Is There Any Solution to Delhi’s Poor Air Quality?
Yes, solutions are there to improve the quality of air.
Gas Chamber, Choking, Uneasiness…these are some words with which every Delhiite is aware of. After all, these words are so much ‘punctual’ that every year they appear on Delhi’s papers during the months of October and November. They are as regular as Diwali and Christmas!
Every year, a lot of shouting and hand-wringing happen. The air quality deteriorates, levels of PM 2.5 and PM 10 rise; and government administrators jolt into action and introduce same short-term measures which they do every year, like Odd-Even, to regulate the Delhi’s air.
However, as soon as the crisis passes, everyone forgets about Delhi’s air pollution. Ironically, here the problem is more punctual than the solution.
It’s high time the government takes steps throughout the year, not in fact when the problem arises. In addition to regulating vehicular movement, here are some of the solutions to deal with Delhi’s air quality.
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Effective Measures to Curb Air Pollution
- Acknowledge the problem
The first and foremost step that should be taken is to identify air pollution as a ‘problem’ instead of relegating it to a non-issue which only arises during the year-end. The next is to identify all the primary sources which are contributing towards the pollution. Indeed, this is a complicated exercise which can’t be quick-fixed in a day.
By planning to introduce Odd-Even car scheme in the city, the authorities seem to have identified vehicles as the major source of pollution. In contrast, various studies have proved that the major pollution contributors come from unknown sources, which may comprise of natural dust and anthropogenic emissions as well.
Therefore, it is essential that the government conducts a detailed research to find out the reasons behind pollution. Sustained actions are required to prevent recurrence of the problem, and for that, it is necessary to identify the cause (s).
- Putting waste to good use
As the burning of stubble in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh is also considered as one of the prime reasons behind pollution, it is essential to look for the solution. The only way to avoid burning straw and stubble is to look for another use of the crop residue.
Luckily, there is a way: gasifying all the straw and stubble to produce a fuel gas, which can be further used for cooking, heating and powering vehicles, etc. Here, the machines which segregate crop residues, like combined harvesters, can be provided to farmers either at free of cost or at a highly subsidised rate.
- Incentivise public-transport users
Just like we get discounts during festive time, the government should also incentivise public transport users by either making it completely free or reducing the ticket fare. The government can go one step ahead and define the number of vehicles which one family can own. It is common to see that a family of three members owns two cars and many two-wheelers.
A cap on the number of vehicles to be sold in one month, hefty fine if only one person is travelling in the car, a rise in parking fees, collecting yearly fees from car users, etc.; are such measures which can be implemented to keep the pollution level under check. In addition to public transport, efforts should be made to encourage cycling and walking. Some measures like no-vehicle zones, dedicated cycle lanes, more pedestrian crossings, etc.; can be considered to lower pollution level.
- Say yes to electric vehicles
It is high time to popularise the use of electric vehicles by introducing more lucrative offers, like heavy tax waiver, several recharge points, etc. The government should make electric vehicles cheaper than fuel driven vehicles.
- Flexible work timings
Offices and other agencies should adopt a liberal approach towards giving the work from home option to their employees. In this way, it is feasible to control the number of people who step out daily for work.
Now when we have discussed, the measures to diminish the pollution in the city, let’s talk about the impact of pollution on our health. The added hazards of pollution give rise to various health ailments. Besides working towards improving the quality of Delhi’s air, it is necessary to take some crucial steps to stay fit and fine.
Some Precautionary Measures
- Take a balanced diet= It’s that time of the year when Delhi’s air gets both polluted and colder. Therefore, eat a balanced diet to build a good immune system. Eat food that are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E , Vitamin C, omega three fatty acids, etc.; along with green vegetables, and plenty of water to fight the toxins as far as possible. Antioxidants in your diet are one way of fighting this danger. But at this level of pollution that alone will obviously not help.
- Avoid outdoor exercise= Breathing heavily during an outdoor workout would only cause pollution to sink deeper into your lungs, and increases chances of respiratory issues. So, avoid outdoor exercise regime until the air quality improves. However, don’t compromise on fitness and go with an indoor exercise regime to stay fit.
