God has interesting plans. I met Preethi during my #ThankfulThursday blog hop.
What interested me is this woman managed blogging and actually had written an Amazon bestseller .
How awesome is that.A blogger ,a published author ,managing home, life and writing with equal elan.
So when I got a chance to peek into the life of this amazing woman,I thanked my stars.
Inaugurating my 2017 blogging journey series with Preethi Venugopala.ย
Read on to know how this lady does it all.
Hi Preethi so glad you agreed to this interview.
Tell me the back-story behind your blog
I began blogging in June 2013. It began as a platform to display my art: my acrylic paintings, sketches and digital painting. Writing was always on the back burner initially. Nowadays, art is on the back burner as writing has become my top priority.
Who is your target audience?
I focus on fiction, writing tips and self-help in my blog posts. So all those interested to read about these topics can find enough matter on my blog.
ย How many blogs do you manage?
I have three blogs to be accurate. But I regularly update only one. I created a blog for my husband who wanted to begin blogging. On the other one, I blog in my mother tongue Malayalam where I have attempted to translate a few chapters from my debut novel.
Best blog design tips from your experience
I like to keep my blog user-friendly and simple. Simple dark fonts on light backgrounds works best for me. Too many widgets also just donโt seem professional.
ย How do you manage family, work, and personal care? Give us your best time management tips.
Organizing and prioritizing helps. Not everything on your to-do list needs to be ticked off in the evening. I follow my intuition mostly. I do the thing that gives me a feeling of accomplishment rather than being just an easy item on my list.
What are the five Best blogging practices?
I think I am not the right person to answer that question, as I am not a very good blogger these days. But I think posting regularly, being honest in your posts, replying to comments and blog hopping are the most important practices that any blogger should follow.
Which email service do you use? Why do you like them?
Gmail. They are very user-friendly and as it is from Google the ID comes handy for many things.
Give us your top five ways of making money from your blog.
Which one is your favorite and why?
Bloggers can make money from their blogs through many ways. Some of them are writing paid reviews, posting sponsored listicles, interviews, sponsored posts, and advertisements. My favorite one is through sponsored posts. If the brand appeals to you, you can easily write a good post and earn from it as well.
Do you have any products? Whatโs special about them?
My books are my products. They will leave you with a feel good feeling when you turn the last page. It is all about positivity and love.
ย Your inspiration and favourite quote.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tell me the story of your book getting published.
Writing happened by accident. The story came to me in a dream and in the morning, I noted down the names of the characters and the key incidents in my diary. Then I wrote it all down in a notebook. After the handwritten first draft, I typed it all out in a word document fleshing out the story further. After that, I found a few beta readers, editors and finally a publisher who gave my book the form it has today.
What resources would you recommend for getting own book published for budding authors?
Developing a disciplined writing practice is the most important thing to do for any budding author. There are many websites that can guide you towards accomplishing your writing goals.
www.Nownovel.com etc give many free resources and writing guidelines.
ย Give me your best tips &message for struggling Bloggers
Just persevere. Donโt give up at any stage. I treat my blog as my writing workbook.ย You might find errors when I first post a blog post, as most are results of free-writing exercises. But I do go back and edit whenever I get time. It is not about perfection. It is about just showing up consistently and blogging. Some posts might get read more than others. It doesnโt matter. You grow as a writer with each word you write. Also join blogging platforms like Indiblogger and Blogadda.
Services+freebies for my audience
You can read my debut novel โWithout Youโ, my short story collection โLove minuetsโ and my kids book The Teddy who Ran away on Kindle Unlimited for free.
Whatโs your vision with this venture
I want to be a much-loved writer known for my light yet uplifting stories.
Are you involved in any charitable causes?
I do what I can through my writing. I was associated with the Do right campaign by Tata on Indiblogger and was able to donate my winning money of 20K to the Tirupur school of the deaf in Tamilnadu. I have also written for the AkshayaPatra campaign as part of Blogadda. Every post I wrote, fed a child for a year. I made sure I wrote the maximum number of posts allowed.
Tell us a little bit about your family. Who is your biggest support?
I am blessed to be born in a family, which venerates creativity. My husband supports me most in all my creative ventures. My brother and sister are the other two pillars of support. My mother is my inspiration and my late father is my inner voice. My son is my happiness.
About the author:
Preethi Venugopala is a civil engineer turned author. She is also a blogger, artist, and freelancer.
Contact her
Fb page link :
Tweet to herย @preethivenu
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Don’t forget to say hi to Preethi.ย
I love to feature female power.Want to be featured? Shoot me an email at dramrita@healthwealthbridge.comย