I believe anything that helps me grow positively is for the good and is blessed by God’s wishes.For me writing on my blog has been a self-healing and self-discovery of sorts.Blogging contests fall right where reading, writing, gardening, and thankfulness comes from.It helps me write, it helps me learn, it helps me push my boundaries and grow my blog.
Over the past one year, I have participated in a few contests.I have completed most of them.My take away from them was the community feeling.The feeling there are people just like me, who are struggling to find themselves and their blogs.
You feel like you belong. These are the people who are trying to do more, with what they have, wherever they are.That’s powerful.
4 Blogging communities which I must mention Write tribe, Indiblogger, Blogchatter, and Blogadda!
How do these contests help me?
- Helps me write and motivates me, even when I am busy and have many excuses for not writing!Its like a slow burn.Writing will be a soothing aloe vera gel!
- Helps me promote my blog.That’s the power of networking.
- Helps me read and discover new blogs.
- Helps me learn from other bloggers.
- It is the best way to get noticed by brands if you are writing useful content.
- Did you know the comment links even when no follow have link juices?So reading and commenting on blogs will help to depend on your niche and the quality of the blog in question.
- It helps in my blog’s health and my emotional health.
- Helped me write my first two books
- Blogging contests help keep the inertia of writing going.
Newton’s First law: In an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force.
An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
[bctt tweet=”If you write regularly, you will keep writing .When you stop writing you are at risk of inertia of rest ! #Newton #ThankfulThursdays #Bloggingcontests” username=”misra_amrita”]
The Blogging contests I participate in starting from July last year:
- Daily chatter Half marathon by Blogchatter(15 days)
- My friend Alexa 1.0(30 days)
- Ultimate blogging challenge /Daily chatter by Blogchatter (October 30 days)
- The International Ultimate Blogging Challenge in December(30 days)
- A to Z in April with Blogchatter this year.
- #Tiniature on Twitter by Gayatri_Gadre.
- Weekly WOW on Blogadda.
- Writebravely in August with Write tribe(7 days Daily blogging).
The secret to the health of your blog is your content.Plan it well make it consistent.Make it count.But in the process don’t fall into the inertia of rest and the myth of perfection.
#ThankfulThursdays Prompt this week
My favorite posts this week are :
Prasanna from Team MocktailMommies
Sathya from team mocktailmommies
Dipika ‘s Instagram post
Rules of linky:
Write on the prompt and Link Up.We have a fun new option.
You can submit tweet links and Instagram posts too.
You can also link up other posts.Just comment on this post and my co-hosts post and any two of the posts in the link up.Share using #ThankfulThursdays hashtag.
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Prompts will be announced every Wed 20:00 hrs IST
The linky closes the following Wednesday 23.55 hours.
We share your entries on Twitter and other social media platform generously.
Read, comment, share on the host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party.
doesn’t like their blog to be read?
I am taking my Blog to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa and Blogchatter.