- Cover your face with a pollution mask= You can’t sit at home 24×7, and therefore, always wear a pollution mask every time you step out of your home. Usually, N95, N99 or VOG pollution masks are the most effective masks.
- Wash your house streets= Take a one step towards improving the air quality by keeping your house and neighbouring streets pollution-free. Washing the streets would settle the dust and avoid it from entering your nostrils.
- Buy health insurance in India= Ailments, like respiratory infections, COPD, stroke, heart diseases, lung cancer, trachea, etc.; with which we suffer from and hear about, are usually triggered by air pollution. While the above measures can help in building your immunity to some extent, it is necessary to go with the best health insurance policy to secure yourself in all the seasons!
In the current scenario, the medical inflation has reached a new height, and as a result, one visit to the doctor is enough to cause a dent in your pocket. It is indispensable to go with a comprehensive health insurance policy which would cover your medical expenses and make sure that you seek good treatment without worrying about the costs.
Moreover, you can go for a family floater health insurance policy to insure all your family members under one plan. Considering the spiraling medical inflation, it makes complete sense to go with the right health insurance policy in India to financially secure your assets and savings which you otherwise would have to spend on meeting your hospital bills.
If you already have a health insurance policy, you can expand the coverage with a super top-up policy that will offer you cover in case you exhaust your current health insurance coverage.
- Go green= Bring home some plants which act as natural air purifiers like aloe vera, sansevieria, spider plant, etc.; which suck up all the pollutants. Here plants will not only help in improving the air quality but will also work as a mood The government can also make roof-top gardens mandatory for offices and educational institutions. Air purifiers are at best temporary partial solutions. They are not a permanent solution at all!
Being the capital of India, Delhi is globally looked upon as a promising investment destination. Don’t you think we should work towards making the city breathable? It is your city so Instead of blaming the government for not taking effective measures in curbing pollution level; think of what we can do as a citizen of Delhi.
Though government agencies have some powers which are not available for a common man; they can’t materialize their schemes without our support. It’s the right time that we ‘all’ gang up against the devil called ‘Pollution’.
Disclaimer: This post is meant to spread awareness about health and lifestyle issues affecting us .All healthcare and financial decisions must be taken aftter due research and expert opinion according to your own requirements.Read my full disclaimer here.
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oh my gosh, that sounds so scary! Luckily, I live in a beautiful part of the UK (Shropshire) and we don’t have to worry about it so much – YET! Everyone should always do their bit for the environment, on a daily basis
Some very good and practical solutions for an issue that needs to be addressed not only in Delhi but most metropolises in India. Great post!
Great tips Amrita. Such an eye opening article. If government can incentivise public transport and provide better public transport options, it will be good.
Thanks Ramya .Glad you liked it.
Nice ideas… Bt some.of them are workable.when the entire community changes. Let us hope that happens soon
Omg I had no idea that Delhi had air issues. So sad!!! We really do need to take better care of our planet
A very useful article at the right time. We know about this problem but all we do is complain. Great work.
Wow, this must really be a huge problem in Dehli. Is car exhaustion the leading cause of it? Or are there other factors?
Air pollution in India is really out of control. Your alternative ideas to use public commute, electric vehicles can really help address the issue to an extent.
Air Pollution in Delhi is alarming. No wonder the rise in air purifiers these days.
I could never live in a town I couldn’t breathe. Athens is not clean either but it’s not that bad.
I think new registration of vehicles must be stopped. Secondly, all vehicles must be inspected at regular intervals.
Couldn’t agree more on this. I love this post. We should all be responsible citizens and its time to wake up and save our mother earth. This is not only for Delhi but many countries and cities are experiencing this.
Keep doing what you’re doing doc. Awareness of this issue is critical as these conditions are a human rights issue – it is as important to heal a society – the human race – as is saving a life.
I had no idea about the air quality. I believe that some impacts make larger improvements. You defiantly provided tips on how people can do their own part.
