They work,but only partly. That too in closed rooms. You are hardly likely to stay in the same room throughout your life.
First Anniversary mocktail mommies celebration contest
Plants help improve emotional health
Plants also makes me feel good .All the time every time.
This thing is so bang on, that my hubby suggested we plant trees inside our flat .
He said it as a joke .But I took up the challenge. Though I don’t have trees I do have roughly 80/90 plants in my balcony jungle.
Workout options
Nature is also great for your physical health.A nature walk ,gardening all helps you get a good cardiovascular workout .Plus it’s fun .No monotony.Research also found walking surrounded by nature is more beneficial, than on the treadmill .
Plants make unique home decor
A home full of green plants is pleasant to see .It lifts the interiors, from mundane to wow in no time.
They remove VOC ,and other impurities from indoor air and makes it clean for you.
Plants have the good biophilic bacteria in them .These act as Probiotics for your skin and hair .When you are among plants these good bacteria settle down on the exposed body parts .They are good for your skin’s health .
Plants increase creativity and caring
Being around selfless living beings in nature, helps me understand the truth about life.My writers block disappears when I gaze at my balcony jungle.My low moods lift with a bit of pottering in the garden.
I wake up with a smile when I see my window box full of flowers in the morning.
Why are you thankful for nature ?
Write with us and Link Up .Make it a green revolution.
This week our featured winner is Shalini.
Read her winning post.
Thankful Thursdays featured winner this week is Shalini of
Shalini is passionate about everything design.
In her own words…
I am in love with photography, travel and baking. My writing journey was initiated with my letter writing hobby as a child and has metamorphosed into serious blogging as an adult. I blog at shalzmojo.inand my blog, in a nutshell, is about Me. I write about my opinions & views on food, photography, travel, mindfulness, baking, books, movies and recently penned a few fictional tales too.
I indulge with reading fantasy fiction, day dreaming and sipping good wine.
You can also occasionally take Vitamin supplements to augment to natural sources.
Our food unfortunately reach us, considerable time after getting plucked from trees.This makes their nutritional content unreliable.
Remember the Proteinin your diet .It’s important to keep your cells healthy .Since a majority of cell components are protein.Your dietary protein is important to keep your immunity intact.
Drink water .
Hydration helps your cells work to its fullest .Water also helps flush out toxins.
It’s difficult when you are ill. So you need to make this a part of your daily habits to reap the benefits.Plus endorphins are released when you exercise .
Don’t forget the nature walks or at least visit a garden .
They are source of biophilic microbes which are beneficial to humans.
Being among nature also helps cut down stress .Anything which helps lower stress is good.
Stress is known to increase cortisol ,the hormone that suppress immunity.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Obesity is a form of malnutrition. Excessive weight disrupts your hormones and can make your immunity weak.Additionally metabolic conditions like diabetes make people prone to infections.
Don’t smoke
The tobacco smoke has carcinogens and irritants which kill the protective layer of your mucous membrane lining your airways.This makes it easier for virus and bacteria to make their homes there.
Avoid alcohol.
Doesn’t help you get healthy in any way.Even a little amount of alcohol makes you prone to liver problems. It makes your immune cells weaker and less able to fight germs.
Take steam inhalation 2/3 times a day when you have a cold.
When you have a cold all the lining epithelium of your nose and airways get irritated. They start secreting copious amount of fluids to get the virus out and decrease irritations.
The excessive secretions get stuck in the sinus spaces ,thickening progressively.
Unfortunately the secretions are the favourite food and partying zone of bacteria .When the cold goes on for long ,a simple viral flu get complicated due to secondary bacterial infection.That’s why you end up needing antibiotics.
When you take steam these secretions easily liquefy and helps them drain naturally.
Avoid touching your nose or mouth, after you have been around someone with a cold.
Wash your hand or use a hand sanitizer if you shake hands with someone having a cold.It’s not rude to practice preventive healthcare. Just don’t hurt their feelings.
Someone at home has a cold.Don’t forget to give them seperate towels.
A friend in office has a cold snd pops over to say hello.She forgets her hanky on your laptop.Don’t forget to sanitize the work surface.Germs may lie there cozily upto 24 hours.
Always carry antibacterial wipes .When in doubt ,use it.
I know these go without saying.But if you have a small kid ,these are important things you can do to keep your family healthy and fighting fit.
