‘Give Me A Magic Wand And I Will do a lot of fun things.
I believe in magic.I seriously do.The magic and power in our thoughts. That’s why I believe we should keep optimism and high level of happiness to make the good kind of magic.
Give me a magic wand and I will:
- Give all hungry people two square meals a day and teach them to earn for their other meals.
- Ask Bill Gates, Sundar Pichai, Amartya Sen and Mukesh Ambani to find the solution for world Poverty and terrorism.
- Find out where the money from various scams in the world are hidden and use it to make quality healthcare free for all.
- I will suck away all the poison in the air and water and make it pure.
- I would also make a solar-powered air purifier which you can wear as a necklace watch or a wrist band.
- Not let you cut down forests without planting 100 trees close by and use this technique for making them grow fast
- I will make supersonic horns and sirens which you see in the dashboard of your car or your GPS.
- Make travel free with the travel pods I mentioned which would obviously be linked to the Aaadhar of good deeds.
- Make rapists, pedophiles and all people who commit crimes against innocents, feel the pain of their victim’s thousand times every time they breathe.(This one’s is under the executive decision.Final results will be declared by God!)
- Make exercise, healthy eating, living life with thankfulness and kindness hardwired into the free Jio phone.Only if you do these you get Free WiFi.Then people just might do it.
- Make children play more and study more.We need more of this.
- Make entrepreneurship, money management, positive thinking, kindness and thankfulness mandatory subjects in school.Extra credits for these.
- Make work from home available to all moms when they want it.No change in salary or increment or promotions.
- Definitely, make chocolate calorie free.But available only on showing you Aadhar of good deeds.
I pray to God so that I find my way to this magic wand.
Tell me about what you would do if you had a magic wand in the comments below.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
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