In my weekly health query post I will be discussing some very common ear problems.
Read on. Information is power. Never know whom you will be helping.
#1 Health Query
Does my 2-month-old baby have a pin pint hole in front of her Right ear? Do I need to worry?
How common is this?
Isolated pre -auricular sinus infrequently associated with:
- Hearing loss
- Renal abnormalities
- Craniofacial deformities
Renal USG can be performed if the pre-auricular sinus is associated with:
- Other facial dysmorphic features
- Family history of hearing loss
- Maternal diabetes during pregnancy
# Healthy query 2
I have yellowish fluid coming out of my ear.What can it be?
Ear discharge occurs when infections in various parts of the ear cause secretions .
*Otitis externa : Infection involving external ear.
Otomycosis :fungal infection
*Acute otitis media
Pus gets trapped behind ear drum and the pressure may cause the drum to rupture and pus mixed with blood gets released .
This generally occurs after untreated cold for a period of 5 to 7 days.
Accompanied by fever and earache.
Rupture of ear drum occurs with decrease of pain and pus with bloody discharge.
Chronic otitis media
When ear infection causes persistent discharge for more than 12 weeks.Ear may be discharging for years .
This often presents with ear drum perforation and reduced hearing. .
*Otitis media with effusion
Generally associated with allergic rhinitis ,adenoiditis ,Tonsillitis. In this case a sticky discharge occurs.In aeroplane ear too there may be effusion in the ear causing serious earache due to barotrauma.
*CSF Otorrhoea
Following head injury if the junction between your ear and brain is breached the brain fluid may leak.
Potentially serious condition with a risk of meningitis .
Types of ear discharge:
*Watery:CSF Fluid covering the brain
*Mucoid:Middle ear goblet cells are the source .Indicates ear drum perforation.This is sticky like the goo which comes out of your nose ,when you have a cold.
*Pus:Otitisexterna/furuncle/infected fungal infection ,squamous type of Chronic otitis media.
*Pus+mucus:Infected mucus,indicates ear drum perforation .Chronic otitis media mucosal type when there occurs ear drum perforation.
*Pus+blood:squamous type of Chronic otitis media potentially serious and needs urgent management.
*Pus+mucus+blood.:Chronic otitis media mucosal type with granulation.
Potentially serious and needs urgent management.
What are the important investigations you should do?
*Otoendoscopy :A chance for you to Visualize the inside of your own ear and see the problem.Done by a trained ENT surgeon.
*Pure tone audiometry: PTA helps to assess diminished hearing which can occur due to ear discharge.Prolonged discharge gradually erodes the small bones ,responsible for sound transmission .
*Tympanometry: Ear drum problems like thinned drum,perforated drum is diagnosed . You can also detect fluid behind an intact drum.
*HRCT temporal bone:This is a computed tomography of your ear bone and helps detect ,how far the disease has progressed .Involvement of brain can also be assessed
What are the options for treatment for discharging ear?
Treatment may be:
*Surgical:Chronic Otitis media squamous type( having cholesteatoma and granulations)
*Medical:Acute otitis media,Otomycosis, furuncle of ear.
*Surgical+Medical:Chronic otitis media
What are the other complaints associated with ear discharge?
*Swelling behind the ear : post aural abscess
*Partial or complete loss of hearing.
Earache: more common in acute otitis media, ear furuncle,fungal ear infection.Less common in chronic otitis media. If earache occurs in Chronic otitis media it’s considered a dangerous sign.
*Ringing sound in ear:Tinnitus
*Acute and chronic mastoiditis
Infection and inflammation of the Mastoid bone.
*Post aural fistula:Opening in the skin behind the ear connecting with the Mastoid bone.(This occurs in Chronic otitis media eroding the bone .)
*Accompanying signs such as fever and headache often indicating potential involvement of the brain.
- Meningitis
- Brain abscess
- Other intracranial complications.
Often ear discharge is a symptom ignored for long.
Avoidance of the problem will put you at risk of serious complications including, permanent hearing loss.
What other queries do you have about ear? Let me know
Disclaimer: Health info is meant for educational purposes only and should not be confused as professional medical advice.