My memories of the perfect Selfie experience is with my daughter. I am not a selfie person but sometimes I love them
This picture was a selfie my five-year-old little girl was taking while we were getting ready for a party. I was half ready and I had already dressed up my little one.
When children are waiting for you to put on makeup, they get fidgety. That’s when I decided to give her my phone. Not the right thing, but how will a mommy put on eyeliner with the little one jumping all around? A front, dual selfie camera capturing a 120° wide-angle shot is perfect for those memories which you want to capture. Want a phone which takes perfect selfies? Wait no more.
Get it here Mobiistar on Flipkart
She was playing with the selfie mode and I peeped in from behind. The result was this perfect memory. This picture became my all time favorite.
My memories of the perfect selfie with my daughter
Camera phones with good front mode cameras are great for capturing family moments and casual pics. I like mobiles offering good filter functions and a good Selfie camera. You can’t always be picture ready and a good filter is a vanity but necessity. Selfie modes are great when you want to capture your presence with the scenery. You don’t have to depend on anyone to freeze the moment. Best part it’s on your phone and you can share on all your favorite social media quickly.
If you are a blogger the selfie mode video capture and pictures can be time-saving.
5 Reasons this is a favorite Selfie experience
It’s taken by my daughter
We look so happy in this.
It was a one-shot take.
It makes me smile whenever I look at this.
I love the expression on my daughters face in this pic.
It captured the mother-daughter moment perfectly.
I still remember how happy I was while she was taking this picture. I was feeling thankful that God has given me a wonderful chance to be with my daughter. Every moment of growing up is special.
How to take a perfect mother-daughter selfie?
Take it when the little one is in a good mood.
Take it in good light
Take it with a phone with a good front camera like this
Take several shots.
It’s better to be relaxed while taking a pic.
Children may get self-conscious, so don’t stress it, they will feel it.
Whenever I interview a blogger for blogging journey series,it opens up a wonderful new world.I love reading and learning about how others stumbled onto blogging.Thats like a picnic basket of goodies.You know there’s going to be good stuff ,but until you open the basket ,you really don’t know how good it is.
Today for my mompreneur’s blogging journey features Mackenzie Glanville #mg from Thank you so much Mackenzie for agreeing to this interview.It’s a pleasure getting to know your secrets????.
Tell us how you started
Just over 2 years ago I was in a place where I had lost my lust and passion for life. On the surface my life seemed perfect. Happily married, 2 daughters, and 1 son, and living in my dream home. Only I felt miserable. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me. I felt incredibly selfish, and would put myself down constantly for my feelings. I was angry at myself for not being happy when I had everything that should make me happy, or so I thought.
What I didn’t understand was that unless I was happy within myself, I would never truly be ‘happy’! I didn’t like the person I was, I didn’t respect myself, or feel I was worthy of happiness. The truth is I had never really felt worthy of love, for many reasons that are too complex to go into right now. When you grow up never believing you are worthy of love, and looking for others to fill that void, you come to a point where you realise that no on else ever can fill that void for you! You can only ever fill that void yourself!
I think as mums too, we are busy, and we don’t really have the time to stop and think about what we need, or want for ourselves. We get lost in daily life of rushing around, and scarifying our own happiness in an attempt to give our children, and partners the world. But 2 years ago I was on a holiday. We were staying with my mother-in-law and she insisted we rest. The children were happy, and I had no work to do. I actually had time for me. So I started to write!
In that moment something took over me, and I felt a rush of passion that I hadn’t felt in my life for a long time. Once I stated writing I couldn’t stop. It became my air to breathe. Once we were back home, I was taking my son to his kindergarten class when another mum mentioned she had a blog. I was instantly intrigued. I had no idea what a blog was. And without reading any blogs, or really looking into what was involved, I looked up how to start a blog, and Reflections From Me was created.
Mompreneur’s blogging journey features Mackenzie Glanville #mg .This is a chance to learn from the woman who runs one of the most popular blog hop
Who is your audience ?
My target audience is mainly women aged 20 and beyond, although I do have men read and comment also. A more defined target would be women who are looking to be inspired, who are working hard as a mum, and need to make time to follow their own passions.
How many blogs do you manage ?