Oh dear. I had no idea Delhi had such poor air quality! That’s so scary. 🙁
It’s such a shame that the government are only coming up with short-term solutions! I think that incentivizing public transport is a great idea – the fewer vehicles on the road, the better!
Here’s to hoping changes are made!
This is a much needed post…this is not just Delhi..entire India needs to do somethn to get back to breathing fresh air or else we ll end up buying fresh air too like water
I think it’s high time we all woke up to the reality and understand how our mindless actions have come back to haunt us. We should first accept whatever the problem is and work towards a solution instead of playing the blame game.
Very true Amrita. I totally agree with you especially a single member travelling in car is unacceptable. Air pollution is really dangerous and its time we all should join hands. Great Post.
These are some great tips. It’s a shame that places have poor air quality–we have it all over in America. Where I’m at it’s at least not so bad, but if I travel, sometimes you have to watch it!
Very true. It’s a very sad state of affairs that we have gotten ourselves into. Thankfully, Bangalore isn’t facing this kinda pollution but if measures are not taken, then it isn’t long before whole of India starts facing it.
Best bet, is taking precautionary measures and getting a health insurance.
Very useful tips for sure. Before anything we the people should understand and change from our very own house so that the pollution is reduced gradually. I hate to compare but still I have to mention here. I stay in the US and when I come back to India the only thing which troubles me in pollution and traffic. We should plant enough trees and use public transport.
These are some really amazing tips. I had no idea about the air and things going on in Delhi.
These tips should be made public here in S.Africa too. We don’t have anything like your problems, but pollution is still becoming a problem in the major cities. Unfortunately the same would be true here too – that they will only introduce the solution when the problem is out of control!
Loved the post. I would only want to add that each and every individual in the City has to now take it up on him/herself to keep the city pollution free.
Thanks for sharing this.
An article worth reading. Instead of pointing fingers we should look for the solution, so very well explained.
These are some great tips, the problem is as a country we are not looking at engineering solutions and only politicize the issue.
I agree we always tend to blame the government for everything. I think it’s high time we act as responsible citizens and strive to improve the surroundings by consciously adopting methods to curtail pollution.
I totally agree with you that it’s high time we should start taking pollution as a serious problem and search for ways to reduce it. Exercising outside is not recommended at least for the time being.
Pollution is growing at an alarming rate…it’s time to take serious action
Not based in Delhi, but London has some pretty bad air pollution as well. Going to use these tips for my daily life here!
This is a must read for all residing in Delhi. I’m just back from Delhi after a sorry vacation there and the condition of the city is really bad.
Delhi air pollution is alarming for us. This post is really informative and useful reading that.
I so agree that we need hefty fines to control such rampant flouting of rules!
that’s a useful tips for people who stay in Delhi..
That’s a brilliant post. I think putting a fine on vehicles with just single traveler is an awesome idea. With pollution on rise, taking precautionary measures is also very important.
this makes a lot of sense but unfortunately not many agree that we even have a problem – dealing with it is a different things altogether!
Such an important post, I back flexible work timings and more of public transport use. But Delhi still needs lots of more buses to support the demand..
hahaha…you are right, the problem is punctual, and the solutions variable!
these are some good ideas and tips. i hope people will take notice and start making changes.
It really frightens me to see the alarming rate of the air pollution in the country’s capital .. I am appalled at the indifference of the state and central governments
Your suggestions can be put to use. Way forward would be opting for electric cars.
Everyone come together is the biggest solution i think.. All tips are good
Great post and like you said, multiple things can be done. If only, there is intent. Thanks for bringing this to light.
Very useful tips, Combating pollution is a need of the hour. We need to act now as this menace is growing with time . and I really want my kid to stay in healthy environment and am happy to start making changes to give a cleaner environment
We too recently posted on a similar subject ..
It’s become a new normal with winters setting in. The stop gap arrangements are alright to deal with the situation when the levels are toxic..but as you rightly pointed out it needs an allround solution. I’m sure a concerted effort by government, civic bodies and residents together will bring a sustainable solution to this health hazard.
