Do you like free size dresses?Do you like the idea of one size fits all shoes?
Would you want custom options for your child’s education?
If you answer no,no, and yes,then you are exactly like me.An advertising magnet for all things expensive .Online education has just reached a new level of crazy .Edutech companies are falling over themselves trying to run to the bank first.Their advertising budgets are limitless. It’s a billion dollar business, having no ethical responsibility and misrepresentation seems to be the only rule.
Are you tired of those ads?You know the ones I am talking about ,right ?Atleast if you are reading this in India ,you will.
The brand advertising’s are boring,unsubtle and reeks of manipulation,low authority and insincerity. Shocking considering the clout used and money they are spending.
In India we are trying to go digital with educational resources. The problem is it’s a big country with a very big population.
The resources of Mother Earth are limited.So are the resources of the Government. Since free is unsustainable, the quality suffers.
The lower economic strata have limited options and I am clueless about how the super rich decide.What I do know is what a parent like me thinks.
You are a typical parent if you are constantly worrying about the possibility of your child missing out due to COVID.Your peers have thousand and one online options lined up as study/extracurricular /Genius level activities.
You will spend all your hard earned money to give your kids that extra chance to shine.
Then comes the targeted advertising everywhere. They use random celebrities who have never used their educational qualifications to earn a living promoting all sorts of stuff,guaranteed to make your child a certified genius.
Trying to fit a square pegs in a round hole ,again and again!Using your aspirations.Use it,manipulate it ,make money from selling dreams.
The question about education being about learning gets lost in the wind.
So how are we coping?
I fell for one of the platforms.But luckily sense returned mid way.Read about it here.
We are now teaching her school curriculum and as much fun stuff we can find in extra curricular books,free online resources.
Since schools are online,no other screen time other than school and a twenty minute fun cartoon watch with me.The biggest benefit of this is the little one is reading more.She is reading her story books and revising them too.That’s the cute part.She also finished the entire Famous Five series and is constantly talking about Timmy the dog.
We draw together every day.

We have nature walks in our balcony garden.

I tell her about history and we explore the globe.
We do yoga,play tennis (a version of ot),walk on the treadmill,have storytelling sessions too.
All this happens without stress .I choose to believe that wellbeing is crucial.
What do I want my daughter to be ?
I want her to be healthy, happy to learn and create.I can take care of that now,rest we can do later.As for those advertising , I always switch channels.
What do you think about advertising misrepresentation? Have you ever fallen for them? Let me know in the comments below.
Google Camp 2020 read all about it here.
About square pegs and Round holes
This post is also part of my CauseAchatter initiative with Blogchatter to spread the cause of quality Digital education. Equal opportunity for a better world.
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