Can I gift online education in India? This was a question that made me start a blog almost six years back. A lot has changed since then. Life has taken new turns.
With each turn, I realized I am reaching my goals but the path took often varies from the one I charted out when I first started. Like the thing about the Company of one and why it helped me focus.Why I love FIRE and what it did for my life.The thing about the internet and why I want to do my part to do more.
When you educate a man you educate an individual, when you educate a woman you educate a nation.
African Proverb
My article for Live magazine got published in January. It was for the Republic Day special edition. It gives me great pleasure to write for education portals and children’s magazines. If not for education I would not be here.
I have five years’ experience working with middle school and high children. My bio also includes experience for eleven years, as a medical teacher in Government Medical Colleges. The teaching platforms expand and contract. But the intent remains the same. To give back to the online world, to the World wide web.
This year I am joining a Blogchatter special Social responsibility track. It’s called Cause a Chatter.
I am planning on creating online and offline, educational content for school kids. This is much needed, especially for small-town India. I am doing my part to help educate children. But time, geographical constraints and my many responsibilities make things challenging.
But online Digital education makes this possible.
The problem:
Small-town India with one or both parents posted due to Government job or maybe because of some other reason. Lack of schooling options like in big cities can be worrying.
The quality of private tutors may not meet your expectations and need. It may sometimes also be difficult. That’s where my project comes to play. There are many online platforms meant for things like these. But after trying a few for my daughter I was left worrying. What about screen time? Do I even want my child to spend long hours staring at a screen?
This is why I decided to take you along with me on my journey. Let’s see what we can do. Do share your inputs and concern regarding your child’s education and what you would like more or less of.
Women hold up half the sky!
Chinese proverb
Parents all over the world want their children to get the best education. They regret not studying hard enough as a child. The problem is children often don’t have this insight.
Children want fun and sometimes the format can become tedious. That’s where I thought maybe I could help? The goal with this Cause a chatter is to help educate. Going to school is fun and should always be. I plan to do everything to spread the magic of learning through creative study.
I love spreading Digital education about all thing’s health wellness and financial freedom. This year it’s time to take the mission forward. Because children are the future and we owe it to them.
So, what can you expect?
I will share tips, tricks study material resources. I will also be reviewing the resources available. Do you want to start homeschooling maths, science or English?
Do you require some fun resources to make learning creative for your kids? Come along me on this journey and let’s make education truly universal.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and get free resources every month to help you homeschool.
Know about Counting Fun maths for First graders
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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” —
Alice Walker
Let’s create the world we want. Together. Come join me as I travel through 2020 to do more for those who need help. If you want to join us for writing about a social cause don’t forget to sign up here for #CauseAChatter.
A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.
Melinda Gates
Posts I have written on education are here
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