Writing a letter to the Universe?Does it work?
I wrote this blog post several years back ,but I think this is something that needs revisiting. You cannot ignore the power of your own mind.If you can dream it and plan it(and it doesn’t harm anyone),you can do it.
I dreamt of gardening, trees and my own kitchen garden and since 2021 it’s happening a little bit at a time.Its wild when I think about it ,but true .
Read the blog post too or share with a friend.
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Launch of National Mission on Natural Farming #PressRelease
Read the original on
Posted On: 25 NOV 2024 8:39PM by PIB Delhi
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi approved the launching of the National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF) as a standalone Centrally Sponsored Scheme under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare.
The scheme has a total outlay of Rs.2481 crore (Government of India share – Rs.1584 crore; State share – Rs.897 crore) till the 15th Finance Commission (2025-26).
The Government of India has launched the National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF) to promote natural farming in mission mode across the country as a standalone Centrally Sponsored Scheme under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare.
Rooted in the traditional knowledge inherited from their forefathers, farmers will practise Natural Farming (NF) as a chemical free farming which involves local livestock integrated natural farming methods, diversified crop systems, etc. NF follows local agro-ecological principles rooted in local knowledge, location specific technologies and is evolved as per the local agro-ecology.
NMNF aims at promoting NF practices for providing safe & nutritious food for all. The Mission is designed to support farmers to reduce input cost of cultivation and dependency to externally purchased inputs. Natural farming will build & maintain healthy soil ecosystems, promote biodiversity and encourage diverse cropping systems to enhance resilience as suitable to the local agroecology are the benefits of natural farming. NMNF is launched as a shift to scientifically revive and strengthen agriculture practices towards sustainability, climate resilience and healthy food for farmer families and consumers.
In the next two years, NMNF will be implemented in 15,000 clusters in Gram Panchayats, which are willing, & reach 1 crore farmers and initiate Natural Farming (NF) in 7.5 lakh Ha area. Preference will be given to areas having prevalence of practising NF farmers, SRLM / PACS / FPOs, etc. Further, need-based 10,000 Bio-input Resource Centres (BRCs) will be set-up to provide easy availability and accessibility to ready-to-use NF inputs for farmers.
Under NMNF, around 2000 NF Model Demonstration Farms shall be established at Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Agricultural Universities (AUs) and farmers’ fields, and shall be supported by experienced and trained Farmer Master Trainers. The willing farmers will be trained in Model Demonstration Farms on the NF package of practices, preparation of NF inputs, etc. near their villages in KVKs, AUs and practising NF farmers’ fields. 18.75 lakh trained willing farmers will prepare inputs like Jeevamrit, Beejamrit, etc. by using their livestock or procure from BRCs. 30,000 Krishi Sakhis/ CRPs will be deployed for awareness generation, mobilisation and handholding of willing farmers in the clusters. Natural Farming practices will help farmers to reduce input cost of cultivation and dependency on externally purchased inputs while rejuvenating soil health, fertility & quality and building resilience to climate risks like waterlogging, flood, drought, etc. These practices also reduce health risks from exposure to fertilisers, pesticides, etc. and provide healthy & nutritious food for the farmers’ family. Further, through Natural Farming, a healthy Mother Earth is bequeathed to the future generations. Through improvement of soil carbon content & water use efficiency, there is an increase in soil microorganisms and biodiversity in NF.
Farmers will be provided with an easy simple certification system and dedicated common branding to provide access to market their natural farming produce. Real time geo-tagged & referenced monitoring of NMNF implementation shall be done through an online portal.
Convergence with existing schemes and support structures of Government of India/ State Governments/ National & International Organisations shall be explored for enhancing local livestock population, development of NF Model Demonstration Farms at Central Cattle Breeding Farms/ Regional Fodder Stations, provide market linkages at district/ block/ GP levels through convergence for local farmers’ markets, APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) Mandis, Haats, Depots, etc. Additionally, students will be engaged in NMNF through the RAWE program and dedicated Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Diploma courses on NF.
90 Days of waiting for Justice #RGKarProtest and Hirak Rajar Desh
Ninety days of waiting….
90 days of #RGKarProtest from Malda to Kolkata.Protests on roads,in medical colleges by Doctors, teachers,students and citizens. We didn’t stop .We won’t stop and we won’t forget.
09/09/2024 -09/11/2024 :90 Days of asking for accountability, trying to clear up the system .This is possible because everyone with sense of self preservation understands what’s at stake.
Thanks to Arijit Singh for giving us an iconic song.
#tilottoma #rgkarmedicalcollege #justiceforabhaya
But those in power ,the politicians,the administrative people who pull the strings are safe in their anonymity.No one knows their exact role in the planning,implementation and execution of the gruesome crime.They are cloaked in an blanket sheet of protection.But most readers of thrillers know…there’s no perfect murder.
The person(s) who covered it up was good.They knew they couldn’t cover up the crime.So they did the next best thing … make a mess of it.
A giant knot of puzzles,clues ,false herrings, coverups which look like cover-up and are meant to throw you off the trail.
The entire protest machinery to be slowed down.
What’s at rest will remain at rest …inertia will work on people’s mind and the people of West Bengal will go back to their daily grind.
While the state machinery start putting the fear in the hearts of doctors(curtail their earning),students(academic punishment)in various ways.
What remains to be seen is whether the people of West Bengal are successful in getting their rights of quality education, and quality healthcare from those who want us to stay struggling for our roti/kapda/makan.
ওরা যত বেশি পড়ে
তত বেশি জানে
তত কম মানে।
The more they read,
the more they know,
and the less they bow.
