There’s saying,
If you want God to laugh ,tell him.about your plans!
I never had any plans to write while growing up .I was a serious planner,even planning my dreams.But now I have been writing for six years .I am still thinking about this one.
Charlie Munger , says few people change their bad habits,some can’t even find any to change .Got me thinking. I can list several bad habits which I want to change.Number one is procrastination. Is there a supplement for this?
Tim Ferris says aerobic exercise is a term made up by gym owners,to charge more for doing less .He also goes on to say even more outrageous stuff in his book the four hour body.I like how he writes.
The meteorite that fell in China in 2019 caused the CCP virus pandemic.Thats one hypothesis.This made me speechless.Soms imagination!
The wifi repair person couldn’t find what was wrong with our connection.So he changed the entire setup. It worked.Sometimes not finding out the problem works great too.
I am having fun podcasting and hoping for a million dollar type deal from somewhere.Hoping for that one for blogging too.So that’s two deals waiting to happen.You will have to wait for how I did it book ,after that.
Whenever I scroll my Twitter feed I suffer from.”the world is about to end” fear.Once I shut it down,the world gets calmer.Is it me or Twitter?
If I scroll through Instagram,I find ninety percent of my influencers friends have amazing number of followers .It gives me a sense of gloom.I am never going to make it on Instagram.Serious FOMO here.What do I do? Go back to watching garden videos.
Whenever I take part in Challenges I am sure I will plan it well.I do.Mentally .Then things happen.Like the wifi which went on a holiday when we couldn’t.
While trying to plan to have a healthier diet,I have ordered two different nut butters.My hubby wants me to calculate the exact calorie in one cup of coffee with nut butter vs regular low fat milk.I want to postpone the math till tomorrow. Is that normal?
I was just watching a youtube video with my daughter about a Mother bear ,who had banned TV viewing.My daughter said ,all moms are the same.
People are still cutting down trees and wondering about air pollution.
Communism is the most well funded misinformation propaganda I have seen.They have a real plan it seems. I am taking a risk with this joke.They hear and see EVERYTHING. Then they write their version of it.????
Why do news media focus only on the problems everywhere. Why don’t the share about the solutions ?Is bad news more news worthy ?This is a bad joke.
I have ordered four history books for my daughter to read.The only problem is now she is fast checking my stories .????
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Jokes are great, it gives us time away from all the serious stuff!
Thanks for sharing those funny observations! My favorite was your daughter fact-checking history. ๐