Self-love and being healthy are passionate topics. While body shaming is strictly negative. Proper assessment of problems can prevent health issues in the long run. Being a doctor mommy I was struggling with my pregnancy weight gain for the last 4 years. Then one day my hubby told me something which made me sit up. He said
Without you knowing how to live healthily and enjoy life how exactly will you help?
Point to be noted.
I have managed to lose weight significantly following the advice of experts and eating correctly and exercising. That’s when I started researching food and types of exercise and timing. Obesity has several medical problems which spoil the quality of life.After all, the most important thing is happiness and quality of life.You may think your weight problems are not worrying you and you are perfectly healthy.But all the over-indulgences catch up when you cross forty and sometimes even in your thirties if you are not careful.
Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid issues, joint pains, fertility problems can all raise their ugly heads.
Diabetes is a chronic disorder causing high blood sugar. In Type-I diabetes, there is the lack of Insulin.More likely to have a genetic cause.Type-II diabetes makes up about 86-90% of all cases. Type-II there are factors that oppose the action of Insulin.
Obesity Causes: Metabolic syndrome/Syndrome X and your body weight
Syndrome X, is a group of 5 conditions that put you at risk for heart
disease, diabetes, and stroke. These conditions are:
- High Blood pressure, (more than 130/85mmHg)
- High Blood sugar,
- High levels of triglycerides ( a type of fat in blood)
- Low levels of HDL ( good cholesterol)
- Central obesity or high fat around waist
Obesity scary statistics
Over 50% of all people with diabetes are unaware of their condition.
Diabetes affects more than 62 million Indians, over 7 % of the adult population. 2016 data from WHO suggests an estimated 422 million adults are afflicted with diabetes globally
According to a Lancet study China, India, and the US are the top three countries with large diabetic populations2.
Common symptoms are
- Weight gain,
- Failure to lose weight,
- Unexplained weakness,
- Fatty liver,
- Central obesity,
- Associated symptoms of Diabetes,
Associated symptoms of hypertension.
Another problem with obesity is thyroid problems.The more overweight you become, higher the risk of hypothyroidism.They more hypothyroid you are, more difficult is it to lose weight.Vicious cycle.Diabetes and hypothyroidism can both have obesity-related factors.So be very careful.I advice a hypothyroid diet to be adjusted and personalized by a trained professional.

Preventing and controlling the risk factors of Syndrome X
Your weight: Diet, exercise and mental health are the three pillars.There really is no shortcut.It is very important to maintain a healthy weight.A healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.Avoid processed and packaged food.Also be careful about the amount of sodium in your diet.
Exercise is crucial when it comes to preventing this condition. Regular physical activity improves muscle tone and helps lower your blood pressure.It helps in proper utilization of blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. Prevention is always better than treating.But if you already have diabetes or any of the other risk factors, don’t give up.You just need to be even more awesome.A diabetic diet needs to be properly designed.Amount and source of calories should be adjusted according to lifestyle and any other medical condition.Remember starving is not a diet.
By losing weight people with type 2 diabetes becomes less insulin resistant. Prevent and manage diabetes using a combination of Diet, Exercise, Progress Monitoring and Education.
You need careful assessment of medical status and weight management need.No fad diets,but long term and sustainable healthy weight management. You need an expert team of consulting doctors, dieticians, physiotherapists, fitness experts, and counsellors to help you design your healthy lifestyle plan.The wellness counsellors can help you plan an exercise program with both active and passive activity as per your lifestyle, fitness level and health conditions.But the real work and committment depends on you.
Managing aches and pains associated with excessive weight gain.
That niggling low back pain.That neck pain and the knee stiffness which you have been ignoring can be helped.You just need a little care.Start with getting your diet, stress, and exercise in order.Then watch how light and flexible you start to feel.
If the exercises get difficult due to the pains you can start with a little help from pain specialists. They take care of people who suffer from joint pains restricting movements and reducing the rate of weight loss.
Heat therapy aids in muscle relaxation and increases blood flow. This is followed by the use of TENS and IFT modes of Neuro-Muscular Stimulators. This effect is further enhanced by ultrasonic induction of pain-relieving gel to the localized site thus removing the metabolic waste, decreasing inflammation, and relieving pain subsequently. The therapy has to be followed by specific strengthening exercises of the particular joint involved.
Live life healthy and pain-free.
Disclaimer: This is meant for education and information purpose. All medical and health decisions should be made after professional medical consultation. Read my full disclosure here.
Updated November 2018
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Just what the doc ordered! Do not ignore the pun.
Thanks for visiting Neeraj.
Great tips! I eat very health but I can’t exercise much due to my health. My doctor recommended yoga which has been really helpful! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmunelife
Thanks Roseann
In today scenario most of the people is fat due to unhealthy diet ..you have been suggested good information
After quitting gym and gaining 10kgs rapidly, I have understood the importance of fitness in true sense. I am definitely not getting on the Obese side soon. So taken up a weight loss diet for now and targeting February to get back to my original weight.
Loved the post.
