My favorite author forever is still Enid Blyton.Even now my idea of a comfort read is revising one of the Famous Fives and Five find outer mysteries.
Her birthday was on 11th of August and this wonderful author born 126 years ago ,continues to make children all over the world happy.Born on 11th August 1897.She died on 28th November 1968 leaving behind a legacy of selling more than 600 million copies of her book worldwide.
Her work one is of the most translated of children’s authors and is available in 90 languages.
My daughter, her friends discuss the Faraway tree and Find outer like they are next door neighbors. You can’t believe the fun I have picking out books for the young Enid Blyton fans .Her books are a necessary read if you want to encourage creative thinking,out of the box brain storming and give children the ability to dream.
The school stories of Malory towers helped me plan many school picnic meals.The wishing chair was the inspiration behind buying my own rocking chair .Every morning I sneak a peak at its feet to check whether it will sprout wings,because you never know right?
We all need a little bit if magic and a lot of laughter in our daily lives.Children also need their stories to be full of adventure,wisdom and hope .They may not be children of today ,they may be children from another continent another time ,but children will be children .
Many so called literary critics have various issues with her work and the extensive changes in the new editions of her book is unnecessary to say the least.
My daughter started reading during the pandemic and she is now rereading some of these series .It’s fun discussing the characters with her and I will forever be grateful to Enid Blyton for making my childhood full of picnic lunches by the stream ,birthday party in clouds and my love for trees and nature .

My favorite Enid Blyton books :
Famous Five series
Secret seven series
Five Find outer series
The Enchanted Wood series
The Wishing Chair series
The Malory tower series
The St.Claires Series
The Naughtiest Girl series
Have you read Enid Blyton stories?
If you want to read poems by Enid Blyton.
If you want to know about Enid Blyton check out Enid Blyton by Barbara Stoney.