This was the last chance. If this song didn’t crack open the ether ,they would never be able to leave . They started singing .Louder and louder their voices rose. Beautiful sound ,soaring clear and sweet.
Suddenly the dome like ceiling split. 7 rays of light came down, piercing the darkness.
The Miracle boys could feel themselves ,being slowly pulled towards the ether. The crowd was in a trance. They had never seen such special effects.
That was the last time the Miracle boys were sighted.
Their music lives on. You know them as the Backstreet Boys.
(97 words)
#Fridayfotofiction started as a challenge .Now it tickles my brain. I read a scientific paper about keeping the brain young. Super info:The brain stops exercising when things are easy to do.The more difficult something is ,the better it is for your brain. Learning new things ,keep your brain young and fit. Fiction is very difficult for me.Attempting fiction, helps me keep my brain young. What do you do to keep your brain young? Comment below to let me know
Writing for #Fridayfotofiction with Tina and Mayuri.
It takes a special kind of heart and mind to face your worst fear everyday.
It takes even more courage to leave your loved ones for your duties ,not knowing when you will meet again.
7 Soldiers who lost their lives in Nagrota army base terrorist attack.
3 Indian Army officers died when a helicopter on a routine sort crashed at Sukns in Darjeeling.
In both cases soldiers lost their lives.
That’s the unfortunate part of their jobs.
Praying for their soul is the least we can do.
May God help and support their families.
Soldiers give their lives as duties.But many people have problem standing up when the National Anthem plays . These same people are very aware about their rights too.
Fundamental duties
The situation is so silly that an Apex court needs to remind people of their duties.
Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin.
If you are not comfortable with the duties,dont expect the rights.Civics and our constitution is pretty clear on both the topics .
What goes around comes around.
Life is simple.
Let’s learn from the brave soldiers who brave all odds to protect our ungrateful backs.
Let’s make them proud .
Our “thank you by words and deeds may just be what they need now.
Okay 1 clap cutlery ,2 clap drinks,3 claps food I wish for right ?
Asked Anusha to Poppy the fairy. Yes said Poppy.”Let’s try it out ” exclaimed Anusha gleefully. First clap!
Image Credit – Timur Saglambilek friday-foto-fiction-week-4prompt
The sparkling plates and glasses appeared on the table. Second clap,the water appeared in the glasses.
Just as Anusha was going to clap for the 3rd time…. “Anusha wake up!.You are going to be late for school” Her mother’s voice woke her up ,breaking the dream.
Word count 95
Tickling my imagination for a Friday brain exercise with #Fridayfotofiction . Link up with Tina and Mayuri
Update:This entry won first prize for week 4 #fridayfotofiction
My friend Tina and Mayuri said writing fiction is good for you.
I decided to research the truth.
Because a challenge is only good if it helps me grow .Right?
Writing is a daily habit .But fiction ?
When I started my blog back in 2014 ,this was never on the cards.Blogging in a vacuum ,I read other blogs and had no idea why they were widely popular.
Some of them I frequent regularly,even now. Some a little less often.One thing I noticed. The blogs which I absolutely loved re- visiting had their owners stories, flavouring all their content.
There’s a lot of debate about whether ,readers who visit blogs for information, want to read a story.
Studies have shown that,blogs with a little storified introduction ,have better engagement than those that don’t .
But it’s your blog you test what works.
For me that is true.At Least now.
So what does a nonfiction writer do ?Learning to tell a story is liberating .Tina wrote about how writing fiction is good for the creative mind.
The body’s perceptions together with the brain’s interpretation creates a transitional state .That’s your mind.This is where you weave stories.
For your mind to work ,you need both these elements to be in sync.I am passionate about Mental health .
Creative writing is one of the best exercises we can do for the ageing brain.
Neuroscience research shows that being a lifelong student ,is good for the brain – the “use it or lose it” idea.
If the right brain helps you dream up ideas ,your left brain helps you put it in words.
The different parts of the brain, work together to make a story.The more difficult it is to write,the more your brain is challenged.
If it gets easier that’s a habit.
Many people journal .That’s good too.But sometimes you are not ready to face the demons inside.
That’s where fiction is a lot of fun . You can have real or imaginary demons.Plus have a lot of fun getting rid of them.
That’s why I am blog hopping with #Fridayfotofiction hosted by Mayuri of & Tina of
This is the photo prompt for Week 2.
The Portkey :Fridayfotofiction week 2
“Look that’s the house in the map “ shouted Gina .
The four children looked shocked at the ramshackle cottage .Half the roof was missing!
“It’s broken down” ,Aruns voice pierced through their shock.
“ The port key is somewhere inside that house ,I am sure “ said Gina again.
Deepa’s cool sensible voice said “ let’s go in then”
The door hung from the hinges. Unable to even squeak.
Entering they a saw a large log in one corner.They decided to sit on it and rest for a bit .The picnic lunch was waiting .They sat down.
They had found the port key.
I know a 100 word story is a little extreme for a novice like me.But I love challenges which make a positive change.
There really is no harm in writing stories
After all we all love stories.Don’t you?
Do you write fiction?
What do you think about this?
Comment below to let me know.
I am taking part in #NaBloPoMo Day
Mayuri of & Tina of are hosting this amazing blog party .