Over the counter drugs are overused. In a time when Telehealth consultation and online healthcare, it’s important you are empowered to make choices carefully.
I write a lot about healthcare topics and how to stay safe. Today I am sharing safe ways of using online Health platforms and using Over the counter drugs.
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India is a country with a 1.38 billion-strong population. That’s a lot of people to serve. Luckily India’s telecom penetration is good. Phones at various price points mean that even in rural villages, people have access to the internet.
This is wonderful for both education and healthcare to reach everyone. But new innovations need care.
With times like these, telemedicine is important.
What to check before you go for a Tele health consultation
Look for doctors whom you know or have consulted previously.
Look for sites like Lybrate which verify Professional qualifications.Check out my profile on Lybrate.
Lybrate Profile Link Dr.Amrita Basu
Check the qualification of the medical practitioner you are consulting
Most platforms have a system of generating prescriptions in predetermined formats. Use medicines prescribed with care.
Read :How to svoid complications from pain medicines?
17 Things you must know about over the counter drugs
Whatever you do avoid self-medication unless you have no other option. Nowadays with Telehealth consultation, you can always consult a medical professional online from anywhere if you have a phone connection.
All drugs when used without precautions can have complications.
While buying OTC drugs online, be careful to use the brands you have experience using and not fall for unknown brands,
Only use medicines exactly how it is prescribed, not tinker with dosing or duration.
All drugs may have side effects and individual scope for a drug reaction
If you have a drug allergy let your doctor know when consulting online.
Never mix up multiple medications.
Don’t mix your medicines with recreational drugs or alcohol.
Keep your prescription meds and OTC medicines separately.
Always check combination drugs for the composition to avoid inadvertent over medication.
Never take antibiotics without a prescription. These drugs must be taken in the right dose and for the adequate duration for the best results. Taking them randomly makes bugs resistant to them.
Antibiotics can have drug interaction with some allergy medications.
In case of drug allergy, any difficulty breathing. visit your nearest ER urgently.
Avoid starting new medication without prescription.
Note down your drug reactions and let a close family member know.
If you have liver, or kidney problem or any other chronic conditions be careful about self-medicating.
Topical drops and ointments; Avoid self-medication of ear, nose, or eye drops. It can cause irreparable damage. Ointments having steroids antifungal medication should only be used under supervision. Plain saline nasal drop and artificial tear drops are safe in most cases. Nasal drops containing oxymetazoline or xylometazoline are often overused causing severe rebound nasal blockage and other complications.
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Great tips about OTC medications. I don’t like taking medicines unless it’s absolutely necessary. Passing your blog on to a few people who it would benefit!
This is definitely some great advice. As someone in healthcare myself, I see a lot of scary practices from people. Anything you put into your body has positive and negative reactions. So important to remember that OTC mess are not without their side effects.
I’m glad I read this post! I definitely learned some things I didn’t know about the potential dangers of OTC medications. I guess that’s why it good to have doctors who you see regularly, who know what you’re taking. Mine even want to know about supplements, like the nettles I take for allergies.