On Monday Mommy Moments we are reviewing Kitchen products this week.Your kitchen is the food central.It also needs a lot of upkeep.A well organised cheerful kitchen is a joy to cook in.
At #MondayMommyMoments we know a mom needs to cook.If not for anyone, but for the little one.That’s why we wanted to write about, what helps us most.Monday Mommy Moments is in its 13th week and we have got a wonderful response.We are planning fun surprises , quizzes, goodies and much more.
If you write regularly ,plus follow the rules you stand a chance to win amazon gift vouchers too!Plus goodies ,a chance to join our exclusive facebook group and opportunity to be beta testers for our upcoming courses.Our Supermom for February was Dipika Singh .She shares her joys with us through these tweets.It just made our day
@misra_amrita @Deepagandhi1 thanks a bunch for the lovely gifts… me and little one are so happy.. https://t.co/B08PiuX30n
— GleefulBlogger (@dipika82) March 23, 2017
#MondayMommyMoments is so dear to me so are the two lovely ladies @Deepagandhi1 @misra_amrita Thank You for such beautiful diary & the NOTE pic.twitter.com/1j3F8IOYEe
— GleefulBlogger (@dipika82) March 20, 2017
Prompt this week
Review your favourite kitchen product .It maybe your favourite appliance microwave, mixie, coffee maker .It maybe your favourite cook and serveware.It may also be your baking goodies.Have a favorite masal mix ?Share its review with us on #MondayMommyMoments this week.

If you are doing A to Z we know how worried and hassled you may feel.Relax its supposed to be fun.Check out The A TO Z Challenge site.

- If you plan to make it into an e-book fiction or nonfiction and self-publish please read this article Blog to Book.
- This is supposed to be fun and not stressful
- You have Sundays off.
- Try to remember to write a few posts in advance
- Definitely, read comment and share.Think about why you want to do A to Z challenge
Its definitely double trouble for Mommies .Do it only if you enjoy a challenge.Not if it will make you lose sleep.

If you are a mommy and doing AtoZ challenge we would love to help you.We know how difficult and crazy things can get, Just input your details in this form and we will keep you in the loop about all other mommies who will be doing the challenge with you.
Our winner this week is Akshata Ram .Mommy , blogger , CA by profession and an enthusiastic learner at all times.Read her winning post here.

Read all about her on the Ultimate list of Women Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

Featured blogger is a chance to celebrate the mothers who blog despite their crazy schedules.Its a chance to give their creativity a much needed boost.The celebration of mommy superpowers that motherhood gives all women.Being a mommy makes us do the impossible.It makes us reach unmeasurable heights.It also lets us break those invisible glass ceilings which we know exist.Let’s create a more positive world together .The pen is mightier than the sword and the power of the internet can make your words powerful beyond measure.
Akshata shares her joy at multiple wins this week
Comment on this post and cohosts post
You can write a post on the prompt .Or link up your new post in the linky.
We share and visit each blogger who link up.
This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey.
That’s a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love .
Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Deepa.
Copy the badge code and put it at the end of your post.

- Follow on Twitter @Deepagandhi1 & @misra_amrita
- Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
- By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
- Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
- We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
- Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 20.00 hrs IST.Linky open till Saturday 23.55 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.Its like your own blog promo .Whats not to love?
- We share your entries on twitter and other social media platform generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion?

Link up now .Submit a post on the prompt or as many as you want.Just click the blue button below