I was managing 3 blogs, and contributing to another one overseas for quite some time, but I have pulled right back to just managing reflectionsfromme.comI found I was trying to do too much, and that took away the joy for me. I am enjoying Vlogging on youtube too at reflectionsfromme.
Best blog design tips from your experience
I use a WordPress theme currently. I have changed a few times over the 2 and a quarter years of blogging, but always used one of WordPress themes.
I think a blog that is easy to navigate and also quite simple is best. When blogs are too colourful or confusing it can be overwhelming. I also think good photographs that are sized well makes a blog more visually appealing.
How do you manage family ,work and personal care.Give us your best time management tips.
One thing I have learnt is that if I am happy and fulfilled, my family is too. A happy mum does make a happy home. So making time for self-care is hugely important for me. It is not that we have much time for ourselves as a mum, but if we are more mindfull in what we do then it has a greater effect. For example in the shower I make sure that I smell the soap, and take note of how the water feels on my skin. When I drink my coffee I notice the taste, I don’t rush as much as I used too. I also had to allow myself to stop feeling guilty when everything wasn’t done to the ‘perfect’ standards I set myself in the past.
For me it is not about finding more time, it is about enjoying the time I have more.
What are the 5 Best blogging practices.
Use your own voice, never try to be like anyone else.
Write from the heart about things you enjoy, or are inspired by.
Social media is a must have, be friendly, and communicate with other bloggers. Make sure you have links to your social media pages on your website.
A great looking website. Look at other people’s websites, and decide what you love, and what sites you find easy to navigate and follow. Then make changes to your own.
Which email service do you use?
Give us your top 5 ways of making money from your blog.Which one is your favourite and why?
It is easier to make money from your blog if you have a niche. This is one rule that I don’t follow enough, but that is because my blog is about helping others, and writing as a passion, rather than making money. Don’t be afraid to contact brands and be proud of what you have to offer. Build your following, the more subscribers you have, the more bands will want you! Don’t give up! If someone knocks you back, move on and try again. Don’t let people take advantage of you. You do not have to work for free!
Your inspiration and favourite quote
“I will embrace my weaknesses, I will turn them into my greatest strengths.”
When did you start the #mg linky and why (I love it and the badge )
Shortly after starting my blog I met a lovely blogger from the other side of Australia, we both had ‘reflections’ in our blog names, and we decided to start a joint link up called “Friday Reflections”, after a while I decided to start my own link up also. My link up partner and I were finding it hard to keep up with everything and so we handed the linky over to some other amazing bloggers who now run Friday Reflections.
I run my #mg Link Up Party each Monday and it stays open usually until Thursday, or Friday. I really enjoy running my linky as I meet amazing bloggers and get to read some fantastic posts. The blogging community is wonderful, and friendly, and running a link up is a love of mine.
Tips & Your message for struggling Bloggers
If you are not loving what you write, then change the topics you write about. You should always write about what you are passionate about. We all have days where we struggle to write. It is OK to take a break and have that much needed rest. If you are struggling to get followers you need to interact more with other bloggers so they notice you and share your work. Don’t be afraid to ask an experienced blogger advice.
Feel free to email me, send me a tweet, or message me on Facebook if you need advice.
Are you involved in any charitable causes ?
I offer charities the chance to advertise through my blog as long as they are legitimate. I donate to Save The Children and The Royal Children’s Hospital. As well as support our local animal shelter. I have taken in 3 rescue cats, 1 rescue dog, and a rescue bunny.
Tell us a little bit about your family. Who is your biggest support.
My husband Steve is an amazing support, he really helped me through the difficulties I went through, and was supportive of me starting my blog. We have 3 children, our eldest daughter is 12, followed by our other daughter who is 9 and our son just turned 7.
Mackenzie Glanville is the creator of a blog that is all about inspiring you to live an authentic, beautiful, and happy life. With 3 children, and an array of pets life is busy, but beautiful. Join Mackenzie for inspirational, lifestyle, decorating, and parenting posts.
Feel free to join in each Monday with #mg Link Up.
Good or bad apparently it takes 21 days.So officially writing #Thankful Thursdays is a habit now.
Has it made me happier?
Has it made me more thankful?
Is it fun?
I am having a lot of fun, hosting this amazing thankfulness chain every week.I get to meet wonderful bloggers and read their stories.
When I wrote about keeping a gratitude journal ,I read several articles on practicing thankfulness. Some resources said write daily.Some said monthly .But most said write weekly .It makes it doable and useful.That’s what I discovered with this.
