There’s a reason we say Doctors practice medicine. Since we are always trying to learn more,do it better ,the learning continues.And that’s the reason behind today’s post title .I never got out of student mode!
But even if that sounds a little scary ,that doctors are always learning,isn’t it better than know-it-alls who never want to learn more or move with the times?But that debate is for another time.
On the 25th of January this year our Y2K Calcutta Medical College Batch(,decided to celebrate a big bang silver jubilee reunion.It was special because, since 2006 when we finished our internship,we had managed a grand total ofย one reunion.
After the wonderful weekend meetup with family, we were recharged like it was 2000 again!
Leaving you with my meandering, after meeting my friends ,when we decided to turn back time!
25 Lessons from 25 Years as a Medical Student
You never stop learning.
Those were the life changing years of my life.
Yours teachers,patients,friends and classmates all will teach you:some times about what to do and often about what must be avoided at all costs.
“Do no harm” must be a part of all professional courses.
It’s never going to get easier;you will just get better at doing the difficult things.
Ditch the God complex ,better yet don’t let it ever enter your soul.Its the worst possible handicap for a professional.
Don’t forget your peer group-you can’t be best buddies with all,but those that are your friends remember to stay in touch.Its good for you and good for them.(They may not agree to say so upfront ,but your purpose in life is simple-nag them and remind them of their college life for which they must stay suitably grateful).
Don’t expect to become a zillionaire.But you will make a respectable earning. (Depending on skill,hardwork and Goddess Laxmi’s blesssings) hopefully.
Have a plan about your life and stick to it.For girls:The biological clock is real and if you plan to procreate;don’t delay too much.Its a horror running after kids with greying hair .I am not being gender discriminatory-just sensible.
Continue to enjoy life,sleep,eat healthy and exercise daily.You are your best advertisement.
Listen to your patients:it’s best to get to know people in order to help them .Listening is a super skill.
Don’t skip the history taking and your forensic medicine classes.
Ignore those who tell you to bunk classes.
Don’t miss anatomy dissection,practical classes, ward rounds and tutorials. They are the places were the nuggets of wisdom are shared.
Don’t stop being in touch with your friends.
Good friends are like STARS.
You don’t always see them but you know they’re ALWAYS there !
Don’t stop doing the right thing,there may be no prizes for this,but you will sleep better .
Plan your career as carefully as you studied for those vivas.It may not be a ten on ten in the end,but you should be the one making the choice.
Go green.Spend time in nature,garden, to get rid of the chronic stress associated with medical practice.
Save .
Start saving early.
Diversify your income.
Diversify your savings.
Take the medicolegal course and entrepreneurship course as soon as possible.
If you plan to marry :marry on time and have kids at the right time. As a woman professional, the biological clock and the professional growth cycle coincide and you need to plan smart to avoid the pitfalls.
If you plan to marry:supportive partner is crucial .For Women doctors it’s the make or break for careers!
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That is a lot of learning, I can see why it takes 25 years. ๐
I hope the last two have worked out for you.
I am reminded of the wisdom a pilot shares with his students:
“you have to learn from other peoples mistakes because you will never live long enough to make them all yourself”
That’s my reason to read so much !
Those are powerful lessons! I love what you say about practicing medicine. It is wonderful to be open to continuing to learn. I applaud you for that!
Thanks Jeanine.
That’s really nice. It’s good to keep learning and growing in your chosen career. I find, as a journalist, I always have something new to learn. I hope that my skills as a writer and as a photographer have grown as I have become more experienced. I do feel that learning is a lifelong process.
Absolutely true.Learning is a lifelong process.
I would love to have you has my doctor. Just from your blogs I can tell you are caring but enthusiastic, wanting to learn and keep learning to be up to date on everything, and garden to keep the stress at bay. Your lessons can be for anyone with any job especially stay in touch with your friends.
Martha you are the kindest soul.Thank you so much .I hope you never need doctors .Stay well.