World Earth Day is coming up on 22nd April and from 14th April to 22nd the world is celebrating Earth Week. On Earth Day I will plant more trees. That way I will be participating in the Canopy project by the World Earth Day Foundation. EARTHDAY.ORG (EDO), is the global organizer of Earth Day. They are also the largest recruiter of environmental movements worldwide. The theme for Earth Day 2023 is – “Invest in Our Planet.”
Why Restore Our Earth?
I have shared about my love for trees and flowers. While a beautiful flower gives me much pleasure, it’s the shade of a mango tree that gives me respite from the burning, angry summer sun.

There’s a heat wave here in West Bengal and the only thing that gives me respite is a cool spot. While traveling by car I wanted to keep a few plants inside the car and maybe a few on the roof. Will that work to keep the car cool? It will but we will need a lot of plants and a good system to keep it all in place.
When I go to pick up my daughter from school I see mango orchards on one side and barren land on the other. Some development work is planned but not happening for the last five years. In that depressing view, there’s an oval of sparkling clear water, a man-made pond, and a lush green rectangle of trees. There are at least fifty tall Mahagony trees with their evergreen tops and tall trunks holding hands and creating shade. I wish to plant trees and create a forest even if takes all my life.
My husband, our daughter, and I started on the journey in October 2020 and things are going well. But it takes time to grow a forest. That’s the bad news. The good news is, we at least got started. During the COVID pandemic was the reason, we invested in a little plot of land, close to the small town where live. Together with a few friends, we visit every Sunday to water the plants and play.

All the other days we have someone water them for us. The good thing about trees is once they get rooted and if there are bigger trees around, they form an underground community of roots and their branches together with soil microbes to help each other get enough water and nutrients. It’s imperative to have trees around if you want to grow this community.
Why Invest in Our Planet
Just like humans, plants thrive in good company and shrivel in bad ones. The trick is to do your research and plant local trees and plants for the best result. When I am no longer there to see these plants grow,I hope they still give shade to those who sit underneath them. Doing a little bit every day is what this year’s CauseAchatter is all about. That’s why planting trees is more important than ever before. #RestoreOurEarth is a Quest. Investing in our Planet is a life goal ,its also gives you back in this life and even beyond.
I am writing this for #CauseAchatter and BlogchatterA2Z and the Ultimate Blog Challenge. This is my Q post. Writing this with the BlogchatterAtoZ friend and the Ultimate Blog Challenge friends.
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