wish I had when I started blogging.
Share and Teach what you know
Education is the greatest gift after a healthy life. So sharing and passing forward what you can , where you are will change your life forever. Important to remember that “charity begins at home”, so practice this at home in whatever way you can.It’s not going to be easy, but it will reap dividends.
Marry Mr. Right but use both your Right Brain and Left Brain
Your Spouse will be your most important adult decision, which will affect your health and wealth, so have a list of non-negotiables and then work from there. Easier said than done. But you have to know, right? How to marry right? I have a few tips. But there are no guarantees! Because honestly who knows the magic formula, right? But you could become the person you want to spend your life with, that way you would be giving a message out in the world about what makes you happy. Then when you meet that person you just know. Opposites do attract, but only in certain aspects. For a good life, you want negotiable conflicts, a companionable partner, a kind and law-abiding person in your life who believes in women’s rights, a good work ethic, and a good person. That list is growing long. But a special tip marry someone who is at least as smart as you.
Be around kind people who bring out the best in you: Build a community
This one is never discussed enough. Genetics is our internal coding. Our external environment determines how that coding expresses itself. Man is known by the company he keeps . You become what you are exposed to daily regularly . Children especially pickup mindsets and behaviors very quickly . That’s why learning to pick a good company, that is people who bring out your best and whose best you enhance is a crucial lifeskill.
Learn to cook
Learn to cook: Your life depends on it literally.This I learned the hard way while working and studying during my postgraduation days .But I really got good at cooking (my way) during the pandemic. Keeping a cook was risky and a crash course in cooking while juggling all the other roles meant I had to learn shortcuts which were also healthy.
Walk everyday
40 minutes to an hour of brisk walking every day will save you money .The money you would otherwise spend later for gym(and not go), blood tests, and doctor visits.A life long safe aerobic exercise that kicks off your endorphins while helping your entire body feel good. The walking and the writing connection is my all-time favourite topic.
Start a garden
Grow flowers and Edible greens . Eat from your garden, and I guarantee it will change your life . Grow plants on your terrace, balcony, windowsill, community garden, rooftop,office courtyard(if it’s allowed), buy land, plant, and share the produce. Garden with friends . Life will change for the better.
This is part of Blogchatter blog hop
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Boy, you were really calling my name with this blog post. I was just telling a friend the other day that *if* I was going to start trying to get some kind of exercise, it would be dancing, because that would be fun. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, so I have to be careful when trying any kind of exercise. But after reading this post, I might just try it – after talking to my doc about it. Everything else you said was very wise, too.
Thanks Jeanine.
Amrita, thanks for a great article! I would add, under Marry Mr. Right– somehow make sure he is financially competent. I married a man who was not, but appeared to be, and who was in trouble with IRS. Very expensive! Maybe don’t legally bind yourself to someone until you are really sure who they are financially.
Absolutely true .I agree 100 percent on that,also being financially loyal .There can be many disagreements because of money stuff .Great tip
I endorse these suggestions fully as I’m benefitting by practising many of them.
I am sure you do Sir.Thank you for the endorsement.
Nice tips! Starting a backyard garden is on my to-do list that I hope to accomplish soon.
Oh do it anyways.Start small and don’t plan to much.Plant whatever grows in your area and it will change your life forever.
Where to begin?! You have such great ideas here. Yes, marry someone as smart as you. Yes, walk every day. Yes, believe in yourself. Yes, to all of this! Excellent post. Your daughter will be proud and truly benefit. Now I have to think of some book recs for you. There are lots of them. If you tell me what you are looking for, I’m happy to help. – XO
Thanks Elisa.I am looking for resources to manage career growth and a home life without burning out.
You’re right – The internet is a great way to learn about our health and wealth. Good post.
Thank you Linda. Glad you liked this.
This tips are fantastic, Amrita! I am so inspired (and glad to see I’m already doing at least a couple of these!)
Thank you Kimberly