Writing weekly thankfulness post is like a breath of fresh air .
A pick me up in the middle of the week.
So what am I writing this week?
I am writing about 10 Things that makes me thankful to be human
I am able to appreciate the finer things in life .Enjoying a comfortable bed ,great good, good book and beautiful people makes me thankful for this chance to appreciate.
I am able to feel
Love and loss .Pain and joy.Happiness and sadness
I am able to empathise .
Being happy for someone’s happiness .Feeling my child’s pain like my own.That’s the bittersweet part of being human.
I am able to enjoy nature’s beauty
What would I do ,if I didn’t have my plant friends ?
They make me smile with their beauty ,grace and utter selflessness.
# 5
I am able to learn .
Learning new things everyday makes life a lot of fun.Would I be able to learn so many things ,if I wasn’t a human ?
I am able to read books.
Is there any other greater joy ?Reading and reading even more .That’s something only humans do.Never heard a camel enjoy a book ,did you ?
I am able to paint.
The creative arts are our way of expression. If I was a cat ,could I still paint?
Maybe. But would probably find it difficult to source paint and stuff.
# 8
I am able to atleast try to make this world a better place.
As a human being, if we all did our own work well ,things would be lot different.
Unlike animals .They can’t really do much for the world .
# 9
I am able to make friends.
Good friends are like great books and delicious chocolate rolled into one. Friends are truly the family we choose.
I am able to say thank you to God for making me human being.
Yes that’s a very special “thank you”.
For the life you have given me For the opportunities you put in my path. For the challenges you bless me with.I thank you for all of them.
It’s because of my smiles as well as my tears ,that I am ,who I am today.
Physical challenges should not prevent you from travelling.In this post you will find tips to make your travel plans without worry.
Travel opportunities for specially abled people should be a priority for tourism everywhere.That’s why when Ron the guest author for this post pitched the idea,I gave the go ahead.
Travel tips for differently abled.
Many cities all around the world are beginning to catch up with their disabled-friendly excursions. However, some are still trailing in the dust.
Thankfully, there are some top cities all around the world for disabled travelers to consider exploring. The world is your oyster, and it’s time to start discovering all it has to offer.
San Diego
There are so many things to go through when traveling with a disability. Checking you have enough of your medication in stock, like enough insulin if you’re diabetic, is just one of the various parts of the checklist. So why not opt for a staycation to remove the stress? This way, you won’t have a language barrier in case anything should happen to your medication. San Diego is one of the top cities in America for disabled travelers thanks to the different tram systems to get around the city as well as the grid layout of the streets. Plus, many of the leading attractions for San Diego have all been updated to welcome every disabled guest.
marina-bay-of-singapore for the specially-abled
This city has been named as one of the most accessible cities in Asia. The wide sidewalks, mass rail transit, and unique buses have all been designed to help any traveler navigate the city. Plus, this doesn’t just mean for wheelchair users either. The public transport is due to be improved soon to better cater for visually impaired commuters. The botanic gardens in Singapore are a must-see while you’re there, too. After all that exploring, perhaps you are looking for somewhere to sleep? Singapore has a huge variety of hotels with disabled access where you can sleep like a baby after the day’s events.
This is a city that has been designed to accommodate all levels of ability. The streets are lined with ramps to make crossing traffic as easy as possible. Plus, their extensive public transport network has all be designed with wheelchairs in mind. All the buses in the city are wheelchair accessible, and many of the metro stations have fitted elevators. To top it all off, Barcelona even has a unique number to call if you require a wheelchair specific taxi to avoid disappointment. All these additions mean disabled travelers can enjoy sites from the Sagrada Família to Park Güell.
Playa del Carmen
This Mexican gem is tucked away within the country but is one of the most disabled-friendly cities in the world. In addition to a disabled tour of the local ancient ruins, the city has recently launched a public beach designed to make like as easy as possible for any disabled traveler. This is the very first of its kind in the country. There is everything from beach wheelchairs to special walkers and an extended boardwalk to make this beach experience the best it could possibly be. Local areas also have cranes that make swimming in the sea possible for any tourist.
No longer do we have to be confined to seeing our own hometown. These disabled-friendly cities mean we can explore the world. Be sure to leave a comment down below if you have any further suggestions.