To fight off depression is a daily challenge
My father is a patient of MDP.Both me and my sister have actively fought against succumbing to self-pity .But genetics is a tough cookie.
Luckily for many like me ,Major depressive disorders , have no single gene in its bag.It’s actually a complex dish, made up of multiple genetic factors and spiced up by environmental stimuli.
The bad news :it’s in your genetic makeup.
The good news :you can absolutely beat it.
The question is how can you fight off depression
Prevention…that’s my answer .
If that doesn’t work you have medicines ,to get you started on the road to recovery.
Once on this road you have to get your stuff together and actively prevent the sticky hold of depression your mind.
I have suffered bouts of deep blues (this sounds better,the word depression is sad),but have managed to get back.I consistently do a few things ,to hold onto my happy mind so that my sad mind can’t rule.
What can derail your plans
Major life decisions like
- New job
- New baby
- New relationship
- New place
- All of the above together can push you off the edge.
The trick is to stop yourself from taking a head first dive.
A bit of the blues ,will colour everyone’s life. What you have to take care is to have a mental checklist.
When the blue strikes, start 1,2,3.
I am writing mine down .Maybe it will help someone..
#Blood tests must do.It might be your body
Get your thyroid hormone
Haemoglobin and
vitamin D levels checked.
All three are known to make depression worse and may be the cause.
Sometimes hormones or chronic illness can cause your brain chemicals to go astray.
That means your brain is not the prime culprit here.You treat your thyroid ,you get better.You get the drift.
Let’s now try Lifestyle medicine.Yes that’s an actual term and currently my favourite( be prepared to hear it frequently )
When you use environmental, behavioural, and psychological stimuli to improve your physical and mental wellbeing you are on Lifestyle Medicine.
Start walking/running /exercising
This is multifactorial.
Exercise releases endorphins:natural antidepressants.
When you exercise your body and mind both feel healthier.
When you walk/run/lift weight/do yoga/martial arts ,it improves self-esteem.
When you exercise your thyroid gland works better and you feel better.A simple routine is all you need.
Loosing weight by exercising helps your thyroid gland.
#2 Diet
Fresh fruits and veggies.Balanced diet.No fasting.Frequent small meals.
Vitamin C and other antioxidant-rich diet help fight depression.
Avoid alcohol, fried, highly salted, thyroid depressing , food which can make you lethargic, lazy , sad and depressed
#3 Try Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness is a form of meditation.You can get many free YouTube videos which will help.
# 4 Garden
Or have at least 1 pot of green plant at home which you will take care of
Looking at green plants is known to improve mental health
#5 Share your thoughts on Instagram posts #mental health and see the support pouring in.I will be there too.
#6 Start your own blog and share your thoughts.I will be rooting for you.
The things I have written are what I follow to feel better and fight my lows every day.Sometimes it’s not so great,but everyday fight to feel better.Maybe you will need medication to get you started.If you have a thyroid problem, vitamin D deficiency or any other medical problem, that will need to be treated with medicines and the tips above.
#7 Sleep
8 hours per day.This is a major factor which can cause depression in susceptible people.
# 9 Avoid alcohol , drugs, smoking any substance abuse.These can derange your brain chemicals and will make the problem worse.
10 Pray and thank God.Because you are lucky.You still have insight.Knowing you have a problem us the most important step.
.That’s a sign that your brain wants to get better.Hold onto that thought.Never give up.
P.S I started my blog because I really wanted to help others live better.By sharing my journey maybe somebody will be helped!
Disclaimer: Depression is a serious condition.This health information is meant for awareness.All medical decision regarding health should be taken after consulting your doctor.Read my full disclaimer here.
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what an absolutely lovely informative post. There is a very deep honesty in your writing. Keep it up.
Amrita, such an in-depth, informative, honest post! First thing that I am going to do now is check my blood! Thanks for awakening me. I feel you are the only Doctor, who gives quality and valuable advice for free!
Hey Amrita, I myself have fought depression and kept afloat. I once listed down a few of the strategies that I use on my Facebook Notes. This is before I started blogging. Do take a look. 🙂
Yes will read. Thanks for visiting Natasha ????
My blues ran away while I was reading this. I feel mindfulness is such a huge thing to get the mind into a better place – it should be practiced by all. I am so thankful for having discovered it and liking it enough to practice it daily.
The first, third and sixth really have really helped me in fighting off depression. It is a really helpful article. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Pranju. Those have helped me too????
Very helpful tips. Everybody gets a little low sometimes in life. Better be aware.
Yes we all have our ups and downs.It’s best to be aware