With ICMR approved Home testing kit Coviself , testing for COVID 19 will become easier. That’s our hope. This kit isdesigned and produced by Mylab a Pune based company. The kit will help you test yourself and your loved ones without needing to visit a hospital or testing center.
With the vaccine, medicines, and testing we can fight this COVID 19 and win.
What exactly is the test.
Test for COVID19 protein antigen in nasal swab samples of symptomatic and asymptotic people.
Who can do the test?
Any adult who is able to follow instructions provided.
Do you need a doctor?
No. You can self-test if you are an adult. For kids greater than two years, parents can perform the test
Do you need a prescription to buy the self-testing kit?
This is not yet clear.But the guidelines have warned against misuse.
How to know whether the test is positive?
Two lines like in a preg color test
One C and one T. If both present a positive. No need for RTPCR. It’s highly specific for COVID19
If C present only-test negative. You will need to repeat after a day or get an RT PCR done. For symptomatic patients, please contact your physician.
If nothing present or only t present and no c then invalid, then test needs to be repeated.
Important tips when you do the test
Wait for 10 to 20 minutes for the test to show actual results. A strong positive is obvious within fifteen minutes.
Check the manufacturing and expiry date of the kit. Please don’t use it after the expiry date.
Don’t refrigerate the kit.
Dispose of the kit after use in the bag provided wash hands and sanitize the surface.
Perform the test in a room with the AC and fan off windows open, and well ventilated.
Download the Mylab Coviself App for Google play or Apple store.
What to do if positive?
Wear a mask
Contact your healthcare provider/physician online
Get your family tested
Maintain all precautions.
Any risks with this test?

No possible risks are known or anticipated.
Mild discomfort while taking the Nadal swab or inadequate sample could be an issue.
Proper disposal of test kits after use is crucial.
Mylab had designed the nasal swab stick to avoid discomfort.
In case of pain or any other issue, avoid the test and consult a physician
What does the Coviself Kit contain
- One sterile nasal swab
- One pre-filled extraction tube
- One instruction manual
- One test card
- One biohazard bag

Exact 16 steps to perform the Coviself test
- Download the Mylab Coviself app from Google Play or App Store.
- Register by scanning with your QR code on the Test kit.
- Register yourself on the app.(ICMR guidelines)
- Wash your hands with soap and water and pat dry. Take out the kit components and have them arranged for easy access.
- Take out nasal swab stick. Insert inside one nasal cavity gently 2 to 4 cm. Stop in case of pain.
- Twirl inside five times.
- Take out and insert in another nostril. Repeat step 6.
- This is the sample. Carefully insert this nasal swab stick inside the pre-filled extraction tube. Pinching the bottom of it, swirl the nasal swab inside ten times.
- Break off the top of the swab stick from the breakpoint. Discard inside biohazard bag.
- Cover the top of the extraction tube with the screw-on nozzle cap provided. Tighten it.
- Turn it over so that you can
- Pour 2 drops in the test palate wells provided.
- Wait 10- 20 minutes.
- Please take a picture and upload it to the app. Confirm test result.
- Discard all test kit content inside biohazard bag and dispose of it according to local government guidelines for biohazard guidelines. Do not throw it here and there.
- Get the English PDF here
In Hindi content manual
How expensive will it be?
250 INR approximately.
Precautions need to be taken while doing the test. It’s better to self-test.For performing on kids and the elderly, please wear masks and gloves. Not to be used for less than two years old.
How far should you insert the nasal swab stick?
2 to 4 cm.
The population of India is a strength and also the most significant hurdle behind large-scale health campaigns.We speak different languages, our access to Healthcare is limited by where we stay in this country. A home testing kit will be a big boost in our fight against COVID.
How Coviself can help India fight COVID19
Suppose this and similar reliable kits are available in the market. In that case, older adults and kids can easily be tested at home. Quick large-scale screening is possible for offices and shops before reopening.You can quickly screen travelers.
Last words
Do it gently.
Dispose of all properly in biohazard bags.
You need to get the app on your phone.
Register and upload the pictures
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This sounds great for people to be able to test themselves if they can follow the instructions. It doesn’t sound complicated at all.
This is amazing! I have not yet heard about this in the US but because COVID in whatever form will always be around, this should be everywhere.
Thank you for this useful information. This test will help so many people!
This is an interesting development. As for me, I do my best to maintain a strong immune system through natural remedies and keeping the health laws of adequate nutrition, daily exercise, proper hydration, lots of sunlight, being temperate in all things, pure air and deep breathing, adequate rest and relaxation, and absolute trust in God. I believe that is the best defense against any disease.
This is a great idea and a great tool in India.. What does registration on the app include? Does the patient list symptoms? DOes the info go to a health care provider? I know India’s medical system is different that the US but I was just curious. Thanks!