Meet Snehal Sham! Author, Entrepreneur, Mom, Super BloggerChallenger,An Amateur Runner and a Learner.
Every day is a Mother’s Day but when it comes to the International Mother’s Day the best way I can say thank you to all the moms who are doing such a great job is to talk about them. That’s why I am back with my Entrepreneur feature . The good news is you will not only be reading about her business, learnings, and thoughts about being an entrepreneur. (Super secret news she will also be featured on my podcast.)
1)A little bit about your bio background and entrepreneurship story.
First of all Thank you Amrita for giving me this opportunity. I am a civil engineer, graduated from Nagpur University, completed my masters from Symbiosis, Pune in Geoinformatics.
Worked in IT/ITES/ Construction industry for around 8 years and then passed PMP, which is a Project Management Professional Certificate ( PMP) from USA. As I completed it, I started getting offers of freelance training for PMP prep course which used to be on weekends. I was working full time then. My daughter was 8 months old, I weighed the option of working full time and doing something I like on weekends. Monetarily, it was viable, and personally it was going to give me so much time with my daughter.

Slowly, after getting the freelance training assignments and also content writing work for PMP Prep Course for a renowned institute, I left my full time job.In the meanwhile, I learnt website development and design, I thought it would help me enhance the services that I provide.
This is how it started. Once the freelancing was going well, my husband suggested that we incorporate a company. It was 7th November 2014 that we incorporated Prolyfis Consulting Works.
2)What do you sell? How?
To answer your question, we sell services. The prevalence of digital media has triggered the need for a lot of services on the digital platform. Those services are website development, website content writing, and social media marketing.
We design websites write different types of content which help in social media marketing such as SEO website content, blogs, articles, social media posts, magazines, brochures and so on. We also specialize in Academic writing.
We sell it through social media marketing and business listings in 4 major cities in India, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Mumbai as of now. We would love to do business in Pune in this year.
What inspired me to be an entrepreneur?
Well, it was the zest of doing something which I liked.
Who inspired me to be an entrepreneur?
My husband. It was his dream to be an entrepreneur and he is living it through me.
4)Who helped you?
I should say the Universe came together and everybody helped in their own way.
My father has been a pillar of strength all through, he looked after my child during crucial time in my life. All the people who were working for the home at that time helped me enormously. My in-laws were very supportive of what I was doing. My sister was an advisor all through and now she is also working with Prolyfis looking after the business development department. My husband and my daughter were always very kind enough to adjust the odd-timings that I used to spend working.
5)Business model unwrapping
- To put it simply, we get paid for the services that we offer. We get our business from various sources such as social media marketing, business listings, repeat business through existing customers, word of mouth publicity or through our blog.
Tell me the secrets
[bctt tweet=”The success of a business model lies in evolving. Evolution is the name of the game.” SnehalSham
@the5ammommy username=”misra_amrita”]
6)Tips for women entrepreneurs
- The first and foremost tip is to keep going. Everyday is not going to be the same. Some days would be great, some days very bad and so on. But always remember the real reason you started off your journey.
- Keep up with your time and commitments, it certainly helps in the long run
7)About money. How to make it grow? Your money tips for Business?
- Good quality services or products, optimum pricing is the best way of growing your business. Investing 10% of your monthly revenue in marketing helps.
- Being aware of oversizing and avoiding it is a key.
- Streamlining processes, cutting overheads are some ways of getting more profit.
8)Legal hassles and set up issues.
- We did not come across any huge legal hassle or set up issues. The time which the company took to get registered with the Ministry of Corporate affairs was same as other companies.
- Engaging company secretary and an auditor is a must for any company. Having a person specialized in accounts look after the day to day accounting is also very important
9)What did you face and how did you solve it.
- I guess I answered this question above.
10)Your vision with this venture.
- For the next 5 years, the vision is Pan India operations.
11)Is it going to be an heirloom
- I would love this to be an heirloom, it is all God-willing. Let me leave it to HIM.
12) Special offer
- On mother’s day, we are excited to announce that we have an opportunity for mommies who would like to join us for part-time, work from home assignments. Interested mommies, please get in touch.