Barbie dolls, little girls, and birthday parties have something in common.
Ask me what?I think they all have a little bit of magic and a little bit of fairy dust sprinkled.I am always happy about planning the party. What makes me worried is the crazy cleanup the day after.
Birthday gifts for a soon to be six years old are not rocket science but need serious planning.
I am excited and so is she.I am nervous too! My daughter’s birthday is this month and I am wracking my brain to make it special. After all, you only turn six once! Children get gifted everything under the sun nowadays. It gets to be a real challenge planning gifts that will surprise them A Barbie doll is what I will get her this year that’s my super plan!

Gifts I plan to give
Yes, finally I will get her a doll now because she really likes playing with them now.
I read books, blog posts, newspapers and magazines and jot down gift ideas in my notebook. It’s so much easier while planning gifts.I sometimes want to give her all she wants and then I worry!
What is a good balance of gifts and experience?
Should we give only educational toys or fun ones?
I have never played with an educational toy in my childhood. At least I don’t remember. They were expensive and pretty much unavailable back then. But not now. So what is a mommy supposed to do?I plan to let my little girl enjoy being a girl and enjoy her Barbie doll. But I also plan to encourage her STEM education.
That’s why I plan to gift her a DIY Dollhouse kit. That way she has a Barbie doll which every little girl loves, and something to challenge her imagination and develop engineering skills.
I’ve seen several dollhouses, but most of them are very expensive. That’s why I am on the lookout for a DIY kit.
DIY kits need adult supervision. Guess who will be the adult supervising this? No no, not me.I plan to recruit hubby’s help for this. I am good with the dreaming, buying, and the designing part, but the end result needs my hubbies patience.
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The Birthday surprise planning
Every day for one month before my birthday, my daughter made me a handmade card. Now she is asking me every day whether I am planning a surprise properly. Imagine my gob-smacked expression!
But children do need that little magic, the fairy tales, Santa Claus, tooth fairies and birthday parties. That’s why starting today I plan to make small Doodle art notes for her which she will discover every day.
I plan to make a triple chocolate cake for her. She declares all my cakes better than any other in the world! Seriously she does that.No one has ever told me that about my cooking skills! Not even my friend of 17years whom I married!
A 5-year-old (almost 6 )doesn’t know political correctness but she does know kindness. When I plan birthday parties want it to be about experiences, emotions, not just things.
Maybe we can go for a quick family picnic in the family mango orchard. That shouldn’t be difficult.A packed lunch and a birthday cake with some outdoor games should be fun.]
In the evening we plan to invite her friends for a party full of games and fun! The focus will be on the little guests.
This birthday too I want to gift her memories. Memories of laughter, love, family holiday good food and happy memories outlast all other gifts
When I asked her what she likes about her birthday parties my daughter replied
There will be friends, fun and there will be cake!
Such simple wishes.Fun and games were mentioned 3 times in 4 sentences. It’s us who complicate things. I plan to give her the gifts she will cherish and the experience she will love.
How do you plan your daughter’s birthday let me know in the comments below