I love the shade honey and it’s definitely a must have in my travel bag.If you are looking for a Poila Baisakh gift for a friend,sister or yourself then this lipstain with the heart shaped wand says ❤.This is also a great addition in a Mothers day gift hamper.
Let’s start at the beginning.
I wanted to have a light ,smooth,pretty lip stain for regular wear .I saw Katrina’s Instagram promo for her brand product in the shade honey.
Now Katrina is gorgeous and you can put anything on her and it will look stunning. But this colour looked subtle and I was feeling the need for a lip oil in a nude shade which wasn’t too glossy.
I took a chance and bought it from Nykaa.
It was well worth the price .
I wear it almost daily .
I used it as a stand alone product
As a lip gloss over my lipstick.
To touch up after a meal at a party.
Doesn’t smear .It’s light and I love how the wand is a pretty heart shape.
Makeup products I don’t buy a lot because I use little and I fear I end up using expired products. Since I like liquid lip colors,the best way to buy it is one at a time.
It lists Raspberry oil as an ingredient.
Writing this with BlogchatterA2Z. K post