A day in my life is a Miracle.
The miracle that things get done.Beds get made food gets cooked, posts get written and hospital work gets done.All the while being mommy to my five-year-old angel.
I pray to God every day and thank him every night because:
- My mommy taught me to cook and survival skills even though I resisted.
- For giving me an amazing friend and life partner, with whom clearing out dust under the bed, becomes fun too!
- For giving me an angel of a daughter. Who tells me to stop listening to my naughty brain when I am creating a ruckus.By the way, she is five and I am not!
With introductions done, now about how things get done, let me give an overview.Don’t want you to think I am mad,but in our home we both juggle roles every day!
The mad schedule
- Wake up in the morning together.
- Breakfast is made and plants watered.We switch chores alternately.I get bored easily and can burn everything in the morning.
- Get Rai’s Tiffin ready
- Wake Rai up.Breakfast together.
- Get Rai ready together.Often playing tag and with plenty of cuddles.
- Off to school.Preschooler dropped off.
- Four and a half hours at school.That’s the golden time span.
- Go back home.Hubby to the hospital for his morning rounds.Get lunch ready while checking e-mail, reading and sharing on mobile while fish and rice gets cooked.I also check to see whether scheduled post got published.I try to focus on the task at hand in 10-minute parcels.
- Make beds and put things in order while waiting for my friendly maid to turn up and help me along.
- House work done.

- Off to the hospital to log in, attendance with the Biometric nonhuman.
- Fight my way through deodorant challenged humanity to reach the elevators.Trying to flash my ID at the same time.
- Reach the 8th floor of my OPD to see teeming crowds standing
- It never fails to surprise me how so many people have ENT problems.Greeting my juniors, who are the biggest help.Mad rush starts!
- Some days it’s the cool interiors of the operation theatre.Those days I am happier.
- After few hours at the OPD, indoor rounds or emergency surgery (depends on what the Gods have decided), it’s time to go home for lunch.I live 10 minutes away from the hospital. Perks of small town life.
- Hubby has picked up Rai from school in the meanwhile and gives her lunch while I get the salad ready for ours.Lunch over and playtime starts with Daddy, while mommy goes to take an afternoon lecture class for undergraduates.This luckily is not on schedule every day.Sometimes hubby has a class too.When we can’t manage my sis in law baby sits Rai.Blessings !
Now the current healthcare scenario and mob mentality are making operation theatres breeding ground for stress.Who can predict the future with hundred percent accuracy?If you can, do apply for jobs at the hospital.Predictions before admission will make it easier.Maybe!
- Come back home to tea and gup-shup.Thank God my cook is back after a 2 months break(she broke her wrist) and I can actually think and write.Otherwise, for last two months, I felt I was sleepwalking through chores and writing.On Tuesday’s like today, I am on call 24 hours.That means I am a bundle of nerves.This where my trusty treadmill and writing alone can help me calm down.Then it’s Daddy’s turn to go to the hospital.
We are both working and get things done because our duties are adjusted.We try to schedule duties so that one of us gets to be at home with Rai.In the evening she goes for her extra curricular activities and I get an hour to get exercising and write my post for the next day.
Everything else gets written after 9.30pm when Rai goes to bed.Off to bed at 11.30pm.
It’s a mad world and the only reason it works is God’s blessing, no commute troubles being a small town, flexible work hours, loads of sacrifices on both our parts and help from several people.

We have one objective in mind.Be there for each other and for the little angel, God has blessed us with.
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I must mention the four hour work week by Tim Ferriss which is one of my favorite reads. Inspired by it.But till now Workweeks refuse to be limited to four hours.
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Gratitude “It’s a mad world and the only reason it works is God’s blessing, no commute troubles being a small town, flexible work hours, loads of sacrifices on both our parts and help from several people.”
Days can be tough, let’s count our blessings to feel better.
You’re doing a great job. Carry on 🙂
Crazy schedule. yet you manage so nicely. Hats off to you.
Sigh! God bless you for being on call for 24 hours and yet mangaging a house.
Hee hee Shree,you understood the pain!
WOW!! You have really crazy schedule. Both of you together are doing a great job there. “Fight my way through deodorant challenged humanity to reach the elevators.Trying to flash my ID at the same time” – this made me laugh. Good one, doctor sahab!
Thank you and it’s really impossible sometimes!
Such a busy schedule you have. But its nice how there is so much time spent with the family 🙂
Thanks Reema
Wow, you are simply superb!
I am totally floored Amrita! You are a super-woman! Salut! Respect! Awe! Super efficient and super talented. You are amazing. Stay blessed.
That’s so sweet of you Kala.Thank you.It’s all Gods will.
Busy people are happy people. I feel sorry for those who have nothing to do and no one to share their lives with. May you always be so happy and blessed
Thank you for your kind words.
We are truly God blessed when we are able to multi task so efficiently. And yes, all this is possible because of so many helps available.
True Geethica
Amrita, hats off to you dear!!! You wear so many hats, so very effortlessly! God bless you…
-Anagha From Team Mocktailmommies
Thanks Anagha
wow… I mean seriously wow… I will have a meltdown if I have to take care of so many things. You are doing incredible 🙂 The mob mentality of people is really worrying. Stay safe.
Thanks Rajlakshmi
They really need to register working doctors/moms as super humans!! Seriously, when you jot it all down, it sounds so crazy! 🙂
That makes sense.Thanks, Dr.Roshan.
phew!!! Hello Superwoman! What a great schedule you have! Hats off to you for keeping up the pace day in and day out! indeed, an understanding child, supportive partner and all the help around is a blessing indeed!
Yes they are all blessings in my life
I have often wondered how do Doctors, who look so busy at the hospitals, manage their schedules at home? 24 hour on-call duty can be tough. Living 10 minutes away from the work place, hospital in your case, is a boon and so is having a life partner who is equally involved in everything in the house. Not many are blessed this way. I have been in awe of you for how do you manage to blog daily and that too researched articles, despite your work and everything else in life. If I were have been similarly busy, I could never have blogged in the first place.
Blogging is therapy for my soul and it helps me de-stress.So it helps me do better,thats why it’s easy and not a chore I suppose.
You sure are lucky that you stay in a smaller town. But you are a doctor and have so many responsibilities yet you find time to write also. I have to learn that from you. All the best to you!
True Aesha.But it’s still a tough choice.