What happened in July 2020, stays in July. Yes, it does but I had to write it. It’s one of those posts where I sometimes won’t make sense, but it will still be fun reading.
The biggest blessing this year as I realized having a friend for a partner is always a blessing. July is a month which starts 30 days after the month I got married. In 2008 I celebrated the monthly anniversary of our marriage. It was a good year. Beginning of a new way to live.
People ask me how I do everything I do, and I answer my husband’s help. That’s the truth of it. I would not do a quarter of the stuff I did if he wasn’t such a hands-on parent and my best friend in every madcap venture I dream of. Now July 2020 is good in its ways. But there’s the elephant in the room, I will not talk about it.
Featured post
How is the Health of the Nation: The report is an eye-opener!

I used to write a weekly Thankful Thursday post. It was a weekly link party, which is no more. But I still scribble thank you list in my journal and on the blog. This week my husband asked.
“What are you sharing this week on the blog ?”
The first time in 6 years he asked me this! I realized I forgot actually shared what’s happening with my life, other than the regular awareness about health wealth and wisdom. I realized that’s what I didn’t do. The best part of life is the stories.
The year 2020 is such a mixed bag of stuff that I don’t know whether to rant or focustrate! Yes, that’s a word I learned recently. It’s a favorite name of a fairy in an Amazon web series Wishenpoof.
Thankful for my upcoming book
Now that I am focustrating, I can see only one thing to do this weekend. That’s to upload my book Childhood Obesity & Adult life.It’s the fifth in my Nutrition Secrets series book.

It’s a long time in the making. It’s edited by my Pediatrician hubby and would never have happened if not for his work in this subject. It’s befitting that I am writing about a pandemic during a pandemic. Did you know obesity is a global pandemic? Its scary how many things we ignore, till it hits home. Can you tell people to eat right, if you don’t do it? Can you tell people to sleep well eight hours a day if you don’t? Can you tell people to exercise if you don’t? Can you inspire me if you are not motivated?
That’s why to finish this book, I had to double-check our own lifestyle choices. This year somehow made that easier. Eating at home, exercising every day, and all the excellent lifestyle changes we keep talking about is what helped me finish writing this book.
Thankful for the Balcony garden
In July 2020, my balcony garden was a green haven.
I am growing Red Amaranth from cuttings. Surprisingly they survived the wind and rain this entire month.

Thankful for being a part of the Blogging community
I am happy to be writing with the UBC team again in July, and it’s a beautiful group of bloggers. On another note, I appeared for an Instagram live workshop a part of the Blogchatter #LighstCamearChatter.
I created a free quick video making course for beginners as a part of it. You can access it for free here. The password is BLOGCHATTER. Hope it helps you. With so much going on, the course is a teaser, and I hope to add more content to it gradually as I go forward.
Thankful for life
Life gets busy, and I seem to wake up in the morning with things to do and places to go to, and everything and more happens. Then its reset and we do it again. It’s the kind of game that is playing in the loop, and you cant come out like the movie 51st date. You know what I mean. But being alive is a blessing. Having a home free of cockroach and other creepy crawlies are no less blessing .
Thankful for all things exercise meditation and yoga.
Walking, you know, is my favorite workout. But in all this, I started doing more meditation and yoga. Yoga is a long-time friend who is missed, but somehow 2020 is giving me back a taste of how life was. Rishis and munis have practiced yoga for centuries, and unfortunately, the commercialized version doesn’t talk about one crucial thing. That’s your connection with your mind and soul. When the body, mind, and soul sync and feel one, then the practice of yoga works.
Thankful for having hope
With writing, gardening, walking, meditation, daughter’s quarterly assessment, it’s terrific that the vaccine news is giving me hope. That my friend, is the reason I am still writing.Because I have hope.
Share with me in the commenst below what happened in your life in July.