The less you read,less you know, the less you know how bad your situation is ,the less quality and employability you have and you are more dependant on welfare and handouts and way more easier to control.When there are divided ranks the people are easier to control.Divide and rule is how the invaders controlled India .Don’t let them divide your strength.Rich or poor ,educated in the conventional way or not everyone(except rich politicians who fly to USA,UK ,Dubai for medical care and education)is at risk if you have dirty water,dirty air,horrible hospitals and schools run by those who never studied .It’s no one’s problem until it’s everyone’s problem.No one can change thus until all of us raise our voices so loud that those in power realize the current crop of trouble makers need to go.
Whether a clean system will replace a dirty one or will it be the same system dressed in new clothes…only time will tell.
For now,uproot the weeds.It’s time to clean up the garden other wise in springtime the flowers won’t bloom again.
Read this interesting post to know why you must be made to say ” Heerak er raja bhagoban”.
IMA MALDA Election Announced #PressRelease
It is hereby notified that election of executive committee of IMA Malda branch for the year 2025-2026 will be held on 24/11/24.
Election schedule as follows:
Date of filing nomination: Until 09/11/24(upto 5.00 PM .)
Date of withdrawal of nomination: 10/11/24 Upto 5-00 pm
Date of scrutiny of the nomination: 11/11/24
Name of the valid candidate list will be published on 11/11/2024
Date of election:
24/11/24 from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM at IMA Bhavan, Malda.
Date of declaration of result: 25/11/24
For any query please contact IMA Malda office.
Election Commission, IMA, Malda.
Goodbye Women’s Web and Why you Must have your own site
Womens Web said good bye on 2nd July and stopped publishing activities “saying the platform will be available until August 30th”.
I checked whether the site was still available and it can still be seen online.They stopped after 14 years of work and said they will be exploring other avenues.With more than 20,000 posts and being a multi author website ,it had a militant Feminist tone to the post which made me uncomfortable. It didn’t have balanced view points and many articles lacked depth.That happens when its a training ground for bloggers and is unavoidable.That’s my opinion .
But how it affected quality is what made me discontinue the internship with them.
The two articles I wrote for Women’s Web-
Yes they also offered internship(unpaid) opportunities where the coordinator was often clue less and checked back and forth for decision making.
Aparna Vedapuri Sing was the founder of Women’s Web and her vision of empowering women through an online platform, work and recognition sounded just right.But if few seemed to make money from writing on these online platforms
But interesting point they have written a post about how to earn money blogging.Then their website went kapu!
Money is crucialf or sustainable work or even charity. Someone pays for it.My aim with blogging in first two year was continuous writing. Then came my focus on earning from the blog to sustain the hosting,domain and my time .
Those who want to try writing and not sure whether they can sustain the habit,try wordpress free sites.Try them for a period of 3 months. Sign up to a platform like Blogchatter.
Write on their prompts or the WordPress prompts while building up your writing muscle and habit.It takes time ,patience,interest ,driving force and God’s blessings for the journey to happen and make sense.But if it’s your site you have nothing to lose but everything to gain while building up a legacy .
Digital legacy -that’s a blog.
If it’s a free site there are some good things and some problems,which I have written about here.
But the biggest con for free sites and publishing on others site is just what Women’s Web and Momspresso proved.They will mint money while you write for the love of writing or peanuts or bargain posts .When the site goes caput ,you lose all the way.
But if you had your own site ,you can still republish those posts ,if relevant on your site.If you don’t have a blog ,you can start one any day.Just plan,chalk out a budget and start.Just don’t fall for the “I am sitting at home in pyajamas and earning 7 figures blogging drama.”
That’s not a one day,one month or one year plan.It takes time especially if you are ethical and don’t want to work with “Gutkha”,gaming, Casino and other harmful brands.
It’s a long haul,a message to the world ,that you were here and you stood your ground for the right things.
<a href=”http://www.womensweb.in/2017/12/winners-finalists-orange-flower-digital-summit-awards-2017/”><img src=”http://www.womensweb.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/OF-finalist-badge.png”></a>
This #NotWhatIWear !
First published on Women’s Web in
February 27, 2017 which is now retired.
This #NotWhatIWear Video By A Fashion Brand Is Compelling.
Blaming women for dressing ‘provocatively’ while the real perpetrators get away – this fashion brand is changing the narrative with #NotWhatIWear.This was written on a then trending Ajio youtube ad which though now no longer available, is still relevant .
“What was she wearing?” This is often, sadly, the first question asked when a woman is sexually assaulted. The idea that clothing could have weight in a conversation about sexual assault is ridiculous – and yet so familiar. And then follow statements like “She was asking for it.” Correlating women’s clothing with rape has been around since time immemorial. It is the easy scapegoat. So much so that even women start finding fault with the woman who was assaulted.
Fashion brand Ajio, which curates products, presented its collection at the recently held Lakme Fashion Week. Before the event the fashion brand released a powerful video #NotWhatIWear – that strikes at the core of the issue – it shows independent women going about their daily lives, yet thinking twice about the clothes they will/should wear before stepping outside.
The idea that clothing has anything to do with assault is global and persistent. If a man can be tempted into inappropriate behaviour because of the skin just above a woman’s knee, then the problem isn’t the woman’s knee – the problem lies with the man. It is about time society stops blaming sexual assault victims and telling women to change their attire and behaviour so as to not get raped. The real problem here is not women, but the people who commit the crime.
About the Author
DrAmrita Basu Misra
Doctor, Blogger mompreneur .I enjoy writing about health wellness ,parenting and my adventures as I explore financial freedom. I love travelling ,reading and balcony gardening.