When is the World population day?
It’s on 11 July.Why do we need a world population day?When resources are finite population matters.
When you talk of equality with finite resources and ever increasing population it’s a nightmare.When you talk about premium healthcare for all and quality education as a basic right, population matters.
When you want a productive workforce, but it’s struggling with poor health and even worse training, population matters.
[bctt tweet=” Population control in India is the way to a better life#WorldPopulationDay2017″ username=”misra_amrita”]
In India, the most incentivized contraception method is sterilization (85% roughly).Women are paid when they undergo this procedure.But even then it’s a struggle making family understand.
The shocking fact: Little or no budget is there for other options.Can you imagine the do or die option for women?
But we need this controlled now.
Let’s talk about other options.Help women who most need it choose.
When your population is huge, healthy, well-educated .It’s a blessing.
When it’s huge, sick and uneducated it’s a horror.
When will India wake up?

Why would you want to have ten children when you can barely feed one?
Why would you want the pain of seeing lakhs of uneducated citizens of tomorrow taking up thuggery as a career?
School dropouts, lack of jobs, struggling collapsing public healthcare all can be cured to some extent by reigning in this monster of no contraception.
Access to safe, voluntary family planning is basic human right. Which everyone, including women, forget to demand.In our hospitals, I have seen women with nine children refusing contraception because it’s against their religion.How can you help these women?
This awareness about the right to a better life and the necessity of good, safe contraception needs massive public awareness. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are intimately linked to issues of better, safe and effective methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.This alone is a key factor which will help in reducing poverty.
Investing in better family planning will help a young nation towards development.While the reverse is what is happening in India.While basic rights of people are to be ensured, the problem is the section of the population who need this most are manipulated and have little or no say in their own life and body.
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