“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”Thiis was said by Isaac Newton and holds true for all of us who are trying to learn and do something with our lives.
I believe books are great ways of finding the giants who can help us.With the world wide web its not impossible for someone like me to learn from, say the famous Seth Godin or Stephen King.Books are my way of learning from them.
That’s why when I podcast or write I try to help with my area of expertise.I also talk about the books or blogs I read.As Seth Godin says ,don’t shave the yak.You really don”t need to make things difficult,to make progress.You can learn from ,those who know.
When I started blogging I felt several gap in my resources.The gaps became like craters when I started writing my book.But when it came to marketing I was absolutely lost.
Content marketingWhatever was that?
Doctors don’t need to market themselves, right?Our degrees are enough to convince sensible people that we know what we are talking about ?Right?
Wrong .
Because if you see the many health bloggers,health gurus,Celebrity health advisors,health and life coach-few if any are doctors or have any degrees in the medical field.
The problem with that is two fold.
One there’s a cycle of misrepresentation and misinformation. Two – You harm your own self in the long run.So always check the academic credentials of the person whose health-nutrition-fitness advice you are following. Because unless they are qualified, to do so ,you are gambling with your health.
I am not sure they are covered by health insurance either.
Now this is a topic I can talk a lot about Its not very popular thoug.But a
few days back a friend on Instagram, talked about knowing the difference between life coach,health coach,psychologist and Psychiatrist.She tagged a few accounts in this regards .
The Doctor who was tagged talked about the necessity of always consulting a medical professional that is a psychiatrist for mental health queries.The life coach informed that she never treated schizophrenia!Now this got me thinking.It takes years of medical training to even diagnose mental health disorders and taking it lightly is a strict no no.
But it depends on you to find the right professional. For online consultation it’s best if you consult a doctor you know or someone recommended.
Otherwise check the credentials of the doctor on LinkedIn,Lybrate.
Always opt for doctors with degrees. Not quacks and self declared health experts.
There’s a reason for the medical entrance exams.Medical education takes time and experience. Don’t gamble with your health,because your health is your most precious wealth.
So what does Seth Godin have to do with all this?
Well Seth Godin in his book “This is Marketing“,said something very important.
Marketing is your chance to spread the word about you.If you have valuable information, you must spread the word.Because that’s your best way of making a difference to the people who matter.
That’s my aim with the Healthwealthbridge content.
Do you have a good business which is helping people and you want to spread the word?Send me an email at dramrita@healthwealthbridge.com
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Seth Godin is a pretty smart man, but I’m still steamed at him for his handling of the Squidoo website where I used to post my content.
What you’re saying is so important! Health info online is plentiful. But some of it is terribly wrong. LOL. So we better make sure the person whose advice we follow knows what she’s talking about. You’re so right.
I 100% agree. Listen to the real doctors for the medical advice. Life coaches are incredibly helpful and often worth every penny, but not at the risk to our physical well-being.