Most moms blogging journey starts with “when I had a baby”. I started similarly, but by then, my baby was almost two years old. I actually find more relation with my gardening activities and writing life ,than with anything else.
Staring at green plants is my second favorite habit.It’s also good for my eyes . The health effect of gardening is a favorite research topic.This found it’s way into my book on Gardening ,Writing,Walking -the three musketeers who help me.
Traveling to any of my aunts or uncles homes as a child meant, I could watch trees and people. All of which made me ask my mother innumerable questions and my nonstop chatters. When my mother refused to give a satisfactory answer(instead, she grew tired), I started making up stories about those trees and people.
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Plants and nature have a way of bringing out the writer in us. Or maybe it was the solitude of bringing up a tiny human in a new town. Having few people to talk to daily socially (not professionally) meant I had more brain space for making up my own stories. Work was overpowering physically, but mentally I needed a hobby, which gave me a challenge. I am a big fan of brain challenges, where I have to go out of my comfort zone to learn something, make something preferably ending in profitable results.
But gardening I do just for fun. So today I will share a few small Balcony ideas to get you started.
1)Microgren or sprout garden:start in a cup.
2)Only ornamental plants like purple hearts,aloevera,Areca palm ,Chinese banyan.All are easy to grow.

3 .Easy flower balcony garden:Bougainvillea, roses,all year.Chrysanthemums ,petunia,pansy in winters.

4.Small vegetable garden ,spinach ,red amaranth,lettuce,pumpkin greens,mustard greens

5.Get any plant which is suitable for your locality.Take care of that plant.Then buy another.Start slow.

That last part makes the explanations easier and so much more worth it. Time, after all, is limited and can not be stretched. We already tried that.
But I digress.
Through the environment talks of Cause a chatter, I will talk about gardening as a reason for joy, mental health, and productivity. But environment and nature as a whole are crucial for human survival.
Remember, we are a part of nature. Anything which you do to harm nature affects you to. Directly or indirectly.
I will tell you about my journey with gardening on my balcony, windowsill and experiment with growing greens, microgreens, fruits, vegetables, and flowers. How I almost bought a mango garden and then wrote my second Krishna Mishra mystery about it. I will tell you about the India-made version of a portable system of growing food at home anywhere in India. This one will take some time though, the product is still in beta????
I will share my balcony seasons of how we plan to transform my husband’s childhood home and garden why I am a fan of growing a forest.
Human beings and all things nature are part of each other.
We cannot talk about preservation without talking about pollution and population.
Why it’s important we talk about our home environment and Mother Earth as a whole:
We cannot create if we can’t save. We cannot complain if we don’t do our part to make things better. It starts with you and me. We can make a difference.
I am a forest nymph who became a Doctor-writer. So when I tell you nature heals, you know I have felt it. There’s nothing more potent than your dose of daily green, both outside and inside. If I talk about nature and the environment, you know, you will get all the right details.
You can start now, with what you have wherever you are.
While I write my next post on the topic, I thought of sharing my reason for starting this journey.I am also sharing a few of my previous posts from my Home, garden, and environment.
Man-made a mistake, forgetting he was part of nature.
Cutting down an arm to make space for a leg makes little sense. There have to be better ways, that are what I plan to find out.
A writer and gardener for seven years now and a practicing doctor for thirteen. I know I am happier because of my environment.
Health, after all, is multidimensional. I remember that in all my decisions.
My posts about balcony gardening
Growing vegetables in your Balcony garden
About environmental pollution
My Balcony Garden Video playlist
This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’ and link it back to our website (https://www.
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wow, so many great ideas for balcony gardening and I have indeed a small balcony, but now I can also have a garden in that, thanks!
Great ideas our winter garden is our favourite room in our apartment