Thanks for sharing Doc Amrita and very helpful to raise awareness. I am doing regular walks and yoga to shed extra fat since last time I checked, diagnosed with high cholesterol. On Diwali, did indulge in sweets for more than a week and time to cut the extra fat. I am also keeping a look on diet.
Thats very good news Vishal.Keep going.
I belive we eat quite healthy in our family thanks to my freaky healthy husband. We have a rule at home. If you want a biscuit eat first a fruit or a peeled carotte. If you are thirsty theres nothing then water. Only one glass of juice in the morning. Eating healthy has to start from young so they get use to it.
This is an excellent tip.Thank you so much .
That was much needed information. Obesity has definitely become a major concern among IT crowd including women.
These are all great tips! Exercising and eating well is key!
Oooooo interesting!!! I think eating in moderation and regular exercise are key to a healthy weight
Obesity has affected a major segment of America and now the trend is catching u in India too .. Need to save our kids from this one for sure !
Obesity is something which can be due to different reasons. It is difficult for some people to lose weight due to different health reasons. First of all it is important to know the reason. Good information.
True that
Wow this was a great read. I am plus size and struggle with my weight, this was definitely an eye opener
Such an informative post , though we don’t have any diabetic history in both the family side, but still controlling food, lifestyle to make our body healthy makes so much sense.
I am not able to lose weight no matter how hard I try…very nice article Amrita..hope I get to do something about my weight
Thanks Balaka.
Your husband did have a good point (and he’s either brave or foolhardy for bringing it up!) – the best advice is the one given by example. None of us like being TOLD what to do, and even if we know it’s right, we’re likely to rebel and do the opposite. It’s much harder to ignore a good example. This holds true of kids, too. They will model their parents’ behavior more than they will follow arbitrary rules or “do as I say, not as I do” (although admitting our own faults and weaknesses and suggesting they can do better is often a motivator, too, if we dare to be honest with our kids and manage not to come across as merely hypocritical).
Thank you Holly .My hubby is a bit of both sometimes.
I hope to never be obese because of all the health problems. I do have to watch it though, because I love my sweets, but I try to jog daily to ward off the fat.
Good that you do Amber
Staying healthy, exercising, and eating well is so important to me. It’s definitely hard to lose weight but the energy and endorphins I get from taking care of my body are so worth it!
Wow, thank you for helping me look at it from a different perspective.
I can speak to much of this from experience, especially the hypothyroid aspect. I am in my 60’s, and proper eating and exercise are so vital at this age.
Thank you
Timely action is the need of the hour. We really need to take the necessary steps fast enough to save our health from further damage. But what is important is to do it the right way, especially with so many weight loss clinics springing up everywhere.
Thank you
This is a good informative post – we never look at all these points and see how they are together affecting our health!
Thank you
Obesity is commonly health problem occurring every next person. Vlcc program must be great initiative in this regard.
Thank you
Wow. Thanks for sharing. This is great info. I have weight issues so i get my blood pressure checked regularly. Its so important!
Thank you.Glad you liked it
Obesity is such a problem and I try my best to keep from getting this way. These are great tips though on how to avoid this fate.
Thank you
Very informative post Amrita. Obesity has become one of the most common conditions in today’s world. The sad part is people are much educated, we know what is right and wrong yet we could not get this weight factor under control. Lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits are making us more prone to obesity.
Thanks Janani.This insight seems to be lacking.
I’m obese and they’ve checked me for everything. I’m just fat. It’s hard to lose weight.
Thats very true Valerie.Its also needs a lot of work
Obesity is somehow being a trend nowadays. Not sure if the people are not so conscious about their health or just really don’t care on what they eat. I’m glad there is someone like you who are spreading awareness for things like this.
Thank you Anosa.Its multiple factors.Diet ,lifestyle,wrong information and taking self love and self denial in wrong ways
Obesity is something we moms have fought hard post having baby or are still fighting. Post my child I lost around 16 kgs…being anemic that was a crappy time. But today, I am fighting with my belly bulge and other adamant fatty areas. Your write up is an eye opener, what goes in our mouth has a huge part in our being obese… thanks for sharing expert advise.
That belly bulge is cause for mom worries.I started exercising to get rid of that part mainly and found out some hard truths.
I always try to watch what I eat because I never want to be obese. I want to be here for my kids as long as I possible can so I do exercise.
Thats the right way to think about it
Obesity leads to many diseases. It is better to follow a healthy lifestyle rather than regretting later.
Very true.Thanks for reading
this was interesting to read more people need to know about obesity and how it affects their body.
Thank you Andrea
I’m always a little skeptical of weight loss programmes especially those that have any kind of medication involved. But that’s just me and my fears.
Diabetes ,hypertension and hypothyroidism needs medicine.Not losing weight.So a balanced diet ,exercise programmes and correction pof medical conditions should be the benchmark.Theres really no magic pill”.You are right to be sceptical about medicines for weight loss!
Informative post, Amrita. Obesity is the highest risk which we are facing in this modern era, Thanks for helping to take care about our health.
Thank you