I am going to share this with all my friends and hope each of us will contribute to make the air quality better at a individual level. It is about time we acknowledge the issue and work towards to make the situation better.
We really need to understand how pollution impacts us.. Not just the visible impacts but long term hazards too… Some very nice suggestions here.. This really needs to be taken up seriously and as individuals we too are responsible to make the start at home and surroundings… If we all start to be aware and take precautions it’s surely going to have a long-term impact and solution
Air pollution is a major problem not only in Delhi but all over India. You have shared some great tips to stay healthy and safe.
What a fantastically researched and well written post. Very thought provoking indeed Amrita.
Thank you for bringing to fore so many essential points.
That’s very serious issue to find solutions for. Agreed that by following the ways you suggest like putting waste to produce fuel or using electric vehicle will definitely help a lot. And we all need health insurance
These are some great tips not only for Delhi but for every city to help tackle pollution on a global level.
This is one grave issue that needs the health ministry along with the community work in tandem. Thank you for bringing in such great points on board
Some interesting ideas shared on how folks living in Delhi can help improve the air quality.
Very thought provoking post. This applies to all big cities of India. I agree that government should pay heed to improve the public transport.
I stay in Delhi and i can tell you that its the worst city to live considering the smog we just experienced sometimes and i am really worried about our health and our future too!!!
I have already bought few plans , icici seems to be a good option!!!
Great tips Amrita, but we hope that they are executed as well! I love the electric vehicles one! I’m hoping things get better soon!
On a morning show here in United States, the lead story was COPD in people in a particular state where industrial pollution and coal mining had totally ruined the air. Sad to say this problem exists all over the world, and there are so many political forces that keep us from good solutions.
I remember when I was a child Delhi used to be one of the cleanest cities in India. I always loved Delhi for its parks and monuments. It is sad to see that today Delhi is the most polluted and unsafe city of India. I hope your article reaches the authorities of Delhi, may some good sense prevail on them. Very helpful article.
Yup! We need strong and stringent measures but also need to do our bit. From driving my car almost everytime I go out, I’ve come down to once every 5 times.
Great tips…I think even the odd even thing worked well and helped in controlling the situations to some extent..
A problem like you say recurs every year and all we do sit back and complain without taking even a small step towards helping with the issue. A great post !
The situation in the North was so bad this year…my son fell sick on the first day or our holiday itself. These are great tips to keep in mind.
Makes me cringe over the fact that so many people have to constantly breathe under such hazardous condition because of careless behaviour of some people! It’s our city, country, planet! If we don’t take care of it who will!! Definitely must share tips for people suffering there
Loved your blog. You have nailed the issue and identified great solutions. Great read!
This post is so useful that some great suggestions
Air pollution is definitely becoming one of the serious issues.and considering Delhi bring the capital and one of the major cities, government has to take some strict measures. Along with this good health insurance plan is must.
You always post some very informative Post for all of us. Loved this detailed Post & Safety Measures you Shared !
These precautionary measures can be helpful for changing the atmosphere and environment of capital city delhi . Very amazing tips. Thanks for sharing these and taking one step for this issue.
You have shared some great tips here. Will share it with my friends and family in Delhi.
Amazing tips for the greatest problem of the time, pollution. It only depends on us on how we protect our environment
The situation in Delhi is bad. You have mentioned some great tips in detail for a good solution.
so true we need to find solutions..i loved the odd even concept it was little hassle in the beginning but then in long run it would have been beneficial…
The air pollution is becoming a dangerous threat and surprisingly government is being mum!
Very detailed solution of a grave problem the capital is facing. Health insurance is of utmost importance.
You touched a very important point. Not just Delhi but it is important for the whole nation.
it is a very important issue need to be raise, day by day it is becoming worse.
This issue had addressed! I think it’s for us to come together and do our parta!
These are some great tips ????
Amazing blog …hope delhi follow atleast 1% of this !