If you have never thought you could paint and the topic today scared you.That’s okay.
When you want to get into the Flow of things you have to find the time to sit and reflect.Its Mental Health Awareness Month and I thought of sharing my experiences with mental health.
Mental health is crucial for everyone and more so if you are a creative person.Atleast for me the dark gloomy moods don’t help me create.I need to feel happy and healthy.

If you dig deep enough everyone’s family have history of some disease or other.Mental health issues were a part of my growing up years.You can say ,mental diseases inspired me to become a doctor. But being a doctor in today’s world is a challenge for any kind of health .When I talk about how I try to keep my mind healthy I only share what works for me .Because though I am a doctor ,I am not a mental health specialist. So if you feel you need help ,consult a Psychiatrist.A professional ,not someone on social media.
Just don’t let it be too long.
Somethings are best done without overthinking.Like painting and writing,asking for help.
But some others like investing ,cooking,studying for a career need careful plans.
A garden can be mix of a plan and unplanned so too a painting ,right?Our life and our bodies are like the garden or the painting. It’s as planned or unplanned as you want it to be .
As my husband likes to say one rule cannot explain all things .One way cannot be for everyone or everything .
Hegarty says only one rule of Creativity- there are no rules. Only one way to break the blankness .Do something about it.
Put down anything you can
Don’t overthink about greater good,SEO ,audience,traffic etc etc.
They will all come .
Today is about survival of your creative spirit.Grab her ,give her a hug a kiss and tell her how much you appreciate the life she helps you live.Thank her .Because without creativity things will get a little blah and meh.
You will not one day windup work and just retire .You will not one day have the perfect set up to work.You will not one day find the perfect group of people to hang out with.
You will not suddenly start feeling healthier or happier .It’s going to be one step at a time
And it’s always the first step which takes the longest.

Take the first step in whatever you do and don’t overthink it.Life gives you chances .What you do with those chances are your choices.
Good or bad ,both will matter.
Don’t think this is a sermon.If you are a blog follower you know I didn’t manage to finish the A to Z .Things appeared to be happening in their own pace.But I am almost done with the fourth book in the Krishna Mishra series “Darjeeling Diamonds”. Its book 4 in the series and I can’t believe it took me so long after book 3 .

You can listen to the first book in the series absolutely free here .You can also find the entire Krishna Mishra series on Kindle Unlimited. Don’t forget to check it out .
Mental Health Awareness and being healthy doesn’t happen in isolation.This month I share on the blog ,my journey of finding “me”.
. “This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter and I am championing mental health.

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